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WRC "Secondary school with a sports bias"

  • Added: 10.01.2023
  • Size: 21 MB
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This diploma project consists of a graphic part and an explanatory note.

The Explanatory Note includes a project design that addresses the following sections: general architectural and structural design; design of building structures; organizational and technological design; labor protection and environmental protection.

In the architectural and construction part, a master plan has been developed, which includes the main objects, elements of landscaping and landscaping.

When designing building structures, two options for overlapping and two options for coating are considered:

  1. monolithic floor slabs, operated along the contour;
  2. monolithic flat beamless ceilings;
  3. prefabricated coating plates of KZHS type 3x18 m;
  4. short cylindrical shells  6x18 m.

Based on the technical and economic indicators, the most economical option was chosen.

In the project of construction organization, a technological map has been developed for concreting the structures of a typical floor of the building.

For the rational organization of work on the construction of the building, a construction plan has been developed .

Safety and environmental protection measures have been developed.

Project's Content

icon 2. Аннотация.doc
icon 3. Архитектура.doc
icon 4. Вариантное проектирование.doc
icon 5. Основное проектирование.doc
icon 6. ТСП.doc
icon 7. БЖД.doc
icon 8. Список литературы.doc
icon 1. Оглавление.docx
icon Приложение А.docx
icon Приложение Б.docx
icon plot.log
icon Архитектурное строение-Model.pdf
icon Архитектурное строение1-Model.pdf
icon Архитектурное строение2-Model.pdf
icon Архитектурное строение3-Model.pdf
icon Вариантное проектирование1-Model.pdf
icon Вариантное проектирование2-Model.pdf
icon Основное проектирование Прилож.-Model.pdf
icon Основное проектирование1-Model.pdf
icon Основное проектирование2-Model.pdf
icon Основное проектирование3-Model.pdf
icon Основное проектирование4-Model.pdf
icon Технология производства1-Model.pdf
icon Технология производства2-Model.pdf
icon Архитектурное строение.dwg
icon Вариантное проектирование.dwg
icon Основное проектирование.dwg
icon Технология производства.dwg
icon map my.png
icon диплом 2.SPR
icon Диплом1.SPR

Additional information

Drawings content

icon Архитектурное строение.dwg

Архитектурное строение.dwg

icon Основное проектирование.dwg

Основное проектирование.dwg

icon Технология производства.dwg

Технология производства.dwg

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