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Boiler room GSV


This project has completed internal gas equipment for two REX 200 boilers with a capacity of 2000 kW each.

Project's Content

icon ГСВ-4000_(23.05.12).dwg
icon 4000_ГСВ_ОД.doc

Additional information

General Instructions

1. This set of detailed documentation is developed on the basis of:

- terms of reference from......... 2011 approved by the customer.

- certificates of conformity and permits for use of gas equipment GGNT (see annexes to TM).

2. The documentation is developed in accordance with the requirements of the following regulatory documents:

- SP 62.13330.2011 "Gas distribution systems";

- SNiP II3576 "Boiler Plants" with amendments No. 1 dated 11.09.97;

- SP 421012003 "General provisions for the design and construction of gas distribution systems made of metal and polyethylene pipes";

- SP 411042000 "Design of independent heat supply sources";

- "Rules for safety of gas distribution and gas consumption systems," 2003.

3. This section has completed:

- internal gas equipment for two REX 200 boilers with a capacity of 2000 kW each;

- installation of the safety thermo-lock valve and solenoid valve at the inlet to the boiler room;

- application of gas control plant.

Total boiler gas flow under normal conditions:

Maximum - 492 nm3/h;

Minimum - 77 nm3/h.

Gas flow rate for each boiler:

Maximum - 246 nm3/h.

Minimum - 77 nm3/h.

The fuel for boilers is natural gas according to GOST 554287 for industrial and municipal purposes. Calorific value 7600 kcal/m3. Density 0.76 kg/m3.

The efficiency of hot water boilers is 92.29%

By purpose, the gas boiler house is heating.

According to the reliability of heat supply, the boiler house belongs to category II.

By placement - stand-alone.

The boiler room for explosion and fire hazard belongs to category G.

The installed capacity of the boiler house is 4000 kW.

The operating mode of the boiler room is year-round.

The boiler room operates without maintenance personnel.

In the boiler house the pritochnovytyazhny ventilation with mechanical motivation from a condition of compensation of the air which is taken away on burning by coppers from the room of the boiler house and in addition 3-fold air exchange in an hour is provided (see the section **/**/**** OV).

Natural and artificial lighting is provided in the boiler room.

The boiler room shall be equipped with primary fire extinguishing equipment and equipment in accordance with the norms of the fire service of the Civil Defense and Emergency Situations of Russia, posters with warning inscriptions on the prohibition of open fire and smoking should be posted at the entrance to the boiler room.

4. The 2000 kW REX 200 boilers are equipped with Ecoflam S.P.A. automated dual-fuel burners. MULTICALOR 300.1.

Burner power 630 - 3000kW.

The burner is equipped with VCS 350 R/LW 2 "gas ramp:

Gas pressure 160 - 500mbar.

Safety automation ensures gas supply termination at:

- absence of thrust in the chimney;

- flame extinguishing;

- increase of water temperature in the boiler above the preset one;

- increase of water pressure in the boiler above the preset one.

5. The following installation is provided at the gas pipeline entry into the boiler room:

- thermal intake valve of KTZ 0015002 type, which operates when the ambient temperature exceeds 100 ° С.

- solenoid valve of M16/RM type, which cuts off gas supply at:

a. activation of the gas content detector for presence of methane in the boiler room (if the gas content exceeds 10% of the FGM) and carbon monoxide (when the maximum permissible CO concentration in the working area is reached, equal to 20 +/5 mg/m3 (MPC p.z.) "Threshold 1" and when the CO concentration is reached, equal to 95 - 100 mg/m3 (5 MPC p.z. ") threshold)"

b. in fire;

b. power outage.

6. Gas supply of the boiler house is provided from the external on-site high-pressure gas pipeline of category II with a diameter of ∅108kh4,0.

Gas overpressure at boiler house inlet:

Maximum - P = 0.6 MPa;

Minimum - P = 0.3 MPa.

Gas pressure reduction from high to medium is performed in GRU gas control unit with commercial metering unit, RG/2MB regulator with built-in safety shut-off valve and safety relief valve. Maximum pressure at inlet Pinl = 0.6MPa, pressure at outlet Pinl = 300500mbar. Set the Moat to 360mbar.

The maximum gas flow capacity of the regulator is 1500m3/h. The gas flow rate of the boiler room Gmax = 492nm3/h is 32.8% of the regulator capacity;

Gmin = 77nm3/h is 5.3% of regulator capacity.

BPC Settings:

- top limit of Rv =450mbar;

UCS settings:

- top limit of Rv =410mbar.

The GRU is equipped with the natural gas metering unit KISTG based on the LNG gas flow corrector, which includes the gas meter RSG65 with measurement limits of 5 - 100 m3/h.

The GRU type is adopted based on the boiler load and the required pressure upstream of the boiler gas line, taking into account gas pressure losses.

The following equipment is also provided in the GRU:

- isolation valves;

- gas filter FGM Pmax = 0.6MPa;

Filtration rate 50 micron.

Loss of filter pressure at maximum flow rate 50mbar.

- instrumentation necessary for uninterrupted and trouble-free operation.

7. Gas pipelines are laid openly and attached to walls, existing metal structures, on brackets (series 5.9058). When passing through the walls, gas pipelines are enclosed in cases (series 5.90515).

8. The internal gas pipeline has a system of blowdown pipelines. Blowdown plugs are equipped with D20 shutoff valves and sampling connector with D15 valve with blanking after disconnecting device. The purge time is set by the calculation performed by the specialized commissioning organization. Purge gas pipelines are 1 m above the roof cornice and are grounded.

9. The burners shall be lined in accordance with the manufacturer's certificate.

10. Combustion products are removed from boilers through individual chimneys with a diameter of ∅500 mm, a height of 15 m, with thermal insulation of s = 50 mm, with a coating layer of galvanized steel.

11. Hydraulic calculation of medium pressure gas pipelines is made in accordance with the requirements of SP 421012003 "General provisions for the design and construction of gas distribution systems made of metal and polyethylene pipes."

12. After testing, paint the gas pipelines in nominal color as per GOST 14202-69:

- two layers of primer GF021 as per GOST 2512982 *,

- two layers of yellow enamel PF115 as per GOST 646576 *.

13. Installation, testing, acceptance of gas pipelines for operation shall be carried out in accordance with the requirements of SP 62.13330.2011 "Gas Distribution Systems," PB 1252903 "Safety Rules for Gas Distribution and Gas Consumption Systems."

14. In the process of construction, expansion, reconstruction, technical re-equipment, preservation and liquidation of a hazardous production facility, the organization that has developed the design documentation must carry out author supervision in the established manner.

15. Civil Engineering and Emergency

To prevent the possibility of terrorist acts and emergencies, the draft provides for a number of measures:

Boiler safety automation, which acts to cut off gas supply during pressure increase and decrease, grounding of gas pipelines and gas equipment. Installation of explosive gas concentration indicator. On the front door from the outside there should be an inscription prohibiting unauthorized persons from entering the boiler room.

16. Ground the solenoid valve, gas meter, purge and discharge gas lines to the boiler room grounding circuit. After installation, check the resistance of the grounding device, which must be no more than 10 ohms.

17. After welding works, physical inspection methods (radiographic) shall be checked for welding joints on the internal medium and high pressure gas pipeline in the amount of 5% of welded joints, but not less than one.

Drawings content

icon ГСВ-4000_(23.05.12).dwg

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