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ATP Design

  • Added: 26.05.2015
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Initial data of Mark - MAZ-5551; Armament list quantity - 189; The average daily mileage of Lcc is 210 km; Category of operating conditions - IV; The climatic region is temperate; Number of cars passed RC - 6; Zone - D-2; The site is Vulcanization. Content is 1 Calculation of the production program on THAT and to repair..........................5 1.1 Choice of standards of TEA...............................................................5 1.2 Correcting of standards of TEA..................................................6 1.3 Calculation of the average run to KP..........................................7 1.4 Calculation of coefficient of technical readiness....................................7 1.5 Calculation of coefficient of transition from a cycle by a year..................................8 1.6 Calculation of number of influences for the car and the park in a year..................9 1.7 Calculation of the daily production program................................11 1.8 the Choice of a method of the organization and diagnosing on ATP.....................11 2 Calculation of amounts of works and the number of production workers in divisions of production.........................................................12 2.1 Annual amount of works on TO and TP...................................................12 2.2 the Annual volume of auxiliary works............................................12 2.3 Distribution of amount of works on TO and TP on production zones and sites...................................................................................13 2.4 Distribution of labor input of auxiliary works.........................14 2.5 Distribution of works on self-service....................................14 2.6 Distribution of works on diagnosing.....................................14 2.7 Correcting of annual labor inputs of works on TO and TP.................15 2.8 Calculation of number of production workers in divisions of production............................................................................16 2.9 Calculation of necessary number of drivers...........................................17 3 Calculation of number of posts of EO, THAT, D and TP.................................................18 3.1 Choice of a method of the organization...................................................... 18 3.2 Operating mode of TO and TP.................................................................18 3.3 Calculation of posts of TO-1, TO-2............................................................18 3.4 Calculation of posts of TP........................................................................19 3.5 Calculation of posts of diagnosing...................................................20 3.6 Calculation of posts of expectation..............................................................20 3.7 Calculation of EO..........................................................20 4 product lines Justification of selection and calculation of necessary number of processing equipment................................................................................21 4.1 Justification of selection and calculation of necessary number of processing equipment....................................................21 4.2 Calculation of necessary number of processing equipment........21 5 Calculation of floor area ......................................................... 22 5.1 Calculation of the areas of production zones.........................................22 5.2 Graphic determination of width of journey of cars in zones and TP..........................................................................................22 5.3 Calculation of the areas of production sites..................................23 5.4 Calculation of the areas of warehouse......................................... 24 5.5 Calculation of the area of the storage area of the Calculation of the Areas of Auxiliary Rooms................................25 5.7 cars....................................25 Calculation of the Area GPK..................................................................25 5.8 Calculation of Square ABK..................................................................26 5.9 Calculation of the area of the master plan...............................................26 6 Checklist................................................................. 26 Literature...................................................................................28 Appendix A............................................................................... 29 Application B...............................................................................30 Application B...............................................................................31 Application G...............................................................................32

Project's Content

icon Sptsifikatsia_vulkan.docx
icon vjmQz5Gh0hg.jpg
icon Безымянный.jpg
icon Безымянный2.jpg
icon Приложение А.dwg
icon Приложение Б.docx
icon Приложение В.docx
icon Приложение Г.docx
icon Проектирование ПАТ курсовая работа.docx
icon Титульный лист.docx
icon Чертежи.bak
icon Чертежи.dwg

Additional information



1 Calculation of Maintenance and Repair Production Program

1.1 Selection of TEA standards

1.2 Adjustment of TEA standards

1.3 Calculation of weighted average mileage to CG

1.4 Calculation of technical readiness factor

1.5 Calculation of cycle-to-year transition factor

1.6 Calculation of the number of impacts per car and fleet per year

1.7 Calculation of daily production program

1.8 Selection of the method of organization and diagnostics at ATP

2 Calculation of quantities of works and quantity of production workers in production departments

2.1 Annual scope of maintenance and maintenance works

2.2 Annual Scope of Ancillary Work

2.3 Distribution of maintenance and maintenance scope by production areas and areas

2.4 Distribution of labour intensity of auxiliary works

2.5 Distribution of Self-Service Works

2.6 Distribution of Diagnostic Works

2.7 Correction of annual labour intensity of maintenance and maintenance works

2.8 Calculation of the number of production workers in production divisions

2.9 Calculation of the required number of drivers

3 Calculation of number of EO, TO, E and TR posts

3.1 Selection of Maintenance Organization Method

3.2 Maintenance and TR operation mode

3.3 Calculation of TO-1, TO-

3.4 Calculation of TR posts

3.5 Calculation of diagnostic posts

3.6 Calculation of waiting posts

3.7 Calculation of EU flow lines

4 Justification of selection and calculation of required quantity of process equipment

4.1 Justification of selection and calculation of required quantity of process equipment

4.2 Calculation of required quantity of process equipment

5 Space area calculation

5.1 Calculation of production areas

5.2 Graphical determination of the width of vehicles in the areas of maintenance and maintenance

5.3 Calculation of production areas

5.4 Calculation of storage areas

5.5 Calculation of car storage area

5.6 Calculation of auxiliary rooms areas

5.7 Calculation of MSH area

5.8 Calculation of ABK area

5.9 Calculation of Plot Plan Area

6 Job Instruction


Appendix A

Appendix B

Appendix B

Appendix D

Drawings content

icon Приложение А.dwg

icon Чертежи.dwg