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Design of the aggregate section in ATP conditions

  • Added: 29.12.2021
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Design of motor transport organizations

Project's Content

icon Chertezh_agregatnogo_uchastka.cdw
icon Operatsionnye_eskizy_4.cdw
icon PZ.docx
icon Chertezh_promyshlennogo_zdania.cdw

Additional information



1. Parcel Assignment

2. Work regime and working time funds of workers and equipment

3. Annual Production Program

4. Labor costs and annual scope of work

5. Calculation of number of workers, quantity of process and handling equipment

6. To Define a Parcel Area

7. Fire fighting measures

8. Project business case




One of the main conditions for passenger transportation is a high and stable level of technical readiness of the fleet of vehicles.

To create normal operating conditions and ensure uninterrupted operation of road transport rolling stock, it is necessary to have a production and technical base, the condition and development of which should always correspond to the number and needs of rolling stock.

The technical condition of the rolling stock, its reliability and operability, as well as the regularity and cost of transportation depend not only on the design qualities and production performance, but also on the condition, organization and equipment of the AS production and technical base, which provides maintenance, repair and storage of cars.

The unit section repairs most units, and mainly by replacing faulty parts.

Parcel Assignment

The unit section serves for the current repair of power units (including the engine, clutch and gearbox), additional and transfer boxes, transmission units (cardan gears, driving bridges), non-driving bridges, steering controls, braking systems, dump trucks, etc.

Repair of units consists in replacement of worn or broken parts with new ones (in the form of spare parts) or restored ones.

The units and units to the section come singly from other sections according to the list awaiting repair.

After repair, units and assemblies are sent to the areas for installation on cars and further tests.


A graduate of a technological university (future leader, organizer, technologist or designer) will deal with production design to one degree or another. His most likely participation will be in the reconstruction or technical re-equipment of the sites, zones or branches of the enterprise.

The role of designing parts of production is great. As a result of this work and its practical implementation, quantitative (increase in production capacity) and qualitative (organizational and technological) changes will occur. The projects include advanced forms of production organization, modern methods of processing materials, energy and information, which will increase the technical level of production. However, the cost of reconstructing the sites should pay off.

The effectiveness of work on the expansion, reconstruction and technical re-equipment of enterprises is judged by statistical data. If we take for 100% the cost of technical re-equipment, then the cost of reconstruction to achieve the same production capacity will be 108%, for the expansion of existing enterprises - 136% and for new construction - 280%. The commissioning of production sites after their reconstruction will ensure the provision of services of a new type, a given volume, established quality with the lowest costs.

It should be noted that for poor-quality design of a production site, zone or branch if this leads to improper working conditions, injury or death of employees, environmental damage and unjustified overspending of funds and production resources, the project manager, his developers and experts bear material, administrative, disciplinary, as well as criminal liability.

Drawings content

icon Chertezh_agregatnogo_uchastka.cdw


icon Operatsionnye_eskizy_4.cdw


icon Chertezh_promyshlennogo_zdania.cdw

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