AVT-10 unit. Dismantling of decommissioned equipment and foundations
- Added: 01.07.2014
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Project's Content
лист 12.dwg
Additional information
PPRC Overview Sheet
General requirements
Selection of lifting cranes
Conditions of dismantling works
Occupational safety
Fire safety
Environmental protection
List of used literature
1. Introduction
This project of cranes operation is designed for removal of decommissioned equipment of AVT10 unit. hereinafter referred to as PPRK, developed in accordance with the requirements of the following regulatory documents:
- PB 1038200 Rules for arrangement and safe operation of lifting cranes.
- RD11062007 Methodological Recommendations on the Procedure for Development of Work Execution Projects for Lifting Machines and Process Instructions for Loading and Unloading Operations.
- SNiP 12012004 "Construction Organization."
PPRK is made on the basis of:
- order No. 018113 dated 06.02.2013 Gazprom ONPZ OJSC. Production No. 1. Installation of AVT10 for removal works of decommissioned equipment and foundations.
4.6. Safety measures taking into account specific conditions in the area where the crane is installed.
The following measures are provided for the organization of safe work: - fencing of the construction site; - installation of a safety rope; - installation of warning signs. - display slinging diagrams on a special board installed according to the situation plan; - perform the measures stipulated by the work permit for safe performance of works.
4.7. Radio communication conditions between the crane operator and the trigger
Radio communication is established between the crane operator and the sling operator, which is not visible to the crane operator. Radio communication is provided using mobile radio stations of the type "Motorola GP388" with a range of up to 300 m, or a similar device.
4.8. Installation site organization.
Protect the area of work with signal fencing as per GOST 12.4.05989, set warning signs.
Plan the site for KS 5576B autocrane. Site slope shall not exceed 3%.
Clean the work area from foreign objects.
4.9. Loading and unloading works
Prior to commencement of works, the slingshot shall be provided with:
Instruction defining its rights, obligations and procedure for safe performance of works.
List of goods moved by crane with indication of their weight.
Diagrams of graphic image of slings and cargoes (to be posted in work areas).
Designed, tested and marked with load-grabbing devices and suitable load-carrying capacity.
Space for loading is allocated and equipped with the necessary devices, liners and gaskets.
Before starting work, the slingshot shall:
Get a briefing from the person responsible for safe handling of cargo by cranes, on the place, procedure and dimensions of cargo movement and storage, indicating the methods of interaction and alarm with the driver.
During operation, the slinger shall:
Prevent other persons from hanging the load on the hook of the lifting machine.
Perform inspection of removable load-gripping devices and containers before their usage.
Rejected removable load-gripping devices and packagings, as well as those that do not have tags (marks), must not be located in the places of work.
Pick up the load gripping devices (packagings) corresponding to the weight and nature of the lifted load according to the sling diagrams.
Remove the removed elements in the places specified in the working drawings (sling diagrams) and provide their lifting and supply to the installation site in the position close to the design one.
Before lowering each dismantled element, check:
- condition of embedded articles;
- presence of markings;
- absence of dirt, snow, ice, damage of faces and ribs surfaces;
- equipping with scavenging facilities, stairs, fences;
- correctness and reliability of load gripping devices attachment.
Before sending a signal about cargo movement, the slingshot must:
- allow the crane driver to lift the load by 2030 cm and check the correctness of the slinging (if necessary, the load must be lowered);
- make sure that there are no loose items on the load and that the load cannot catch on something;
- make sure that there are no people near the cargo and on its way (in the danger zone);
- move away from the load to a safe distance to the side opposite to the cargo supply by the crane;
When moving the load, the rafter shall:
- To ensure that the cargo does not move over people;
- ensure that the cargo moves over previously dismantled structures or their projecting parts at a distance of at least 1.0 m horizontally and 0.5 m vertically;
- in case of danger immediately send a signal to the crane driver to stop cargo movement.
Do not drop the load on the vehicle or lift the load in it when people are in the body or cab.
When lifting, lowering and moving the load with a crane, the rafter must move a safe distance to the side opposite to the movement of the load.
When leveling the load before laying it, the sling can be located near it, if the load is at a height of not more than 1 m from the level of the platform.
The lifting and movement of small-piece cargoes shall be carried out in specially designed packagings (container), and the possibility of individual cargoes falling out shall be excluded.
5 Occupational safety
5.1. General requirements
Prior to work start, instruct on OT of workers and crane operators with log entry. Familiarize with this PPRK for painting.
Protect the work area with signal fencing as per GOST 12.405989. Display warning signs.
Before starting each shift, the master must carefully inspect the place of work, evaluate the situation. Then familiarize the workers with the nature of the upcoming work, with the state of the workplace, passages to it. Indicate safe working methods, safety devices use methods, places of safety belt carbine attachment, as well as ways of personnel evacuation in case of danger.
Personnel during operation shall be in helmets and with safety belts.
In the area of dismantling works, all current-carrying elements must be disconnected or reliably protected.
When operating at the height of the safety belt carbine of the installer, it must be fixed to the safety rope.
Welding and gas cutting of metal shall be performed in accordance with the requirements of GOST 12.3.00386, SNiP 12032001, GOST 12.1.00476.
Persons not younger than 18 years of age, trained under a special program, certified by the qualification commission with the participation of the inspector of Rostekhnadzor and having a certificate for the right to carry out these works, as well as drivers of lifting cranes who have the corresponding certificate, after undergoing industrial training, certification of the qualification commission with the participation of the inspector of Rostekhnadzor and issuing the certificate of the slingshot, are allowed to work independently as a slingster.
Admission of the slingshot to independent work is carried out by order of the enterprise.
Prior to the rafter's admission to independent work, it is necessary to conduct a briefing in the scope of the labor protection instruction and familiarize under the signature with slinging, storage and process instructions for carrying out work using lifting mechanisms. This should be done when transferring the slingshot from one site to another inside the workshop and periodically, at least in 3 months;
During work, the slingshot must carry a certificate equipped with a photo card and present it at the request of the inspector of Rostekhnadzor, GPM supervision workers, an HSE engineer, persons responsible for the non-dangerous operation of lifting cranes and a crane driver.
In his work, the slinger is subordinate to the person responsible for the safe operation of cranes.
The number of slings serving one crane is determined by the enterprise administration. When two or more rafters work, one of them is appointed senior, who manages their work and gives commands to the crane driver.
Slingshot shall:
Observe the established internal labor regulations and fire safety requirements.
Perform only the work that is instructed and approved by the master.
Work in normal work clothes, protective helmet with armband red or orange.
Do not follow the instructions if they are contrary to the safety requirements and this instruction.
Be able to provide first aid.
Immediately inform the master of the accident.
Hazardous production factors in the performance of works by lifting cranes are:
- lifting cranes. When the distance between the protruding parts of the crane and the laid load is less than 700 mm, people can be clamped.
- rotary platform of boom crane. If the distance between the platform and the wall (column, load) is less than 1 m, people can be clamped.
- lowering (lifting) cargo near the wall, column, equipment or loading (unloading) of vehicles. When a slingshot is located between the load and the wall, column, equipment or side of the vehicle, it may be clamped.
- a load with articles (tools) attached to it or a load consisting of several parts poorly connected to each other. When lowering and moving such loads, injury with falling elements is possible.
- protruding strands of rope sling in places of their braiding. It is possible to injure open parts of the body and visual organs.
- electrical voltage passing through steel structures of boom crane, in case of contact with boom (rope) of wire by active power transmission line. In this case, when contacting parts of the crane (slings, cargo), electric shock can occur.
5.2. Safety requirements before operation
Familiarize yourself with the nature of the works and goods to be delivered.
Before use check serviceability of removable load-gripping devices and presence of tag (stamp) on them with designation of number, lifting capacity, test date and angle between branches for special-purpose slings.
Check serviceability of container and presence of inscriptions on its purpose, number, own weight and weight of cargo, for transportation of which it is intended.
Load-gripping devices and packagings with wear above permissible standards and without tags or inscriptions are not allowed for operation.
Check availability and serviceability of accessories (braces, crimps, hooks, ladders, liners, special slings, etc.)
During installation and operation of the boom crane, the following safety requirements shall be observed:
- it is not allowed to install the crane on fresh ash soil, on the floors of trays and routes, and on sites with a slope exceeding the one specified in the certificate.
- if, when tying the lifting machine, the approximation dimension (the distance between the turning part of the crane, hoist (tower), crane-manipulator at any their positions and structures, stacks of goods and other objects) is less than 1 m, it is necessary to shield the rotation area of the rotating part taking into account the approximation dimension with a signal fence. In this case, the person responsible for the safe operation of the lifting machine checks the installation of the lifting machine in the parking lot and only after that gives permission to carry out the work.
When performing work at height, the employee must be fastened to the safety rope with a safety belt.
6. Fire safety.
Fire safety in a zone of works has to be ensured according to the requirement of "Rules of fire prevention regime in the Russian Federation" Section XVI "Fire-dangerous works" and instructions "On fire safety by production of hot work on objects of JSC GazpromneftONPZ
Prior to the commencement of works, carry out fire-fighting instruction (under signature) with workers and ITR engaged in this work with a mark in the labor safety log with a record of their names, specialties, positions, the date of conduct and the person conducting the instruction.
Prior to the commencement of works, ensure the availability of primary fire extinguishing equipment at the place of work: powder fire extinguisher OP10 in the amount of 2 pcs; asbestos canvas, sand, shovel.
Fire work shall be carried out by employees who have a qualification certificate, a fire safety certificate and have been trained in a fire technical minimum.
Places of fire hazardous works shall be cleaned of combustible substances and materials within the radius of 14 m.
Scaffolding shall be used from materials that do not spread or support combustion.
Timely clean the area where work is carried out from combustible waste, garbage, etc. Organize timely removal of containers with garbage and industrial waste.
Ensure safe evacuation of workers in case of fire.
In places of rest, use heating devices of factory manufacture only, having a thermal protection device, using supports made of non-combustible heat insulation materials that exclude the risk of fire.
Smoking on the territory of Gazprom ONPZ OJSC and on the construction site is prohibited. Smoke in a specially designated place, equipped with a box with sand and a container with water. The smoking area shall be provided with the inscription "Smoking area."
Upon completion of the works, it is necessary to organize monitoring of the work site for at least three hours in order to detect possible fires.
Ensure free passage of fire fighting equipment.
In case of blocking of roads or driveways preventing the passage of fire vehicles to water sources, buildings and structures, immediately inform the fire department dispatcher about this.
Procedure of personnel actions in case of emergency
1. If increased gas content occurs, it is necessary to:
• use PPE (wear gas masks);
• stop the work;
• provide first aid to the victims;
• leave the work site;
• report to fire department, dispatcher, CTG chief and further according to staffing table
2. Occurrence of fire at the construction and installation site,
fire or gas hazardous works:
• stop the work;
• report to the fire department;
• Begin to eliminate the source of fire; using FATS (fire extinguishers, cats, sand) before the arrival of IF representatives, after which leave the facility;
• inform the OPS, dispatcher, further according to the staffing table.
3. Occurrence of fire at the adjacent facility with the place of construction or fire or gas hazardous works:
• stop the work;
• leave the work site;
report to IF, to OPS further as per staffing table
4. Crane operation shall be stopped at wind speed exceeding
permissible for this crane, in case of snowfall, rain or fog, at a temperature lower than specified in the certificate and in other cases when the crane operator does not distinguish the signals of the rafter or the cargo being moved.
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