Working documentation on laying of heating networks from the designed boiler house
- Added: 01.07.2014
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Аксанометрическая схема.dwg
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Additional information
General Instructions
Working documentation on laying of heating networks from the designed boiler house at the address: _______________________________________ is made on the basis of:
- Contract No. ________________
- Customer Technical Assignment;
- M1 scale master plan: geo-oriented 500
- SNiP 41022003 "Heat Networks";
- SNiP 41032003 "Thermal insulation of equipment and pipelines";
- SP 4110195 "Design of Thermal Points";
- SP 411052002 "Design and Construction of Heat Networks of Tubeless Steel Pipe with Industrial Thermal Insulation from Polyurethane Foam in Polyethylene Shell";
- GOST 21.60582 "Thermal networks (thermal and mechanical part)";
- SNiP 12012004 "Construction Organization";
- SNiP 3.05.0584 "Process equipment and pipelines";
- SNiP 23022003 "Construction heat engineering";
- SNiP 2.08.0289 "Public buildings and structures";
- GOST 21.11012009 "Basic requirements to design and detailed documentation";
- "Heat Energy and Coolant Accounting Rules" 1995;
- "Rules for operation of heat-consuming plants and heat-consuming plants of consumer networks and Safety Rules for Operation of Heat Points and Heat Networks of Consumers";
- Standard Manual for Technical Operation of Thermal Energy Transportation and Distribution Systems (Heat Networks) RD 15334.0-20.50798;
- Catalogue of TVEL "Teploross."
Water heating networks with parameters T1/T2 = 95/70 0С.
Design ambient temperature: minus (-) 260 С.
The heat supply source of the buildings is the designed boiler room.
The design provides for the laying of external heating networks.
The scheme for laying water heating networks is double-tube, above-ground: air: on existing FBS units, on existing high supports, on brackets on the walls of buildings and on supports on the roof of workshops.
Category of pipelines according to the rules of Gosgortekhnadzor - IV.
The slope of heat network pipelines is accepted at least 0.002.
In the higher points of pipelines of heat networks there is a device of air ducts, in the lower points - descent ducts. Draining from the lower points of the heating line is designed partially towards the existing chamber, from where water enters the existing discharge pit, where it cools down to 400 and then is drained to the existing sewage system. In other cases, water is discharged to the nearest sewer pit through hoses.
Materials, pipes and valves for the designed heat networks are adopted in accordance with the "Rules for the design and safe operation of steam and hot water pipelines" PB 1057303, in accordance with the guidelines of RMTG11/048193 of the Lengiproinzhproekt Institute, the requirements of SNiP 41022003 "Heat-top networks."
Steel electric welded pipes according to GOST 1070491 in insulation PPU345 in galvanized steel sheath according to GOST 307322006 are accepted for installation of heating system during above-ground laying.
Valves on the designed water thermal networks - ball valves of the company "BROEN" ("Ballomax") and "NAVAL."
Compensation of thermal extensions of the pipelines of the designed thermal networks is provided due to U-shaped compensators (before installation, it is necessary to stretch by the value of ∆kh/2 specified in the drawing), using natural angles of route turns and due to the use of bellows compensators.
The distance between the sliding supports for Du200 mm pipelines is 9.0 m, for Du150 mm - 7.0 m, for Du125 - 6 m, for Du100 - 5 m and for Du65 - 3.5m, respectively.
Thermal insulation of pipeline joints in SGP for above-ground laying of heat network by mineral wool with galvanized sheet .
Installation Instructions
Installation of pipelines has to be made according to requirements Construction Norms and Regulations 3.05.0385 "Thermal networks", the "Rules for the Construction and Safe Operation of Steam and Hot Water Pipelines" of PB 1057303 approved by the resolution of the Federal inspectorate for mining and industry of Russia of June 11, 2003 No. 90, "Service regulations of the heatconsuming installations and the thermal heatconsuming installations of networks of consumers", "Safety regulations at operation of thermal points and thermal networks of consumers". When developing and filling trenches, follow the instructions of SNiP 3.02.0187 "Earth structures, bases and foundations" and the recommendations of pipe-wire manufacturers.
Perform hydraulic tests of pipelines Risp = 1.25 Rrab:
- supply pipe - 1.6 MPa (16 kgf/cm2);
- return pipeline - 1.0 MPa (10 kgf/cm2).
Surface condition of non-insulated pipe ends in polyurethane foam insulation at joints shall meet the requirements of SNiP 3.04.0187 "Insulation-on and finishing coatings."
Remove snow, oil stains and other contaminants from the surfaces of pipelines at the joints before insulation with mineral wool. There should be no corrosion at the non-insulated ends of the pipes in the polyurethane foam insulation at the joints. Dry the wet surfaces with compressed air.
The technical solutions adopted in the project correspond to the design assignment, the issued technical specifications, the requirements of the current technical regulations, standards, codes of rules, other documents containing the established requirements.
сечения (НО, узел)-1.dwg
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