Graphic structure of the internal cold water supply system design

- Added: 09.03.2015
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Table of contentsIntroduction
Design of internal cold supply system of the building
Selection and justification of the water supply system
Main elements of the internal water supply network
Building Entry Device
Water metering unit arrangement
Selection and justification of internal water supply scheme
Hydraulic calculation of internal mains water supply
To Construct an Axonometric Diagram
Internal Running Water Calculation
Determination of the required head in the external water supply network
Internal sewer network design and calculation
Internal sewer network design
Calculation of sewage pipelines
Design and calculation of yard sewage network
To create modern comfortable living conditions for people in residential buildings, it is necessary to equip buildings with all the necessary life support systems and devices, including cold, hot water supply and sanitation. The purpose of the course work is to design a water supply and drainage system for a two-story cottage. Of great importance is the choice of rational water supply schemes, improving their reliability and efficiency. Special attention is paid to hydraulic stability, pressure stabilization, elimination of waste costs and leaks.
Coursework tasks:
1. Design of internal cold water supply system of the building;
2. Hydraulic calculation of internal water supply network;
3. Calculation and design of the internal sewer network;
4. Calculation of the yard sewer network.
In course work, in addition to calculations and on them, design of internal cold water supply and internal sewage systems; a graphic portion comprising:
1) Plot plan of the section with external networks of water supply and sewerage M 1:500;
2) Standard floor plan of the building M 1:100;
3) Basement or technical underground plan with applied elements of pipelines and sanitary equipment M 1:100;
4) Axonometric diagram of water supply M 1:100;
5) Axonometric diagram of sewage risers M 1:100;
6) Profile of intraquarter (yard) sewage system of M 1:200 network.
Main elements of the internal water supply network
Domestic drinking water supply systems are arranged in order to provide water to a residential building equipped with an appropriate sewage system.
In this course work, for a residential building, we design only a system of cold, household drinking water supply.
The internal water supply system includes entry into the building, water metering unit, dilution network, risers, main pipes, supply to sanitary devices and fittings located in the left part of the building, as it is closer to sanitary and technical devices.
Building Input Device
Commissioning - pipeline from the external water supply network to the internal water supply network (to the water metering unit or shutoff valves located inside the building). One entry is made in the building, as per SNiP 2.04.0185. We design it on the left side of the building. In course work, cast iron bell pipes with a diameter of 50mm are used for the input device.
The depth of the pipelines depends on the depth of the external water supply network, that is, the inputs are placed below the freezing depth (1.65 m) of the soil 0.5m to the bottom of the pipe. 1.65 + 0.5 = 2.15 (m)
When crossing the sewer network, the water supply is laid above the sewer pipes by 0.4 m. At the point of connection of the inlet to the city highway, a well is arranged, in which a gate valve is installed.
Selection and justification of internal water supply scheme
For this course work, we accept a system of drinking water supply, as well as a dead end water supply scheme with one input and lower routing of main pipelines.
Dead end networks are used for a residential low-rise building.
During lower routing, main pipelines are placed in the lower part of the basement building at a distance of 0.15 meters from the basement floor.
The diagram of the internal water supply network is selected taking into account the placement of water collection devices in the plans of each floor, water supply and consumption modes, reliability of supply of water to consumers, as well as technical and economic feasibility .
Hydraulic calculation of internal mains water supply
To Construct an Axonometric Diagram
On the plan of the typical floor of the building, at a scale of 1:100, the points of placement of water risers are indicated and wiring to water collection devices is shown. The laying of risers and passages should be provided open on the walls of toilets, kitchens and other utility rooms. All water risers shall be numbered from right to left.
On the basement plan, the points show the risers and then the lines connecting the risers and the entry into the building are applied.
After designing the entry, the basement plan shows the location of the water metering unit.
The axonometric scheme is drawn at a scale of 1:100. The axonometric diagram shows:
an entry indicating the diameter and elevation of the pipeline axis at the intersection with the external wall of the building;
water metering unit;
shut-off valves;
elevations on floor taps;
level elevations of clear field 1, 2 floors.
On the axonometric diagram, a dictating point is selected - the farthest from the input, both vertically and horizontally.
The pipeline from the dictating point to the input is divided into sections, during which the number of instruments (or flow rate) and the diameter of the pipelines do not change.
The sections are indicated by numbers, the length of the calculated section and the diameter of the pipeline (determined by hydraulic calculation).
Internal sewer network design and calculation
Internal sewer network design
When designing the internal sewage system on the floor plan, the location of the sewage riser is determined, which are placed in the corner of the bath along the entire height of the building. The outlet is laid from cast iron pipes in the shortest direction to the yard network. Cast iron pipes are used for the sewage network.
Domestic sewage system is designed to drain domestic wastewater from kitchen sinks, washes, baths, showers, washbasins, toilets and other sanitary devices.
Discharges discharging waste water from the risers outside the building into the courtyard or intra-quarter sewage network are laid with a slope of 0.025-0.035 with a pipe diameter of 50 mm and with a slope of 0.012-0.02 with a diameter of 100 mm, providing planned connections to the riser.
Depth of discharge pipe laying is determined by:
depth of ground freezing (pipe bottom can be located above the freezing boundary by 0.3 m)
presence of sewage water receivers located in basements (when risers are withdrawn to the outlet by gravity) under conditions of pipe protection from mechanical damages (in places where transportation is possible, the depth of laying should be at least 0.7 - 1 m)
In the course work, cold water supply systems were calculated and designed, an axonometric scheme of cold water supply was built, the general plan and the profile of the courtyard sewerage of the two-story building were made. The number of risers, the number of devices consuming cold, the number of consumers in the building are determined. Depending on the degree of improvement of the building, water collection devices were selected. Systems and schemes of internal water supply networks were selected. The required head in the external water supply network was determined, and it turned out that the required head was provided, so it was not necessary to install a pump inside the building to increase the pressure in the internal water supply
We summarized and consolidated the knowledge of the theoretical course, as well as acquired the skills to independently solve problems related to the design of internal water supply and sewerage of buildings.
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