Course project on Theme: Development of the repair process of the VAZ-2115 car production system under the conditions of Voskhod LLC
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CONTENTS Introduction 2 1. Justification of production lot size 4 2. Development of process of disassembly (assembly) of assembly 5 4. Design part 11 5. Occupational Safety and Safety 15 Conclusion 20 List of Literature 21 INTRODUCTION The efficiency of the use of motor vehicles depends on the perfection of the organization of the transport process and the properties of cars to keep within certain limits the values of the parameters characterizing their ability to perform the required functions. During the operation of the car, its functional properties gradually deteriorate. In order to ensure the operability of the car throughout its service life, it is necessary to periodically maintain its technical condition with a set of preventive measures, current and overhaul. The principle of scheduled maintenance and repair of machines allows you to carry out the necessary preparation of both repair and main production facilities to ensure their uninterrupted operation. The maintenance and repair system is also precautionary because it is aimed at preventing spontaneous shutdown of the machine due to failures and wear of its units and parts. With this system, machine maintenance is carried out through a strictly defined operating period according to the approved scope of work. Repair of machines is planned according to existing overhaul dates, and actual execution is carried out depending on their technical condition, that is, current repair is carried out according to demand. However, when the maximum permissible values of wear are reached, further operation of the machine becomes impractical, and in some cases dangerous. In this case, it is necessary to replace or overhaul individual units and assemblies or the entire machine.
Project's Content
1 Титульный.docx
2 Содержание.docx
3 Введение.docx
4 Обоснование размера производственной партии.docx
5 Разработка тех процесса.docx
6 расчетная часть.docx
7 заключения.docx
7 Охрана труда.docx
Универсальный съемник 2.cdw
Пост ТР.cdw
Additional information
1. Justification of production lot size
2. Development of process of assembly disassembly
4. Design part
5. Occupational safety and safety
List of literature
The efficiency of the use of motor vehicles depends on the perfection of the organization of the transport process and the properties of cars to maintain within certain limits the values of the parameters characterizing their ability to perform the required functions. During the operation of the car, its functional properties gradually deteriorate.
In order to ensure the operability of the car throughout its service life, it is necessary to periodically maintain its technical condition with a set of preventive measures, current and overhaul.
The principle of scheduled maintenance and repair of machines allows you to carry out the necessary preparation of both repair and main production facilities to ensure their uninterrupted operation. The maintenance and repair system is also precautionary because it is aimed at preventing spontaneous shutdown of the machine due to failures and wear of its units and parts. With this system, machine maintenance is carried out through a strictly defined operating period according to the approved scope of work.
Repair of machines is planned according to existing overhaul dates, and actual execution is carried out depending on their technical condition, that is, current repair is carried out according to demand. However, when the maximum permissible values of wear are reached, further operation of the machine becomes impractical, and in some cases dangerous. In this case, it is necessary to replace or overhaul individual units and assemblies or the entire machine.
The period of operation of the machine from one overhaul to another or new machine to overhaul is called the repair cycle. Therefore, the cycle includes all types of maintenance and repair services, with their successive alternation from a small volume of operations to a larger volume. The procedure for alternating types of maintenance and repairs is called the structure of the repair cycle. The repair cycle is built for each type of equipment according to existing overhaul periods, which are installed on the basis of statistical and theoretical data taking into account the actual wear and tear of the main parts of the machines,
Distinguish the following methods of the organization of repair of cars: brigade (single), nodal, potochnouzlovy, line, modular. In some enterprises, several methods of organizing repair production are used at the same time (for example, disassembly is carried out by the brigade method, assembly - by the knot).
The choice of methods for the repair of machines depends on the scope of work performed, the same type of objects being repaired, the design features of the machines to be repaired, the state of repair maintenance of the base, that is, the presence and location of the corresponding areas, etc. In repair shops, it is advisable to carry out repairs on the basis of spare parts.
The fundamental regulatory document regulating the planning, organization and maintenance of maintenance and repair of cars, the determination of resources, is the "Regulation on the maintenance and repair of rolling stock of road transport."
The main goal of the course project is to develop a rational technological process "neutralizer" of the VAZ-2115 Car using the latest technological and technical achievements in the field of automotive repair production.
The task of course design is;
Develop a rational technological process for replacing the VAZ Car Neutralizer - 2115.
Rational choice of repair technology with development of process diagram and plan of technological operations for replacement of VAZ Car neutralizer - 2115
Perform operations according to the plan of technological operations for replacement of VAZ Car Neutralizer - 2115.
Select the equipment, accessory, tool and develop the layout of the production room.
Prepare process documentation for replacement of VAZ Car Neutralizer - 2115
Process Development
2.1 Characteristics of the part and its operating conditions.
Unit - Neutralizer Car VAZ - 2115
Material - Steel
The wear pattern of the product is one-sided;
The nature of the loads is constant;
Deformation Pattern - Wear and tear
2.2 Selection of the part restoration method.
Methods for elimination of VAZ Car Neutralizer defects - 2115.
Neutralizer clogging
Neutralizer burnout
Possible methods of correcting defects:
By defect 1:
Neutralizer replacement
By defect 2:
Neutralizer replacement
During the course project, the following tasks were solved:
Process tooling for repair of automotive units and assemblies was designed.
Technical and organizational tasks have been solved:
The labor intensity of the work on the site was Tg = 1020 people.
During the course project, the following were used:
Typical Process Selection Techniques
Reference data for repair works
Knowledge of repair technology
Methods and receptions of the organizations of work, operation of the equipment, equipment, means of mechanization for ensuring increase in production efficiency
Methods, the equipment, equipments and devices for quality control and management of technological processes
The maintenance area was designed.
The area of the plot is Sy = 123.24m2
The total area of the plot is 144 m2
The main rational organization and management in road transport during maintenance and repair of cars is the production process.
Универсальный съемник 2.cdw
Пост ТР.cdw
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