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APS - Gastronom


Working project - Automatic fire alarm. Composition:
General Data
Explanatory Note
Functional diagram of automatic fire alarm, fire warning and evacuation control
Plan of APS networks, OP. basement at elev. – 3.000
Plan of APS networks, OP. 1 floor per room 0.000
Plan of APS networks, OP. 2 floors on the oitm. 3.300
Plan of APS networks, OP. attic
Equipment Specification
Copies of equipment certificates

Project's Content

icon Пояснит.doc
icon спец..doc
icon тит.лист.doc
icon 609.jpg
icon АПС_ гастрономия.dwg

Additional information

Fire alarm

Alarm system requirements:

Place the control and receiving device in a place inaccessible to unauthorized persons and convenient for preventive maintenance and use. The installed equipment has certificates of conformity for the right to use them in Ukraine.

All installation works of the automatic fire alarm unit shall be carried out in accordance with the design estimates and regulations on fire safety, as well as the enterprise that received the license of the State Department of Fire Prevention without Danger of the Ministry of Emergencies of Ukraine for the installation of automatic fire alarm units.

Operation and maintenance of fire alarm units shall be carried out in accordance with the requirements of the equipment operating instructions and NAPB B.01.0042000 "Rules for the technical content of fire automation units" for which after commissioning it is necessary to conclude an alarm maintenance contract with a specialized organization.

In accordance with the requirements of DBN B.2.51398 and NAPB B.01.0042000 PPK0P "Warta 1/832," if technically possible, provides for the output of a signal to the PCP of the State Fire Department.

Main technical solutions adopted in the project

The following are accepted as technical means of fire detection in the protected room:

PPKOP "Warta 1/832";

Thermal fire detectors "IPK7";

Manual fire detectors "IPR1m";

Smoke fire detectors "IPK8";

Fire and smoke line detectors "ArtonDL";

"NEO Output" light-and-sound indicators;

"Fire" light-and-sound annunciator of NEO;

"Bumblebee" light-sound annunciator;

Backup power supply "BBP50."

All devices are certified by the State Committee of Ukraine for Standardization, Metrology and Certification and registered in the Register of the Certification System in Ukraine.

System operation algorithm

Automatic fire alarm is designed to detect the source of fire.

In standby mode, with automatic fire alarm system "Warta 1/832" activated, it provides continuous control of the fire situation in the premises, which are protected using fire detectors.

Algorithm of operation of thermal fire sensors: when the air temperature in the monitored room increases, the loop resistance changes, which causes the corresponding PPKOP alarm loop to operate at the receiving station.

Algorithm of operation of smoke sensors: when the transparency of the air in the room protected by the sensor changes, the loop resistance changes, which causes the corresponding alarm loop to be activated on the PCIP and an alarm is issued.

Algorithm of operation of smoke linear sensors: when smoke attenuates the flow of IR radiation between BI and BP by a given number of times, the detector generates a "Fire" notification.

In case of fire, actuation or malfunction of the automatic control system installation, sound and light alarms are activated, forced ventilation is switched off and signals are transmitted to the fire department PCP.

PPKOP "Warta 1/832", smoke, linear, tame announcers are calculated on work within temperatures from - 25 wasps to +60os and relative humidity up to 90%. Considering characteristic of the main flammable materials which are in the protected rooms and a class of potential of explosion according to PUE in the project the installation with thermal fire announcers of "IPK7", manual "IPR1m", smoke "IPK8", smoke linear ArtonDL allowed for use is accepted.

Deviations from the design during installation of fire alarm units are not allowed without coordination with the state fire supervision bodies.

Instrumentation and

Control Equipment

PPKOP "WARTA -1/832"

Purpose of the device

The device is part of the fire or fire alarm system and is designed to receive information from firefighters and (or) security detectors, to convert and evaluate this information and generate warning signals about the possibility of a fire, about the occurrence of a fire, about unauthorized opening of a protected object or a malfunction in the system both for direct perception by a person and for further transmission of signals and issuing commands to other devices.

Device is related to PSK of medium information capacity and has eight, sixteen, twenty-four or thirty-two loops

alarms (depending on the completeness of the delivery) to which active and passive unattended fire and security detectors certified in Ukraine can be connected.

Two-wire and four-wire fire alarm loops of 12 or 24 V voltage can be connected to the device.

The device allows independent disconnection of any SW, as well as short-term disconnection of supply voltage in four-wire fire SW.

The device provides automatic mode of kiln recharging and backboard from polarity adjustment at its connection. Connect the battery only when the power supply is turned off, strictly observing the polarity.

The device allows setting of SB operation modes, operating modes of actuating relays, memorizing initial states of SB with power of remote unit of FPU in dialog mode, displaying alphanumeric information on LCD and entering information when pressing the corresponding keyboard button.

The device provides automatic short-term disconnection and release of fire alarm system at detection of "FIRE" state with output of "WARNING to SBS" message for shutdown time, and subsequent interval of waiting for repeated operation of this SBS, at detection of which "FIRE" message will be output.

Technical specifications

Power supply of the device is carried out from the AC mains with voltage (220 + 2233) V and frequency (50 ± 1) Hz.

Power consumption from AC mains in standby mode of operation (at inverse operation mode of DCS) does not exceed 15 VA.

The maximum power consumption from the AC network does not exceed 50 VA.

Backup power supply of the device is provided from kiln with voltage from 10.2 to 13.8 V (accumulator with nominal voltage of 12 V and capacity from 7 Ah to 35 Ah). It is allowed to connect to terminals "+" and "-" of external kiln of larger capacity with voltage from 10.8 to 13.8 V with its own automatic device of its recharging.

The consumption current from the kiln (with SHS off and SIS in normal operation mode) does not exceed 200 mA.

Maximum consumption current from kiln does not exceed 2.3 A.

Value of kiln recharge current at voltage at kiln (12.6 ± 0.3) V and voltage (220 ± 2) V AC mains - (300 ± 50) mA.

The number of input SGs (device information capacity) is 8, 16, 24, 32.

The device allows independent installation of 12 or 24 V voltage (in groups of eight SGs) for each of the four LGUs.

Range of supply voltages (at load current up to 30 mA):

- for SB with 24V supply voltage - (24 0.5) V

- for SB with 12V supply voltage - (12 0.3) V

Range of supply voltages for safety or fire sensors of four wired SGs from 10.2 to 13.8 V.

Maximum load current of power outputs of safety and fire sensors connected by four-wire SHS is not more than 0.25 A.

Short-circuit current SHS (40 ± 4) mA.

The current in the fire circuit of the SHS, in which the device evaluates this co-standing of the SHS as a break, is not more than 4 mA.

The current in the fire circuit of the SHS, in which the device evaluates this state of the SHS as a short circuit, is at least 30 mA.

The range of currents in the SB circuit, at which the standby mode of operation is set, is from 6 to 28 mA.

Absolute value of current deviation in SB circuit from value of current recorded for standby operation mode, which is estimated as "NORMAL" signal not more than 1.5 mA

Absolute value of current deviation in the circuit of fire alarm system from

current line fixed for standby operation mode, which is estimated as "FIRE" not less than 2 mA, at that current to SHS must not become less than 4 mA or more than 30 mA.

The device remains operable at SH resistance without taking into account the resistance of detail elements not more than 470 ohms.

The device remains operable when there is no less than 50 kOhm between the wiring and/or between each wiring and ground.

The device allows for parallel connection of active fire detectors such as IPK3, IPK-4, IPK7, IPK-8, IPK9, IP212-5 (DIP3), SPD1, SPD-3, etc. The maximum permissible number of detectors of the specified type in the loop is determined by the formula N ≤ Iobr/Iiz.e, where Iobr = 4 mA (see para. 3.17), Iobr - current consumed by the detector of this type in standby mode. For example, for IPK8 N = 4/0.1 = 40, for IPK3, SPD-1, SPD-3 N = 4/0.2 = 20, for DIP3 N = 4/0.3 = 13.

The device allows serial connection of passive fire detectors of type IP105, IPR-1, etc. to each fire alarm system. The maximum allowable number of detectors of the specified type in the loop is determined by the resistance of their contact groups and the resistance of the SBS wires, which in total should not exceed 470 Ohms (see para. 3.23), but not more than the number of permitted DBN B.2.5 1398.

The device allows for combined connection of active and passive detectors to each fire alarm system.

The relay outputs of the device "FIRE", "PROTECTION", "ACCIDENT", "RELE1", "RELE2", "RELE3" provide switching of electrical circuits up to 230B and currents up to 0.1A, at the same time switching power has to be no more than 7.5 W. The active signal state time is set when programming relay operation modes.

Electronic switches "LIGHT," "SOUND," provide switching of active and inductive load with resistance of not less than 30 ohms at switched power not more than 5 W from internal power supply of the device. Time of "SOUND" output signal active state is set during programming of relay operation modes. "LIGHT" output signal active-state time is not limited: relay will be active until all violations are cleared

Electronic keys "LIGHT," "SOUND" withstand short-term short-circuit in circuits of their load of not more than 1 s.

Electronic keys "OK1..." "OK16," provide switching of electrical circuits with voltage 5... 30 V and currents up to 50 mA, at that the residual voltage on the switch is not more than 1 V. The active state time, the delay on actuation and the conditions of key operation are set during programming of operation modes.

Note: "OK1"... "OK16" keys do not have short circuit protection in their load circuit

The device provides indication of SB states: "NORMAL," "ALARM," "FIRE," "WARNING," "SHORT CIRCUIT," "BREAK," "INPUT," "OUTPUT" with indication of SB number, which caused the violation; as well as service information on the system state: "REDUCED POWER 220V," "REDUCED POWER OF FOUR-WIRE PCS," "REDUCED POWER 12V," "NO POWER 220V," "PROTOCOL ERROR" indicating the address of the faulty device, and the total number of detected violations.

The device provides installation of one to four FPS in order to increase the number of FS. Setting each HSI increases the number of FS by eight.

The BGU expansion unit allows setting of the power supply voltage of 12 V or 24 V loops (the same for all SHS of one unit).

The device provides remote control of the state of all SGs by commands from the PC (if there is a BSPK) through the RS485 or RS232 interface, or an external modem. Communication parameters are set when programming the operating modes of the device.

The device provides the connection of BVK and an increase in the number of actuating relays compared to the basic set by 16. Relay operation conditions are set when programming relay operation modes.

Operation time of the device from the kiln at absence of mains supply voltage is not less than 24 h in standby operation mode, including not less than 3 h in "ALARM" mode.

Power supply.

Power supply of the fire alarm unit belongs to the 1st category of reliability according to PUE requirements.

PPKOP "Warta 1/832," is supplied from the AC power supply with voltage of 220V and is supplied from the free group of the building panel by means of a non-detachable connection.

PPKOP is powered through a personal single-key circuit breaker, which must break the phase wire. Perform vodka with 3x1.5 CMVS wire with manufacturing of "loops" for connection under "screw."

In case of emergency power outage, all equipment of the automatic control system is powered from independent power sources installed in the PCLP.

BBP-50 technical characteristics

BBP-50 (hereinafter referred to as device) is designed for power supply of devices with nominal voltage of 12V from 220V 50Hz network with automatic switching to power supply from built-in battery at disconnection of 220V 50Hz network.

1 The device is powered by an AC power supply of 220V + 10 %/-15%, frequency 50 + 1Hz, and/or a backup battery with a nominal voltage of 12V.

2 Power consumed by the instrument at maximum load, not more than 35VA.

3 Nominal output voltage 12V with deviation from 10.8V to 13.8V depending on battery charging. The maximum output current with the battery is 3A. The battery charging current is not less than 0.35A to the battery voltage of 13.2V and falling to the battery self-discharge current at the battery voltage from 13.2V to 13.8V. The maximum output current without a battery is 2.0A.

4 The device has light indicators:

- existence and a condition of supply voltage on the weekend terminals pribo - ra;

- power supply of the device from 220V 50Hz network;

- voltage decrease at battery terminals below 10.5 + 0, 2V.

5 The device has:

- electronic overload protection (3,5A), fuses (installed on the instrument PCB) 3A at the output 12V (F2) and 3A at the current passing through the battery terminals (F1); in a chain of 220B 50 Hz safety lock 1.0A;

- battery protection unit from deep discharge, which disconnects the battery from load at voltage at its terminals below 10.5V;

- limit switch for determination of body opening.

6 Pulsations of output voltage are not more than 50 mV.

7 General time of shutdown of tension of network of 220B 50 Hz at the maximum load no more than 4 hours a day when using accumulator 7ach. Charging time of fully discharged battery 7Ac is not more than 34 hours.


To protect maintenance personnel from electric shock, ground all metal parts of electrical equipment (pipes, wiring) normally not energized.

Grounding of electrical equipment installed in the fire alarm equipment room shall be performed by means of its reliable connection to the existing grounding line.

Copper wire of at least 4 mm cross-section shall be used as grounding conductors. Grounding shall be performed in accordance with the operational documentation of the manufacturers, as well as in compliance with the requirements of PUE and SN 102-76.

Drawings content

icon АПС_ гастрономия.dwg

АПС_ гастрономия.dwg