Accuracy Rationing - Coursework
- Added: 14.03.2022
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Coursework on accuracy standardization
Introduction. 2
1...... Probabilistic calculation of plantings. 3
1.1 Boarding calculation Ø9 H7/z8. 3
1.2 Boarding calculation Æ250 K8/h8. 5
2...... Selection and calculation of rolling bearing fit. 10
3...... Selection and calculation of veneer connection plantings. 16
4. Selection of a control complex for the gear wheel. 22
5. Selection of methods for measuring the geometric parameters of the part. 25
5.1. Shaft control 9 z8. 25
5.2. Hole control Æ9 Н7. 26
Project's Content
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Additional information
1. Probabilistic calculation of landings
1.1 Landing calculation Ø9 H7/z
1.2 Calculation of landing ∅250 K8/h
2. Selection and calculation of rolling bearing fit
3. Selection and calculation of key joint fits
4. Selection of test complex for gear wheel
5. Selection of methods of measuring control of geometric parameters of the part
5.1. Shaft control 9 z
5.2. Control of an opening of ∅9 N
List of literature used
Selection of methods of measuring control of geometric parameters of the part
It is necessary to select measuring instruments to monitor the landing of the ∅9H7/z8. To do this, we use RD 509886 "Methodological Guidelines. Choice of universal measuring instruments of linear dimensions up to 500 mm. "
As a result of the work done, theoretical material was studied, as well as practical tasks were completed on the following topics:
Assigns and calculates tolerances and fits for smooth cylindrical joints.
Selection of measurement methods.
Normalization of accuracy of joints with rolling bearings.
Standardisation of key connections accuracy.
Selection of test complex for gear wheel.
As a result of the tasks, he consolidated his experience with standards, mastered the methods of normalizing the accuracy of connection of various types.
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