Design ATP for 173 trucks

- Added: 09.07.2014
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Additional information
1. Operational part
2. Process Part
2.1 Selection of initial data
2.2 Adjustment of standard periodicity of maintenance and running of AR to overhaul
2.3 Calculation of the production program by the number of technical impacts
2.4 Calculation of annual scope of work for maintenance and maintenance of AR
2.5 Calculation of TR maintenance area
2.6 Determination of Total Annual Scope of Maintenance and Maintenance of AR
2.7 Determination of the annual scope of self-service of the enterprise
2.8 Distribution of MT, TR and Self-Service Scope of Work between Production Areas, Areas and Departments
2.9 Calculation of the number of employees
2.10 Calculation of space areas
2.11 Calculation of AR storage area
2.12 Calculation of the total area of the main production building
3. Special part
4. Calculation of power supply and water supply
List of used literature
Technological design synthesizes a large and diverse range of organizational, technological and economic issues. Studying these issues will help the young mechanical engineer of road transport to quickly present and master almost all the issues that he must solve in his practical activities at ATP.
The quality of reconstruction, expansion, technical re-equipment and new construction is largely determined by the quality of the relevant projects, which should meet all modern requirements for capital construction. The main requirement is to ensure a high technical level and high economic efficiency of the designed enterprises, buildings and structures, by maximizing the use of the latest advances in science and technology, that new or reconstructed ATPs in terms of time of their commissioning are technically advanced and have high performance and working conditions, level of mechanization, in terms of cost and quality of production, in terms of efficiency of capital investments.
The task of increasing the efficiency of capital investments and reducing the cost of construction is part of the problem of rational organization of road transport and covers a wide range of operational, technological and construction issues.
The solution to this problem is primarily ensured by high-quality enterprise design, which largely determines the rational use of fixed assets and high efficiency of capital investments.
The main prerequisites for high-quality design are:
- proper justification of the purpose, capacity and location of the enterprise, as well as its compliance with the progressive forms of organization and operation of road transport;
- production cooperation with other enterprises, centralization of maintenance and maintenance of rolling stock;
- selection of land plot taking into account co-operation of external engineering networks;
- unification of space-planning solutions of the building using the most economical prefabricated structures, standard parts of industrial manufacture and modern building materials.
3 special part - aggregate section
The aggregate section is an integral part of the TP zone.
When performing works in the TR area at universal or specialized posts, they eliminate, mainly, minor defects and faults by performing diagnostic, disassembly, control and adjustment and technological works for the repair of equipment and units. To reduce the downtime of rolling stock, TR is performed mainly by the aggregate method, at which faulty or requiring major repairs of units and units are replaced with serviceable ones taken from the revolving fund.
Within the aggregate section of the TR zone, car aggregates are fully diagnosed in order to identify faults, as well as repair and restoration work to eliminate the identified defects and replace worn out parts, units with new or previously restored ones.
Prior to sending the part or assembly to the repair section, at the universal station of the TR zone, preliminary diagnostics are carried out in order to determine the operability of the parts or assemblies and decide on their direction to the section for deeper diagnosis and repair work.
3.1 Brief characteristics of the aggregate section
Within the framework of the aggregate section, power units and transmission units of cars are diagnosed and repaired:
- engines;
- transmission units: clutch, gearboxes, drive bridges;
- shock absorbers and controlled bridges;
- steering and braking mechanisms;
- switching equipment.
The aggregate section is located in the main production building near the TP zone and covers an area of 72 m2. The area occupied by the process equipment is 15.02 m2 with the density factor of the equipment in the CP section = 3.5.
The mode of operation of the site is single-shift. Number of simultaneous workers - 3
In accordance with the production technology, the site provides equipment consisting of special stands, machines and devices, as well as locksmith equipment for disassembly and assembly work, shelving and other equipment. The equipment list is presented in Annex A.
The area is equipped with common ventilation, which is performed on the basis of two hours of air exchange. Natural and artificial lighting is performed according to general standards for production premises.
3.2 Process Summary
The aggregate section is used to perform assembly and repair and restoration works on the units removed from the car.
Units removed from the car go to the area where it is tested on special stands. Using devices, engines, front and rear axles, transmission boxes and clutches are disassembled. Process of repair of units is performed in the following order.
The unit is disassembled and its parts are washed and degreased with hot soda solution in the washing machine GOSNITI574. Washed parts are controlled by measuring or external inspection and sorted into suitable, repairable and unsuitable parts. A conclusion is made on the possibility of their further use. If necessary, parts shall be manufactured or repaired in the mechanical and locksite area.
Instead of worn out parts, deliberately serviceable ones are installed. After assembly of engines, gearboxes or bridges, they are run in .
The units are disassembled and assembled on special stands. Engines are disassembled and assembled on the P235 bench, rear and front axles are repaired using the 2450 bench. Disassembly and assembly of gearboxes is performed on P201 bench. Disassembling and assembling of wheel hubs, differentials and clutch is performed in the corresponding accessories mounted on trusses. The leaky adherence of a working surface of the valve to a nest is eliminated with grinding in by means of OGR1841A adaptation. With severe wear, the chamfer of the valve head on machine P108 or the valve seat seats in the cylinder block head on machine 2447 are ground.
Control and troubleshooting of details is made on a special workbench of ORG146801090A and a testing plate with use of control devices and the measuring tool.
For small press operations (pressing and pressing of bushings, fingers, bearings, etc.), the model 21355M hydraulic press is used. It can also be used to edit small parts.
3.3 Occupational safety measures in the aggregate area
The following hazardous and harmful production factors are possible when performing works in the aggregate area:
- thermal factors (burns in contact with the hot surface),
- falling of knots, units, tool and details,
- rotating elements of tested units and equipment drive elements,
- metal fragments during its treatment,
- reduced air temperature in the cold period of the year,
- insufficient illumination.
In order to reduce the probability and eliminate the above mentioned factors, it is necessary to fulfill the following requirements:
- working repair and maintenance of units, units and parts must be provided with serviceable tools and accessories,
- units removed from the car, connections should be installed on special stable supports,
- compression of bushings, bearings and other parts must be performed on special equipment,
- at operation with wrenches it is necessary to select them in accordance with dimensions of nuts (tightening of nut by jerk is not allowed),
- rotating parts of benches and units shall have protective casings during testing.
During the operation of the equipment, it is impossible to remove, install or open fences. You can't sit on machines, roll on them, transfer through them, and put tools and products on them. Manual supply of coolant on metal cutting machines is not permitted.
Under the feet of the worker, there must be a strong wooden grille.
Starting work on the machine, the worker must carefully dress: fasten the jacket or robe on all buttons, check the fasteners on the cuffs of the sleeves, remove the ends of the ties, hide the hair under the headdress. This is especially important when working on stands with open rotating parts.
Do not work on the machines in the sleeves to avoid being gripped by rotating parts. It is allowed to install or remove heavy units in the hoses only, after which the hoses must be removed.
The following means of collective protection of employees are used to ensure the safety of works carried out on the site:
- grounding of the device,
- use of means for sound insulation,
- use of vibration isolation (special supports, elastic gaskets).
According to GOST 12.4.70982 SSBT, the locksmith of the aggregate section is given: leather boots, viscosolavsan suit, combined sleeves, rubber apron, beret.
The project has completed:
- operating part, cars are given;
- process part, maintenance periodicity standards and mileage to CG are adjusted, taking into account ATP production program by number of technical impacts.
As a result of the carried-out work for this park of cars calculated and designed zones of daily service, maintenance, maintenance, with detailed development of the technological site. The number of regular workers involved in maintenance and ongoing repair of cars is calculated. We got acquainted with the methodology for calculating warehouse and administrative-domestic premises, open parking areas.
As a result of this course project, ATP for 173 trucks was developed.
During the calculation, the following was received:
- regular number of employees: 81;
- area of GPK: 6952 m2.
According to the layout, all zones and sections, with the exception of the EO zone, as well as storage rooms are located in the GPK.
Storage of ATP rolling stock according to the project is carried out partially in GPC.
In a special part of the project, the electrical section was worked out in detail. Equipment selection was carried out.
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