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Zero Cycle Execution - Drawings

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Course project. Drawings, Explanatory Note

Project's Content

icon Электронный чертеж общего вида ТГТУ. 270102.006 2Д-ВО1.dwg
icon Электронный чертеж общего вида ТГТУ. 270102.006 2Д-ВО2.dwg
icon Лист задания к курсовому проекту ТГТУ. 270102.006ТЭ-ЗД.doc
icon Пояснительная записка к курсовому проекту ТГТУ. 270102.006ТЭ-ПЗ.doc
icon ТГТУ.270102.006 УЛ.doc
icon Титульный лист.doc

Additional information




1 Earthworks

1.1 Determination of excavation scope

1.1.1 Definition of black vertex elevations of squares

1.1.2 Determination of red marks

1.1.3 Determination of operating elevations

1.1.4 Calculation of mass haul volumes

1.2 Compilation of consolidated mass haul balance

1.3 Determination of average distance of soil movement

1.4 Selection of method of works and set of machines during vertical layout and during pit development

1.5 Calculation of cost-effectiveness of integrated mechanization options

1.6 Determination of excavation volumes for pit development

1.7 Selection of excavator for pit development

1.8 Calculation of the number of dump trucks

1.9 Compiling the calculation of labor costs for soil development in the pit

1.10 Development of excavation schedule

1.11 Safety precautions during earthworks

2. Technology of installation works

2.1 Specification of installation or structural elements

2.2 Drawing Up Bill of Quantities

2.3 Selection of installation crane

2.4 Development of Job Instruction

List of literature



The course design was developed in accordance with the design assignment and taking into account the requirements of the regulatory documents applicable in the construction (SNiP, GOST, ENiR, SN, etc.) and is a zero-cycle project for the construction of a multi-storey residential building with dimensions in axes of 73.3x12 m at the construction site 400x400m. The project consists of a description of the technology of earthworks and erection works, as well as the development of the routing of erection works .

The course project consists of an explanatory note and a graphic part. The graphic part includes 2 sheets of A1 format drawings. The explanatory note is made on 27 sheets of A4 format and includes 16 tables and 2 figures.

Development of excavation schedule

In the course design, the excavation schedule is executed in the form of a linear schedule based on the calculation of labor costs and the planned work production technology.

In order to reduce the time for earthworks and better use of construction machines, the number of work shifts is two.

The duration of the process is determined by dividing the standard labor costs by the number of workers in the link and shifts per day. The duration of each work is indicated by a horizontal line. The schedule is shown on sheet 1 of the graphic part.

Development of Job Instruction

1. Scope of Application

The process sheet is being developed for the construction of prefabricated foundations made of reinforced concrete elements for a multi-storey residential building with plan dimensions of 12x73.3 m. The size of the construction site is 400x300 m. The type of soil is sand. Work is performed using FAUN crane RTF50. The work is carried out in the summer and is carried out in 2 shifts. The following works are considered in the Job Instruction: arrangement of structural elements, their fixing (welding), filling of joints.

2. Organization and technology of the construction process

With sandy soils, foundation blocks are laid directly on an aligned base. Laying axes are brought to the bottom of the pit.

Prior to erection, construction structures, equipment are stored on the construction site, appliances are prepared for workers, power supply and water supply,

Foundation blocks are laid according to their layout scheme in accordance with the design to provide breaks for laying pipes of water supply, sewerage and other inputs.

Installation begins with the installation of lighthouses at the corners and at the intersection of the walls. The foundation block is supplied by the crane to the place of laying, is guided and lowered to the base, minor deviations from the design position are eliminated by moving the block with a mounting line with strained slings. At the same time, the surface of the base should not be violated. Slings are removed after the unit takes the correct position in plan and height. Gaps between tape foundation blocks and side sinuses during installation are filled with sand or sandy soil and compacted.

Installation of basement walls (wall blocks) begins after checking the position of laid foundation blocks (pillows) and waterproofing devices. In accordance with the installation diagram, the position of the wall blocks of the first (lower row) is marked on the foundations, noting the places of vertical seams. Installation begins with the installation of lighthouses in the corners and intersections of the walls at a distance of 20... 30 m from each other. After beacon blocks are installed at the level of their top, a cord is pulled - a berth, along which ordinary blocks are installed.

The installation crane can be located on the brow of the pit, then all foundation blocks and then basement wall blocks are first mounted within the grip. If the crane is in the pit, then the foundations and walls of the basement are installed in separate sections, based on the fact that the installation crane will not be able to re-enter the area where the blocks are already laid.

Drawings content

icon Электронный чертеж общего вида ТГТУ. 270102.006 2Д-ВО1.dwg

Электронный чертеж общего вида ТГТУ. 270102.006 2Д-ВО1.dwg

icon Электронный чертеж общего вида ТГТУ. 270102.006 2Д-ВО2.dwg

Электронный чертеж общего вида ТГТУ. 270102.006 2Д-ВО2.dwg

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