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Wet Milling Runners in Drawings


Runners SM-365 are designed for continuous or cyclic crushing, mixing or wiping dry or wet, brittle or plastic materials. Explanatory note, 4 drawings: - general view-skating rink-bowl-detailing

Project's Content

icon СМ-365 БЕГУНЫ Все чертежи.dwg
icon тех характеристика.doc
icon Бегуны СМ-365.doc

Additional information



1. General Information

1.1 Purpose and scope of runners

1.2 Classification of runners and their technical characteristics

2. Runners SM-

2.1 Description of design and principle of runners operation

2.2 Technical characteristics of runners CM-

2.3 A design of the main knots of details of runners of CM -

3. Runners SM-

3.1 Description of design and principle of runners operation

3.2 Technical characteristics of runners CM-

3.3 A design of the main knots of details of runners of CM -

List of literature


The variety of crushed materials according to their properties and the industrial objectives of this process leads to a large number of time-personal structures of crushing machines and plants. All used machines for grinding materials are divided into two groups: crushers and mills. [7]

Crushers are machines that are used to crush relatively large pieces of material, initial size 1001200 mm, size of pieces of final product 2503 mm. Crushers are used in mining, mining, construction, chemical and other industries to large, average and small crushing of various mountain breeds. The degree of grinding in the crushers is in the range of 320. [7]

Mills are intended to produce finely divided powdered material. They are used in rough, thin and ultra-thin grinding of limestone, chalk, marble, clay, coal, clinker and other materials, the size of the initial pieces is 220 mm, and the particle size of the final product is from 0.10.3 mm to a fraction of a micrometer.

According to the design and principle of action, the following types of crushers differ: cheek (crushing occurs between movable and fixed cheeks), cone (crushing of material and partial bending of it occurs between two cones), roll (material is crushed between two rolls rotating towards each other), runners (crushing of material occurs between rotating rollers and bowls (movable or fixed) by crushing, crushing and crushing. Compared to other grinding machines such as roller crushers, runners are generally less efficient. In this way, they should be used only when this is caused by special technological requirements, when, along with grinding, it is necessary to provide compaction, rubbing, de-airing of the mass (for example, when processing clay). [7]

1. General Information

1.1 Purpose and scope of runners

With the fixed grinding bodies (rollers, skating rinks, rollers, etc.) treat cars: srednekhodovy mills - runners [6] (for a rough and average grinding), ring, millstones, color mills, etc. (for an average and a high milling); high-speed centrifugal mills - knife, pin, disintegrators, etc. (for rough, medium and fine grinding). Runners are widely used in various industries of construction materials - ceramic, refractory, glass, asbestos cement, etc. They are designed for fine crushing (up to 3? 8 mm) and coarse grinding (up to 0.2? 0.5 mm) of raw materials. In runners, materials such as dolomite, limestone, wet and dry clay, quartz, scrap ceramic products, chamotte, etc. are ground. In the asbestos cement industry, they are widely used for the first stage of asbestos crucifixion. The use of runners with lower efficiency (compared to, for example, roller crushers) is due to the satisfaction of special technological requirements, when, along with grinding, it is necessary to provide compaction, rubbing, deairing of the masses. Grinding in runners is carried out as a result of crushing with simultaneous abrasion between the cylindrical surface of the rollers and the flat surface of the bowl (hearth) of runners, along which the rollers roll. [6]

In runners serving mainly for grinding viscous materials (often in combination with mixing), for example, in the mining and coke-chemical industries (coal charges, etc.), when rotating the shaft, rollers that freely sit on semi-axes roll ("run") along the bottom of the bowl, crushing and abrading the material contained in it. Under the influence of centrifugal forces, its pieces move to the outer side of the bowl, from where they rotate to the rollers with the help of specialists. scrapers. The main advantage is the prostota of the design; disadvantages: low productivity, limited degree of grinding. [6]

Drawings content

icon СМ-365 БЕГУНЫ Все чертежи.dwg

СМ-365 БЕГУНЫ Все чертежи.dwg