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Metal structures in the form of beam overlaps of the working area

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Metal structures

Project's Content

icon ТГТУ.270800.03.2015-ЧЭ.dwg
icon WP_20150521_005.jpg
icon ТГТУ 270800.03.2015-ПЗ.docx

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1. Initial data for calculation

2. Calculation of the prefabricated floor slab

2.1Recalculation of longitudinal rib by the 1st group of limit states

2.2 Calculation of longitudinal rib for bending moment action

2.3Development by inclined sections for action of transverse force

3Static Frame Calculation

3.1Assembly of column loads and determination of cross section dimensions

3.2 Collection of column loads and determination of cross section dimensions

3.3Defining geometric characteristics of frame elements

4. Calculation of extreme girder

4.1Recalculation by normal sections for action of bending moments

4.2Development in the lane between inclined cracks

4.3 Calculation by inclined sections for action of transverse force

4.4 Calculation of support reinforcement break

5 Basement column calculation

5.1 Column Strength Calculation

5.2 Calculation of column console


In this course design, it is necessary to design the main load-bearing structures of the multi-storey production building of the frame-link system (with load-bearing external brick walls and internal frame). The plate and crossbar were calculated and constructed according to the first group of limit states. The project has been completed in accordance with the design assignment. The development of the project was carried out on the basis of existing standard catalogs, as well as taking into account the requirements of the ESKD, SNiP, GOST and design standards. The project consists of an explanatory note and a graphic part. The note is made on 23 pages of A4 format, the graphic part on one sheet of A1 format.

Source Data for Calculation

1. Construction area: Novgorod

2. Building plan dimensions: 8x36

3. Column grid: 6x9.

4. Number of floors: 8

5. Floor height: 3.6 m.

6. Basement height: 3.6

7. Temporary floor load: 8 kN/m2

8. Design pound resistance: 0.5 mPa.

9. Prefabricated slab type: void

10. Concrete class of slab: B35

11. Plate fittings class: And 600

12. Cross-bar concrete class: B40

13. Crossbar fittings class: A600

14. Floor type: 2

15. Plate width: 1.5 m.

Drawings content

icon ТГТУ.270800.03.2015-ЧЭ.dwg

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