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Water station heating automation system

  • Added: 01.07.2014
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Automation of water pump station heating. Drawings, Explanatory Note, Specification

Project's Content

icon КЖ.DOC
icon л1_Tитульный лист.doc
icon л2_Общие данные.doc
icon Спецификация.doc
icon Описание работы схемы управления.docx
icon Внешний вид ШУ_ВНС.dwg
icon План расположения оборудования и прокладки кабелей.dwg
icon plot.log
icon Принципильная схема ШУ_ВНС.dwg
icon plot.log
icon Схема подключения внешних проводок.dwg

Additional information

Operation of the control diagram.

SGN provides manual and automatic control of a group of PET heaters using contactor KM1. The control modes of the group of heaters are switched by means of the 2-position switch S1.

Only manual switching by means of QF5 circuit breaker is provided for PSGC power supply circuit in SGC SGC.

Manual control of heater group

To select the manual control mode of the PET heater group, set switch S1 to position 2 "Manual control." The group of heaters is controlled by one contactor KM1 using a double button SB1. To start heating press green "START" button, to turn off heating group, press red "STOP" button.

Automatic operation of a group of heaters

To select the automatic operation mode of the PET heater group, set switch S1 to position 1 "Automatic operation."

In this case inclusion and shutdown of heating will be carried out from temperature sensor which normally open contact (DT1) is connected to SU VNS via the block of terminal clips of XT3.

Remote alarm of emergency modes

Remote signaling of equipment emergency operation modes transmission is provided in SGS SGS. For this purpose, a data acquisition controller and an intelligent modem are installed. These devices are powered from the 220 V AC/24 V DC power supply. The discrete inputs of the controller are supplied with signals of emergency actuation of circuit breakers (SDcontact), as well as NO-contact of actuation of voltage control relay.

Alarms are transmitted via GPRScommunication to the mobile phone in the form of ¼ messages. 6 alarms are provided:

1. "HN1 accident" - emergency shutdown of QF1 circuit breaker, which supplies 1 group of PET loads;

2. "HN2 accident" - emergency shutdown of QF2 circuit breaker, which feeds 2 PET load group;

3. "HN3 accident" - emergency shutdown of QF3 circuit breaker, which feeds the 3 load group of PET;

4. "HN4 accident" - emergency shutdown of QF4 circuit breaker, which supplies 4 PET load group;

5. "SRGC accident" - emergency disconnection of QF5 circuit breaker supplying SRGC;

6. "Accident. Phase "- disappearance of voltage at one of the supply phases of the SGC.

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