AUPP and AR of production and storage building premises

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The premises of the production and storage building are subject to protection.
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Additional information
General part
The design of the automatic installation of powder fire extinguishing and fire alarm for the protection of the premises of the production and storage building located at the address --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------sou------in accordance with the Design, as per the Design Design Design Design, as per, as per the Contract for development. The initial data for the design were floor plans presented by the Owner. The following regulatory documents are used in the development of the project:
NPB 11003 "List of buildings, structures, premises and equipment to be protected by automatic fire extinguishing and detection units";
SNiP 110195. The instruction about an order of development, coordination, a statement and structure of the project documentation on construction of the enterprises, buildings and constructions;
NPB 882001 *. Fire fighting and alarm systems. Design Rules and Regulations ;
SNiP 2.08.0289 "Public buildings and structures";
GOST 12.3.04691. Fire extinguishing units are automatic. General technical requirements.
PUE-98. Electrical Installation Rules;
Fire safety rules in the Russian Federation. M.: Infram M., 1994;
RD 0090196 Fire Automation Units. Technical Content Rules;
RD 78.14593 Guidelines. Systems and complexes of security, fire and fire alarm. Rules for production and acceptance of works.
Specifications, certificates of conformity and fire safety for the equipment used.
Characteristics of protected premises
The premises of the production and storage building are subject to protection.
The walls of the building are reinforced concrete, brick partitions, reinforced concrete floors. The area of the premises protected by the automatic installation of powder fire extinguishing and fire alarm is 17833 m2. Height of protected premises - up to 6.7 m.
Heating is central. Operating temperature limits from + 5 ° С to + 30 ° С.
Relative humidity up to 70% at 20 ° C.
Dust, smoke, vibration, aggressive media and significant electromagnetic interference are absent.
In order to increase the level of fire protection of premises and tighten possible combustion centers at the facility, manual fire extinguishing devices are used.
Protected room 140 charging according to NPB 10595 GPS of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation belong to category "A" by fire hazard.
Purpose and principle of automatic installation of powder fire extinguishing and fire alarm
Automatic installation of powder fire extinguishing based on powder fire extinguishing modules of WFP type(p) 12IGEUKhL cat.3.1 TU4854002580107302005 (trademark "Garant12"), type WFP (p) -7-I-GE-UKhL cat.3.1 TU4854002580107302005 (trademark "Garant7"), type WFP (p) -5-I-GE-UHL cat.3.1 TU4854002580107302005 (trademark "Garant5"), type WFP(p) 8VIGEUKhL cat.3.1 TU4854006524593342001 (trademark "Buran8") and WFP type (p) -8-I-GE-UKhL cat.3.1 TU4854006524593342001 (trademark "Buran8") in explosion-proof design, with explosion protection marking - 2ExdsIIBT4X (WFP (r) -8 (Vz)), in the version "Wall" is intended for fire detection, localization and extinguishing, in accordance with GOST 12.3.04691 in protected rooms and issuing a fire alarm to the room with the permanent presence of duty personnel.
Powdered fire extinguishing modules WFP (p) 12IGEUHL cat.3.1, WFP (p) -7-I-GE-UHL cat.3.1 and WFP (p) -5-I-GE-UHL cat.3.1. have fire safety certificate No. SPB.RU.OP014.V.R.00636, certificate No.
PPKPU "URSCP (bp) have fire safety certificate No. SSPB.RU.OP021.B.00286, compliance certificate No. ROSS RU.OS03.H00286.
In accordance with NPB 11003, all rooms are subject to protection by fire alarm installation, except for wet process rooms (bathrooms), water metering unit and other rooms for engineering equipment of the building, staircases, as well as rooms of categories B4 and D for fire hazard (in the absence of combustible material in them).
Based on the characteristics of the premises equipped with automatic fire alarm and automatic powder fire extinguishing system, the type of fire load, the features of the combustion center development, the design provides for protection of the premises using the following types of fire detectors:
Rooms of the warehouse case it is protected by thermal announcers of SP 1033A21M.
The premises of the administrative building are protected by smoke fire detectors ISP 2123SU, the signals from which are transmitted to the instruments receiving and control security and fire protection "Signal 20P SMD."
Smoke fire detectors ISP 2123SU installed behind the false flags have remote light indicators VUOS1 in accordance with NPB 882001 (para 12.23).
Manual fire detectors IPR 5133 are installed on the escape routes and at the exits in accordance with Annex 13 of NPB 882001, the signals from which are also transmitted to the "20P SMD Signal" security and fire control devices.
The method of extinguishing in the warehouse premises is local in area.
The mechanism of extinguishing powder compositions used in WFP (p) Garant consists in inhibiting the active centers of the combustion center and isolating the combustible medium.
In accordance with NPB 882001 (item 12) in the Working design, the area controlled by one fire detector, as well as the maximum distance from the detectors to the walls and between the detectors, does not exceed the values given in Table 1.
In accordance with NPB 882001 * (p.13.1) in the Operating Design, the distance between fire detectors is reduced by half, since the automatic fire alarm system controls fire extinguishing, warning, ventilation, smoke removal and elevator blocking.
At least three fire detectors are installed in each room (p.13.3 NPB 882001).
In order to increase the efficiency of the fire extinguishing unit operation, to prevent spontaneous actuation of all modules, the Working Design uses a posture extinguishing. Protected rooms are divided into 69 extinguishing zones.
At actuation of one fire detector in the alarm loop at the output of URSCP (bp) the signal "Attention" is generated (sound signal is triggered and corresponding indicator is illuminated).
SCCP of URSCP (bp) provides disconnection of automatic fire extinguishing equipment starting mode.
At simultaneous actuation of two fire detectors "Fire" signal is generated in the alarm loop at the output of CCPCS (bp). After delay time 30 ± 5 s. Control pulse U = 12 V is generated for starting of the zone with powder modules of PWP (p) in which the fire occurred.
To extinguish the fire in case of its visual detection, the "Manual start" mode of fire extinguishing equipment is provided in the ULRTsP PPKU (bp).
USRTCP (bp) are installed on the wall at a height of about 1.5 m from the floor.
SCCP of URSCP (bp) are located in the warehouse in groups in order to minimize the length of cable communication lines. The distance between instruments of one group is 50 mm. Compliance with the requirements of item 12.48 of NPB 882001 is provided by the operating mode of the enterprise. Fire or malfunction notices shall be sent to the dispensary room with permanent presence of personnel on duty.
SCCP of URSCP (bp) provides continuous check of alarm loops serviceability and fire extinguishing equipment start-up.
ULRSCP (bp) is a complex electronic device assembled on the basis of integrated circuits of large and medium degree of integration. The microprocessor in the ROM of which the control program is recorded controls the whole operation of the ULRTCP (bp). The device is designed to receive alarm signals from fire detectors installed in protected rooms, monitor the integrity of communication lines between them, start fire extinguishing equipment and issue a status signal to the PSK.
In case of fire, CCCP URSCP (bp) outputs sound and light signals indicating the number of the loop that detected the fire. The project provides for the installation of Svirel sounders. The number of alerts, their arrangement and power provide the necessary audibility in all places of possible stay of people.
The device is powered from 220V, 50 Hz mains. Start of WFP fire extinguishing modules (p) is performed from built-in power supply source with output voltage of 12 V with load current up to 3A through control circuits of CCCP of URSCP (bp).
When protecting one fire extinguishing zone, the extinguishing command is generated when two fire detectors are triggered at the same time, which excludes the launch of automatic fire extinguishing means when false actuation occurs on one of the detectors.
Receiving and control devices (PPK) are designed to receive alarm signals from PPKPU URSCP (bp), fire detectors and to monitor the integrity of communication lines between them. As PPK devices are used - reception and control safety and fire protection devices "Signal 20P SMD."
Alarm loops with fire detectors shall be formed in accordance with the requirements of "SMD 20P Signal" PPKCP and URSCP (bp) PPKCP. Signal reception from fire detectors is performed by means of control of current value in circuits of alarm loops.
At drawdown in the protected room of two firefighters izveshchatnly in one SS or the tame fire announcer "the International Party of Russia 5133" the corresponding device "Signal 20P SMD" via the C2000M control panel turns on the corresponding relay in the Signal 20P SMD device or S2000SP1 blocks, which include warning, smoke removal, open smoke removal valves, close fire protection valves, supply and exhaust ventilation are switched off, signals are sent to lower elevators to the first floor. For control, relays of four devices "Signal 20P SMD" No. 2125 and eleven devices "C2000SP1" is.01 No. 111 are used to switch control circuits with currents up to 10A and voltage up to 280 in.
For extension and galvanic isolation of the RS485 interface line with short circuit protection, two converters of the S2000PI interface No. 1-2 located on 3 and 6 floors are used.
For visual control of a condition of the alarm system and fire extinguishing of all floors and drawdown of the alarm system two blocks of indication "S2000BI" serve (rooms 209) established in dispechersky.
All messages are displayed and registered on the C2000M control panel.
Functional diagram of the powder fire extinguishing and fire alarm system is shown in the drawing of PR. 30/15 PT.PS Sheet 2.
Fire loops of type 1 "Signal 20P SMD" devices allow you to determine the double operation of detectors in one loop. When the detector goes off, the device removes the power from the loop (reset the notification) and supplies it again. If within one minute there is no repeated drawdown of the announcer, the device forms and transfers to "C2000M" the message "Drawdown of the sensor" and remains in the mode on duty. This eliminates false fire alarms. If the detector is actuated again within one minute after the first tripping, the device issues a notice "Warning." When another detector is triggered in this loop, the device issues a "Fire" message. The C2000M device having received the message "Fire" through RS485 interface the relay of Signal 20P SMD and S2000SP1 devices on inclusion of the notification, smoke removal, etc. operates.
Power supply of all devices of the system (with the exception of CCCP of URSCP (bp)) is carried out from four redundant DC power sources (RIP) with a voltage of 24 V "Scat2400 I7."
On the basis of NPB 882001 (Appendix 13), to send a signal about a fire in case of its visual detection, it is provided to place manual fire detectors of the IPR type on the escape routes, at the exits of the room.
Automatic fire detectors of each loop control not more than ten isolated or adjacent rooms leaving in one corridor, which corresponds to item 12.13. NPB 882001.
The automatic powder fire extinguishing unit consists of the following main functional units and devices:
start-up loops with WFP powder fire extinguishing modules (p);
ULRSCP (bp) with built-in uninterruptible power supplies;
alarm loops with fire detectors.
Functional diagram of the unit is given in Fig. 1.
General description of the protection area.
The fire fighting system shall protect the furniture storage area on racks, pallets and other industrial and technical premises in accordance with item 6 of NPB 11003.
Rack area (room 134) - 2180 m.q. Racks are located in double rows. The distance between the two racks lines in one row is 0.4 m. The width of the passage is 3.3 meters. The height of the room is 6.7 m.
Calculation of pulsed powder fire extinguishing unit by area.
The method of extinguishing the rack space is local in area. Calculation is carried out according to the method of calculation of pulsed pulsed fire extinguishing units of local type described in NPB 882001 (Appendix 9).
When using the local method of extinguishing by area, the amount of WFP (p) to protect the room is determined
According to the passport data of WFP (p) "Garant12," - the value of fire extinguishing efficiency is 40 m2 (according to fire class "A").
For WFP modules (p) "Guarant12" located in the protected area, taking into account the placement height, shading by building structures, spray diagrams, we take the value of fire extinguishing efficiency - 20 m2 (by fire class "A").
Sn is 20m2;
Ss is equal to 2360 m2; (Item 2.2. of Annex 9 of NPS 882001)
N calculated by the formula is 118.
For the remaining rooms to be protected, the number of modules is calculated according to formula (1), taking k2 = 1.1;
Based on the tactical and technical characteristics per WFP (p) Buran8, the protected area of one module is 32 m2.
Based on the tactical and technical characteristics per WFP (p) 7, the protected area by one module is 28 m2.
Based on the tactical and technical characteristics per WFP (p) 5, the protected area by one module is 25 m2.
To protect the premises, taking into account the configuration of the premises, 2 Buran8N modules of explosion-proof, 5 Buran8N modules, 464 Garant7KC modules, 55 Garant5KC modules and 118 Garant12KC modules are used.
Compliance of protection areas with control instruments is given in Table 2.
Installation of electrical wiring for automatic unit of powder fire extinguishing and fire alarm
Automatic fire alarm loops are made by wires and cables with copper cores with a section corresponding to the specifications for detectors IP2123SU, IP103-3-A2-1M and IPR. Fire alarm loops in protected rooms and along routes shall be laid separately from all power cables, lighting cables and wires. In case of parallel open laying, the distance between the wires and cables of fire alarm loops and connecting lines with power and lighting wires shall be at least 0.5 m. If it is necessary to lay these wires and cables at a distance of less than 0.5 m from power and lighting wires, they shall be protected from aiming. It is allowed to reduce the distance to 0.25 m from wires and cables of APS loops and connecting lines without protection from aiming to single lighting wires and control cables.
Wire cutting methods are shown in Figure
Automatic fire alarm loops in the room and along the routes are laid by 2x0.5 CVP wire in PVC pipeline, when the wires are lowered to manual fire detectors, it is allowed in the decorative PVC box.
WFP startup loops (p) in the room and along the routes are laid by 2x1.5 and 2x2.5 CVP (from control devices to areas No. 40, 41, 42, 43, 49, 50, 51, 52, 60, 61, 62, 63) in PVC pipeline.
Two-wire RS485 highway and the line of power supply of devices of 24 V in the room and on routes are laid by KSPVV 2h2h0.75 wire in the PVC pipeline.
Automatic fire alarm loops and WFP start-up loops (p) in room 140 are laid in a metal box.
The loop of sound annunciators in the rooms and along the routes is laid by the 2x0.75 VVP wire in the PVC pipeline.
The distance from cables and insulated wires laid open, directly along the building structures of the room to the places of open storage (placement) of combustible materials shall be at least 0.6 m. At the intersection of wires and cables with pipelines, the distance between them in the light shall be at least 50 mm. When laying in parallel, the distance from the wires to the pipelines shall not be less than 10 mm.
The 220B power cable is laid separately from the low-current circuits in the steel water and gas pipe.
Equipment placement
Placement and installation of automatic fire detectors shall be carried out in accordance with the design, requirements of NPB 882001, process charts and instructions.
To PPKP UURSTSP (bp) "Slope 2400", devices reception and control security and firefighters of PPKOP "the Signal 20P SMD" are placed groups at an entrance to the protected rooms, blocks of redundant food, converters of the S2000PI interface are placed in switching cases (rooms No. No. 142, 240, 341), S2000SP1 devices No. No. 35, 8-11 in the machine room of elevators near control panels elevators No. No. 17, S2000SP1 devices No. No. 6-7 in vetkamer near control panels the forced and exhaust ventilation, S2000SP1 devices No. No. 1-2 in room 242 near remote controls smoke removal, fireproof valves, smoke removal valves, the M C2000 control panel and blocks of indication "C2000 BI" in dispechersky (room 209) where constantly there are personnel on duty. Devices are attached to the wall at a height convenient for maintenance, but not less than 0.8 m from the floor level .
Manual fire detectors are installed on the wall and structures of the building at the exits of the room at a height of 1.5 m from the floor.
Placement of instruments shall prevent their accidental fall or movement along the installation surface, in which the connected wires and cables may be damaged.
When placing instruments it is necessary to ensure normal illumination of instrument panels.
Do not install devices closer than 1 m from heating system components. Measures should be taken to protect devices from direct sunlight.
Power supply
According to PUE, powder fire extinguishing and fire alarm installations in terms of ensuring the reliability of power supply are classified as electrical receivers of the 1st category. Therefore, the power supply of the plants should be carried out from two independent AC sources with a voltage of 220 V, a frequency of 50 Hz, at least 0.5 KW each, or from one AC source with automatic switching in emergency mode to backup power from the batteries.
If it is impossible to power the electric receivers from two independent sources according to local conditions, it is allowed, in agreement with the customer, to supply them from one source: from different transformers of two-transformer or from two nearby substations connected to different supply lines, with an ALT device. When the battery is used as a backup power source, the plant shall be operated for at least 24 hours in standby mode and for at least 3 hours in fire mode.
To ensure the safety of people, all electrical equipment of fire alarm units must be reliably grounded in accordance with PUE requirements. Installation of grounding devices shall be carried out in accordance with the requirements of "Instructions for implementation of the grounding network in electrical installations" - MN 10276. The resistance of the grounding device used to ground the electrical equipment shall not exceed 4 ohms.
Water pipelines laid in the ground, metal structures of the building, which are in contact with the ground, lead shells of cables laid in the ground can be used as natural grounding elements. In the circuit of grounding and zero protective conductors there shall be no disconnecting devices and fuses. Grounding conductors are laid directly along the walls. The grounding conductors shall be laid at the points of passage through the wall and shall be covered, as a rule, with their direct sealing. Conductors shall not have connections or branches at these locations.
Connection of grounding and zero protective conductors to parts of electrical equipment shall be made by welding or bolting.
Health and safety measures
Maintenance of the automatic powder fire extinguishing plant and fire alarm is allowed for persons who have passed safety training. Passing the briefing is noted in the journal. Communication mounts serving the automatic installation of powder fire extinguishing and fire alarm shall be provided with protective means that have passed the corresponding laboratory tests.
Plant operation mode: switching to automatic operation mode, setting to manual start mode is determined by the operating manual of the powder fire extinguishing unit and fire alarm at the facility.
Installation and repair works in electrical networks and devices (or near them), as well as wire connection and disconnection works shall be carried out
only when the voltage is removed. All electrical installation works, maintenance of electrical installations, periodicity and methods of testing of protective equipment should be carried out in compliance with the "Rules for the technical operation of electrical installations of consumers" and "Safety rules for the operation of electrical installations of consumers of the USSR State Energy Inspection."
Plant maintenance regulations shall be developed by the customer on-site in accordance with the instructions of the manufacturers and taking into account the requirements of the "Operating and Maintenance Instructions for the Automatic Installation of Powder Fire Extinguishing and Fire Alarm," "Instructions for the Organization and Performance of Works on the Regulated Maintenance of Fire Extinguishing, Fire and Fire Alarm Installations," 1982, the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the USSR and the Ministry of the USSR.
Installation and commissioning works shall be performed in accordance with RD 78.14593 of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia "Rules for the production and acceptance of works. Systems and complexes of security, fire and fire alarm. "
Professional and qualification composition of persons working at the facility for maintenance and operation of the automatic powder fire extinguishing and fire alarm plant
The personnel number standards take into account the performance of maintenance, and scheduled maintenance of the automatic installation of powder fire extinguishing and fire alarm by the enterprise, the organization operating these installations. Maintenance and maintenance works are performed by electromechanics not lower than the fifth discharge.
The number of electromechanics for maintenance and maintenance of the automatic installation of powder fire extinguishing and fire alarm takes into account the necessary time for all components of the installations.
Performance of the specified types of maintenance and repair works of the designed fire extinguishing plant and APS in order to ensure their reliable and trouble-free operation at the facility
Electromechanic of the 5th category - 3 people.
The calculation was made according to RTM 25.48882 of the USSR Ministry of Environment.
Maintenance and maintenance of fire automation units
The main purpose of maintenance is to carry out measures aimed at maintaining the automatic installation of powder fire extinguishing and fire alarm in the state of readiness for use: prevention of malfunctions and premature failure of component devices and elements.
The maintenance and repair structure includes the following activities:
planned maintenance;
planned overhaul;
unscheduled repairs.
Observation of planned work of installation, elimination of the found defects, adjustment, control, approbation and check belongs to maintenance.
The scope of maintenance includes partial disassembly, replacement or repair of wires and cable structures. Measurements and tests of equipment and elimination of detected defects are carried out.
The scope of overhaul, in addition to the work provided for by the current repair, includes the replacement of worn-out plant elements and improvement of equipment operational capabilities.
Unscheduled repairs are carried out in the scope of current or major repairs and are carried out after a fire, accident caused by unsatisfactory operation of the equipment, or to prevent it.
During maintenance works, the requirements of "Operating and Maintenance Instructions for the Automatic Installation of Powder Fire Extinguishing and Fire Alarm," NPB 882001, "Instructions for the Organization and Performance of Works on the Regulated Maintenance of Fire Extinguishing, Fire and Fire Alarm Plants," 1982, the USSR Ministry of Internal Affairs and the USSR Ministry of Industry and R788.14593.
Typical maintenance procedures for the powder fire extinguishing and fire alarm unit are given in Table 3.
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