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Water supply and sanitation of a 7-storey residential building

  • Added: 27.11.2022
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In the course work, the systems of internal water supply, internal sewerage and internal drainage are designed. The connection of a residential seven-storey building to city networks is projected, all bindings and marks of systems are shown. Connection of the water supply is carried out through the CTP where booster pumps are installed. Household sewerage is connected to the yard network connected to the city sewerage. According to the estimated depth of laying and elevations of the surface of the earth, the profile of the yard sewerage network is being built. Storm sewers bring water to the scaffolding near the building. The explanatory note contains all the calculations performed in the design of systems, and the specification of the equipment.

Table of initial data:

Version of the building plan on the master plan1
Distance L1, m17,0
Distance L2, m20,0
Diameter of the pipe of the city water supply, mm250
Diameter of the city sewerage pipe, mm300
Urban communicationsExisting
Number of storeys of the building7
Floor height, m3,50
Basement height, m2,50
Ground elevation at the job, m46,2
Ground floor mark, m47,0
Mark of the manhole of the city sewerage, m45,6
Mark of the city sewerage tray, m43,2
Elevation of the top of the pipe of the city water supply, GW, m42,7
Head at the point of connection of the water supply, m42,0
Depth of soil freezing, m1,90
Roof slope, %2
Construction areaIzhevsk
Population density, people / sq. m.4,1
The building is equipped withCentralized hot water supply

The layout of all floors of the residential building is of the same type.

You should also consider the following:

- number of sections of a residential building (one);

- basement non-operational, located under the entire building;

- the surface of the land of the site has a slope towards the projected passage, on which street communications are located;

- floor thickness 0.2 m;

- the height of the attic room is 1.1 m;

- Precipitation is provided for on the blind of the building.



-Axonometric schemes B1, K1, K2

-House plan

-Basement plan


-General data

-Yard sewer profile


Project's Content

icon Аксонометрическая схема К1.dwg
icon Аксонометрическая схема К2.dwg
icon ВИВ Генплан.dwg
icon ВИВ План дома.dwg
icon ВИВ Подвал.dwg
icon Общие данные.dwg
icon ПЗ.docx
icon Профиль К1.dwg
icon Аксонометрическая схема В1-1 В1-2.dwg

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Drawings content

icon Аксонометрическая схема К1.dwg

Аксонометрическая схема К1.dwg

icon Аксонометрическая схема К2.dwg

Аксонометрическая схема К2.dwg

icon ВИВ Генплан.dwg

ВИВ Генплан.dwg

icon ВИВ План дома.dwg

ВИВ План дома.dwg

icon ВИВ Подвал.dwg

ВИВ Подвал.dwg

icon Общие данные.dwg

Общие данные.dwg

icon Профиль К1.dwg

Профиль К1.dwg

icon Аксонометрическая схема В1-1 В1-2.dwg

Аксонометрическая схема В1-1 В1-2.dwg
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