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Diploma project of the washing section under ATP conditions with the development of a roadmap for the restoration of the camshaft of the ZMZ-511 engine


Department of Mechanical Engineering
Diploma project of the washing section under ATP conditions with the development of a roadmap for the restoration of the camshaft of the ZMZ-511 engine
area of washing under ATP conditions with development of roadmap for restoration of ZMZ-511 engine camshaft
Moscow 2012

Diploma project of the washing section under ATP conditions with the development of a roadmap for the restoration of the camshaft of the ZMZ-511 engine
4 drawings + detail note
I present to you for consideration the diploma project of the washing section in ATP conditions with the development of a roadmap for the restoration of the distribution shaft of the ZMZ-511 engine.
At the beginning of the graduation project, I described the state of the car. fleet and repair base ATP at the moment. Described the importance of repairing car assemblies and assemblies.
The initial data for all calculations were issued by the project manager. Source Data:
Car Gaz-3307 in the amount of 10 pcs.
Car Gaz-3302 in the amount of 15 pcs.
UAZ car in the amount of 74 pcs.

In the settlement and organization part, I made calculations to determine the production program, which amounted to 167 units. This program consisted of the repair of complete cars and the number of units being repaired.
He calculated the annual labor intensity of the site, which amounted to 9422 people/h. Determined the mode of operation of the site with a working shift duration of 8 hours and one shift per day. Calculated equipment time funds. Determined a valid working time fund. These values were necessary for me to determine the number of workers in the site, as well as to calculate the necessary technological equipment. The number of workers in the site amounted to 1 person, and equipment - 1 unit. He calculated the area of ​ ​ the plot per worker. The area was 45 m2. The plot plan is presented on the first sheet of the graphic part, where the workplace and equipment are indicated.
In the following section, I developed and proposed issues relating to the technology for the repair of the camshaft. Described the design features of the part, indicated defects. I proposed the list of operations for the repair of distribution. shaft, determined the time rate for each operation and specification. He compiled the defect, route and operating cards, which are presented on the second and third sheets of the graphic part.
In the design part, I proposed a device that is used for contactless car washing. For the device gave a brief description of the work, made calculations of the strength of the structure. This accessory is shown on the fourth sheet of the graphic part.
Then I developed and described the issues of labor protection and safety at the washing repair site, calculated natural and artificial lighting, calculated ventilation, and also calculated the heating of the designed site. He developed environmental protection measures and fire safety measures.
In the economic part, the cost of restoring the part to the camshaft was determined, which amounted to 1180.92 rubles. Determined that this part should be restored rather than purchased. Determined the cost of manufacturing the device, which amounted to 284.41 rubles. Further, he determined the effectiveness of the implementation of the device. Due to the introduction of the device, annual savings amounted to 1,177 rubles, and the payback period was 2.88 months.
In the conclusion of the diploma project, he spelled out the goals achieved. I consider this diploma project suitable for the design of the washing area.
I designed the washing area in the conditions of a motor transport enterprise. This area is designed for cleaning vehicles, as well as work related to cleaning cars. The site has an area of ​ ​ 45kv. meters, and designed to serve cars.
This site is located in a production building, which includes all sections and workshops, which will reduce the cost of construction and further maintenance. The building itself is equipped with the necessary number of rooms, corresponding to the technological process.
One person works at the site. The area is provided with the necessary amount of equipment. At workplaces there are instructions and job descriptions and memos.
On the site with natural lighting is provided and artificial.
In the technological part of this diploma project, he considered issues of repair of the camshaft, main defects, methods of their repair. Then he developed a defect map, indicating repair methods.
For better cleaning of cars, the device "Nozzle for washing" was developed. Working documentation for its manufacture (specification and detailed drawings) was made and developed for this device.
In the graphic part, he provided a plan for the washing area, with the arrangement of technological equipment, with the application of the necessary dimensions and observance of fire safety. And assembly drawing of accessory, working drawings on accessory parts.

Project's Content

icon 01 ВСЕ ПОЛНОСТЬЮ.doc
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icon Доклад мой.doc
icon Заключение.doc
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icon спецификация,Фрагмент.frw
icon ТЕМА.txt

Additional information




1. Initial data

2. Calculation and organizational part

2.1.Compute Repair Production Program

2.2Production Process Design on Site

3. Process Part

3.1 Repair drawing of the part to be restored

3.2. Part Design Features

3.3. Defining a Part Class

3.4. Part Defect Analysis

3.5. Choosing a Rational Way to Restore a Part

3.6. Selection of equipment, machines, measuring and cutting


3.7 Selection of modes and calculation of time norm of performed operations

4. Design Part

4.1Recipitation of accessory structure

4.2 Strength calculation of structural elements

5. Occupational and environmental protection

5.1 Development of health and safety issues at the specified


5.2Sanitary and technical measures of the site

5.3Fire prevention measures

5.4.Environmental Protection Measures

6. Economic part

6.1 Determining Cost of Part Recovery

6.2 Determination of economic feasibility of part restoration

6.3 Design Design Feasibility Study

6.4 Determination of the unit manufacturing cost

6.5 Cost effectiveness of the device implementation

List of literature

1. The role of vehicles in the national economy

Road transport is one of the most important branches of the national economy. There are practically no enterprises of industry, construction, agriculture that would not use the services of vehicles. Its role in meeting the transportation needs of the population is great.

Motor transport is the most mobile of all existing modes of transport. It does not depend on the availability of main roads and with the help of it daily transport links between enterprises, institutions, organizations, between them and other modes of transport, etc.

Road transport plays an important role in the work of the country's transport and road complex. The advantages of road transport are high maneuverability, high carrying capacity, faster delivery of goods and passengers, lower cost of short distances compared to water and rail transport, and some others. Due to high maneuverability, road transport transports goods directly from the consignor's warehouse to the consignee's warehouse without expensive transshipments from one mode of transport to another. Higher speeds on improved roads make it possible to deliver goods and passengers more quickly than on waterways and railways.

The share of road transport in transportation is constantly increasing. More and more goods transported by rail over short distances are transferred to the road, even if there are access railways at the sender and recipient.

In the total volume of cargo transportation carried out by all modes of transport in the Russian Federation in 2009. The share of road transport is 54.6%, and in passenger transportation - 53.7%. These figures undoubtedly speak for themselves that automobile was and remains one of the most important modes of transport.

2. Value of repair production

The most important condition for the high-performance and uninterrupted operation of the rolling stock of road transport is the provision of its modern production and technical base for the overhaul of cars, units and the restoration of worn out parts. The main tasks of repair production are the further development of centralized repair of machines and equipment as the most important prerequisite for the introduction of progressive technological processes that ensure an increase in the quality and efficiency of repair of complex modern equipment.

The prospects of car repair production are determined by objective constantly operating factors. Modern design, technological and economic foundations, on which the design, production and operation of cars are based, determine the disparity in the resource of individual parts of units and assemblies and make their simultaneous replacement impractical.

During the operation of the car, its structural elements are subjected to physical wear under the influence of friction forces and the environment. In order to keep cars in working condition, it is necessary to systematically carry out a whole range of measures, including maintenance, maintenance and overhaul with periodic replacement and restoration of worn out parts and assemblies.

Environmental protection activities

From the farm workshop, all waste is exported to the district landfill on the territory of the farm itself, the so-called forest plantations are planted every year. In order to preserve the environment, it is necessary to carefully study the issues of neutralization, disposal or burial of various harmful solutions of acids, alkalis, detergents and other materials used during repair together with the district sanopedemstation. Spent lubricants are sent for regeneration or used for local needs. Some repair processes, such as painting, epoxy resin applications, storage, welding, and some others, are associated with the release of harmful or toxic gaseous media. Devices for forced exhaust ventilation with outlet pipes of sufficient height shall be provided at all places of possible release of such substances.


I designed the washing area in the conditions of a motor transport enterprise. This area is designed for cleaning vehicles, as well as work related to cleaning cars. The site has an area of ​ ​ 45kv. meters, and designed to serve cars.

This site is located in a production building, which includes all sections and workshops, which will reduce the cost of construction and further maintenance. The building itself is equipped with the necessary number of rooms, corresponding to the technological process.

One person works at the site. The area is provided with the necessary amount of equipment. At workplaces there are instructions and job descriptions and memos.

On the site with natural lighting is provided and artificial.

In the technological part of this diploma project, he considered issues of repair of the camshaft, main defects, methods of their repair. Then he developed a defect map, indicating repair methods.

For better cleaning of cars, the device "Nozzle for washing" was developed. Working documentation for its manufacture (specification and detailed drawings) was made and developed for this device.

In the graphic part, he provided a plan for the washing area, with the arrangement of technological equipment, with the application of the necessary dimensions and observance of fire safety. And assembly drawing of accessory, working drawings on accessory parts.

Drawings content

icon Деталировка М-.cdw

Деталировка М-.cdw

icon дефектовочная и маршрутная.cdw

дефектовочная и маршрутная.cdw

icon Операционки.cdw


icon Планировка М.cdw

Планировка М.cdw

icon спецификация,Фрагмент.frw


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