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Microdistrict Plot Plan - Drawings


Course project comprehensive improvement of the microdistrict in the Svibles district system Department of Urban Planning and Environmental Safety, 4 drawings, ZP

Project's Content

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Additional information


Introduction of __________________________________________________________________________

I) The location of the microdistrict in the residential district system _______________________________

II) Functional zoning of the territory of the microdistrict. _______________________________

III) Architectural and planning composition of the development of the microdistrict ______________________

IV) Necessary engineering calculations ________________________________________________

4.1. Calculation of the population of the microdistrict according to 2 versions _________________________

4.2.Demographic calculation of the population of the microdistrict _________________________

4.3. Calculation of sites for various purposes ____________________________________________

4.4. Calculation of required number of car seats ________________________________________

4.5. Calculation of required quantity of waste containers _________________________

V) Transport services of the microdistrict __________________________________________

VI) Vertical layout _______________________________________________________

VII) Engineering equipment ______________________________________________________

VIII) General conclusions on the microdistrict ___ - ______________________________________________

IX) List of literature used __________________________________________________

Appendix 1. Assortment of small architectural forms ____________________

Appendix 2. Assortment of green spaces ___________________________

Attachment 3. Lighting fixture assortment ________________________

Appendix 4. Photo recording of buildings of the microdistrict ____________________________


Modern requirements for the environment where a person works, lives and rests put city improvement among the most pressing problems of modern construction.

The main task of urban engineering improvement is to increase the standard of living of the population and preserve nature in urban areas.

In the process of designing the general plan of the microdistrict, the requirements in the field of engineering improvement should be taken into account: vertical planning; construction of road and pedestrian roads, parking lots, sports, children's, economic playgrounds; creation of green spaces of various functional purposes; artificial street lighting, a network of underground communications and sanitary cleaning.

Elements of engineering improvement should also meet modern architectural and artistic requirements.

All tasks of engineering improvement must be solved in mutual connection and, especially, taking into account the need to preserve and improve the environment.

1) The project includes the graphic part:

- M1 microdistrict plan: 500

- General plan of microdistrict M1: 500

- M1 vertical layout diagram: 500

- Summary diagram of M1 utility networks: 500

- Landscaping of microdistrict M1: 500

2) calculation and explanatory note on __ sheets of A4 format.

I. Location of the neighbourhood in the residential area system

The residential district under consideration with a population of 1370 people and a total area of ​ ​ 4.4 hectares is located in the Sviblovo district in the North-Eastern Administrative District of Moscow, next to the Botanical Garden metro station and is bordered by the streets:

- from the east passes the 1st Botanical passage, which crosses the Lazorevy passage;

- from the north and southwest passes Lazorevy passage.

The boundaries of the microdistrict on the southern and western sides are determined by the forest park (Sviblovo estate)

II. Functional zoning of the territory of the microdistrict

The area of ​ ​ development does not have a pronounced zoning. Conventionally, several zones can be distinguished:

- recreation area (quiet recreation areas);

- playgrounds;

- play area (sports grounds);

- residential area;

- the territory of institutions (kindergarten).

Landscaping occupies an area free from development.

The placement of green spaces on the projected territory is one of the important stages of design that determine the spatial and volume appearance of the microdistrict. By landscaping the microdistrict, we sought to ensure that plants contribute to the creation of the artistic and decorative appearance of the microdistrict, to solve issues of a sanitary and hygienic nature.

Landscaping is represented by ordinary planting of trees along the driveways bordering our microdistrict - these are trees of the first size and planting around the perimeter of sites for various purposes. In the house strip we placed lawns with low shrubs. In general, the assortment of green spaces in our microdistrict is presented in the list of green spaces in the drawing.

III. Architectural and planning composition of the development of the microdistrict.

The microdistrict is the primary link of the residential district - the main structural unit of the settlement territory. It is designed as a complex isolated from the main urban traffic, with full everyday household services, where the most healthy and convenient living conditions are created for the population.

The architectural and planning solution of the microdistrict is perimeter development. It is represented by residential buildings of variable storeys of 3-5 floors, there are 2 twelve-story residential buildings and 1 sixteen-story residential building. Also on the territory of the microdistrict is a kindergarten.

Inside the microdistrict, we located 5 children's playgrounds, which are equipped with everything necessary for games and the development of children; quiet recreation areas; sports complex fields.

We designed all sites so that they are as protected as possible from adverse natural conditions. Buildings located along the driveways serve as a protective screen against winds. And also comply with the norms of sanitary and hygienic conditions regarding insolation and ventilation of the development of the microdistrict.

V. Transportation services of the microdistrict.

Intra-district driveways

We designed a network of automobile passages in the microdistrict as minimal, providing only access to residential buildings of fire vehicles, trucks, ambulances, and also provides access to a kindergarten and a consumer service store.

And they also designed dead-end driveways, which end with turning platforms that provide the possibility of turning vehicles.

The distance from the edge of the passage to the wall of the building is not more than 6 m. In this zone, an ordinary planting of trees is mainly located.

Designing pedestrian links.

Pedestrian traffic is the main type of movement through the territory of the microdistrict. Therefore, the organization of pedestrian traffic, a network of paths and sidewalks is very important in the improvement of the microdistrict.

While the driveways are located mainly along the periphery of the microdistrict, we arranged footpaths deep in the microdistrict, identifying the main centers of gravity of pedestrians (kindergarten, bus stop, children's and sports fields).

We designed sidewalks and footpaths along the shortest path between sites, passages for pedestrians to the streets, to retail, and other institutions. The estimated width of one lane of pedestrian traffic is 0.75 m. On the territory of the microdistrict there are mainly footpaths 0.75 and 1.5 m wide.

Cover tracks accept tile, location and their number

It is designed from the condition of the parking lot and intra-quarter passages in order to exclude the intersection points of road and pedestrian tracks. To the central parts of the grounds and to the sports core you can safely and conveniently walk along the shortest distance

from each entrance; car parking can be crossed along the prescribed footpath. The paths connect the sites in the microdistrict with each other, allowing you to freely move throughout the entire area of ​ ​ the territory, without damaging green spaces, lawn, etc .

Selection and justification of types of pavements of streets, tracks, sites.

The types of pavement of tracks and platforms may vary. For sidewalks, footpaths, sites (on which systematic traffic is not provided, but vehicles with a standard axle load of up to 6 tons can enter), the use of artificial prefabricated coatings, as well as natural coatings, is rational.

For the playground, a good covering is the lawn. Part of the site (2025%) is covered with tiles (so that children can use the site after rain). Sand coating is used in places where climbing devices and other traumatic places are located .

Adult recreation grounds are covered with tiles laid throughout the site.

The coating of the area for cleaning things is made of tiles, asphalt concrete with a slope of 0.05 for rainwater runoff. Covering with lawn is undesirable.

Waste container sites shall have asphalt or concrete paving with a slope of 0.02 towards the roadway.

Lighting is one of the most important tasks of modern engineering improvement of urban areas. In the living environment, light plays a special role, being one of the main factors that ensure the comfort of living and a sense of safety. The main function of outdoor lighting is to ensure the orientation of people in space, decorative and decorative decoration of open areas and facades.

Standard lighting is installed along driveways and entrances to houses

lanterns with a height of 9 m in staggered order. It is also necessary to illuminate footpaths, children's, sports and other venues. Lighting of the interior of the courtyard is carried out by low lamps - torsches, which in the daytime play the role of small architectural forms. Possible selection

the shape of the lighting fixtures depending on the illuminated area, for example, illumination of sports grounds using directional lighting on the node sections .

VI. Vertical layout

Vertical planning is engineering measures to artificially change and improve the existing terrain for use in urban planning and improvement of urban areas.

The terrain is favorable and organized in such a way that it provides natural removal of surface water from its territory. Water is drained along the surface due to the existing natural slope of the territory using open trays. The open trays are presented in the form of trays of the carriageways of highways and driveways.

The design of the vertical layout was carried out according to these elevations of the points of intersection of the highways. To protect the foundations of buildings from damp, a pavement, 1.0 m wide, with a slope of 0.05 is arranged around the perimeter of the building. Pedestrian sidewalks are arranged along the driveways, 2.25 m wide with a transverse slope of 0.015.

The territory of the microdistrict is planned to be single-slope, providing natural drainage of surface water. Design elevations are accepted so that the slope is at least 0.004. The planning of the territory is carried out based on the proposal of the smallest mass haul movement. As a result of the vertical layout of this microdistrict, the natural terrain changes by cutting and pouring soil, increasing slopes in relation to the requirements of urban development.

Longitudinal slopes along Lazorevian passage from the north (7 o/o), from the south and west (9 o/o) and Botanical passage (9 o/o) are not less than the maximum permissible, equal to 4 o/o

The main tasks of vertical planning are:

1) Organization of surface water runoff from the territory

2) Ensuring permissible slopes of city streets, intersections for safe and convenient traffic and pedestrians

3) Creation of favorable conditions for the placement of buildings and laying of underground engineering networks.

4) Relief organization in the presence of unfavorable physical and geological processes

5) Creation, if necessary, of artificial terrain meeting the requirements

6) Tradition to the relief of the greatest architectural expressiveness

VII Engineering Equipment

Since the territory of the microdistrict is small and the population is only 1340 people, there is no CTP and TP. But still, the microdistrict is provided with water, heat, electricity, gas.

Microdistrict networks using inputs and releases are connected to urban (street) communications from the northern part. The sewer network is gravity with release into the collector on 1st Botanical Passage Street.

The scheme of engineering underground networks in the microdistrict is built so that it meets the task of fully providing consumers with all types of engineering improvement. Network tracing is economical along the shortest paths with maximum use of building technical sub-fields.

Method of laying intra-district underground networks:

- combined in passing channels-couplers.

Utility networks are shown in the diagram: water supply - in blue, heating system - in red, sewerage - in brown, electrical networks - in yellow.

Drawings content

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