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Water supply and sewerage - course project

  • Added: 29.07.2014
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Course project: "Cold water supply and sewerage." Floor plan, basement, axonometric diagram of water supply, sewerage, longitudinal profile of yard sewerage. Explanatory note with necessary calculations, specification of water supply and sewerage

Project's Content

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icon курсовая работа по канализации-1.dwg

Additional information


1. Source Data

2. Hydraulic calculation of the internal water supply system:

2.1 Determination of estimated second expenses

in the water supply system

2.2 Water meter selection

2.3 Determination of the total required head in the external water supply network

3. Calculation of sewage risers

4. Calculation of yard sewage system

5. Literature

2.2. Water meter selection

The water meter selected for this system must meet two requirements at the same time:

- the average hourly flow rate of the designed building should not be more than the operating flow rate of the meter;

- head losses for impeller water meters shall not be more than 2.5 m, and for turbine water meters - not more than 1 m.

The maximum daily water consumption for one resident is 250l. (SniP 23076), and for the whole house

Qday = 250 * 180 = 45000l,

therefore, you need to select a meter that will have a nominal flow rate of more than

(4500 * 4 )/100 = 1800l/h

The value of losses in the water meter is determined

hph = S * q2

q-design flow rate, l/s

S-counter resistance, l/s

The gauge of the water meter is usually greater than or equal to the diameter of the water pipeline in the VU-1 section

We accept the gauge of water meter 40mm

S = 0.32l/s

HHF = 0.32 * 2.222 = 1.58 < 2.5, i.e. the 40 mm impeller water meter is suitable for these conditions.

The capacity of VK40 is 6.3 m3/h, which is more than 1.8m3/h, and this satisfies all conditions.

Drawings content

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