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Vertical layout of the residential microdistrict

  • Added: 03.07.2014
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Course by vertical layout. Drawings, Explanatory Note

Project's Content

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Additional information


1. Introduction

2. To Create Longitudinal Profiles

3. Determination of microdistrict angle elevations

4. Implementation of the vertical layout scheme for intra-district driveways

5. Drawing an Earthwork Cartogram

6. Earthwork Count


The purpose of this project is to organize the vertical planning of the microdistrict to divert surface water from its territory.

Vertical layout is the transformation, change and adaptation of natural terrain to the requirements of construction, planning, development and improvement of territories. Vertical layout is carried out by moving haul masses on the basis of specially drafted projects.

In the vertical layout of residential areas, a design surface of the territory is being developed with the establishment of elevations and longitudinal slopes along the network of streets, at their intersections, fractures of the longitudinal profile and at characteristic points of the surface.

The purpose of this project is solved by a combined method. The essence of this method lies in the fact that on the scheme of the general plan, made on a geodetic basis, reflecting the existing relief (black contours) at characteristic points, design elevations are applied and design slopes are indicated on these sections, which characterize the planned relief and determine the organization of surface runoff of rain and melt waters.

This project presents a microdistrict with an area of ​ ​ 20.00 hectares, with a predominance of five-story buildings, enclosed between the district and residential highways. The microdistrict has a relief with a decrease from north-east to south-west, the pitch of the existing black contours is 1 meter.

To Create Longitudinal Profiles

Vertical layout begins with the alignment of intersections using the profile method. The essence of the method is that the depicted surface is represented as a set of lofted profiles drawn in different directions on the plan of the projected surface.

Profiles are conditional sections of existing and projected surfaces. The profile conventions are as follows:

1. the sections between points of an existing relief are shown in a straight line;

2. for a more visual image of the relief, the horizontal and vertical scales are distorted, the vertical scale is 10 times larger than the horizontal scale.

This project begins with the construction of longitudinal profiles of the ridge of the main roads. To do this, we define black road intersection elevations and crest intersection points with existing contours. With the help of design contours, we reduced or increased the steepness, filled with lowered places. Leveling the irregularities of the territories is carried out by filling the depressions and cutting the hills and elevations. To determine the position on the project of the design horizontal, the distance from the horizontal to one of the points is calculated from the design elevations of two points:

l= h2 h1/i

i - slope

h - excess

l - distance between points

The slope found should be within 550 ppm.

After the red slope is built on the profile, we proceed to the construction of red contours on the roads on the microdistrict plan with a pitch of design contours of 0.20 m.

Design contour design provides a clear view of the design terrain and the ability to accurately implement the project in kind, especially in areas with small slopes and complex terrain.

When using the design contours method, the plan and profiles are combined in any considered sections, as a result of which the horizontal and vertical layout of the designed sections is simultaneously solved. In view of ensuring the minimum amount of excavation work and maintaining the elevations of support points on the axis of the roadway, the points of fracture of the longitudinal profile and their approximate design elevations are indicated. Then distance between above mentioned points and longitudinal slopes between them are determined. Design slopes rounded to a whole number of thousandths show above arrows applied along the axis of the roadway and showing the directions of design slopes, and the distance between tipping points is under the arrows. Taking into account the accepted grades, the design marks of tipping points are specified by the formula:

H2= H1±li

Determination of microdistrict angle elevations


To determine the elevation of the corners of the microdistrict, it is necessary to determine which roads are the main ones. In this project, the main district master, and between the two local streets the main one will be whose slope is larger. After we have decided on the main roads, we will work on connecting the carriageways, that is, linking the intersections. Superelevation overtaking, where the street passes from a single-slope profile to a gable, is carried out at a distance of 60 meters. After interfacing the intersections along the slopes of the main roads, we will find corner elevations, taking into account that the transverse slope of the roads is 20 miles, the height of the bard stone is 15 cm, the slope from the red line to the road is 20 miles.

Implementation of the vertical layout scheme for intra-district driveways

At this stage, the slopes and distances at which these slopes act are determined.

Intra-district driveways are divided into main and secondary.

The main ones are two-voiced and serve to access several groups of buildings, DDU, schools, public centers, have a significant length and join city streets. The width of such a passage is 5.5m, has a single-slope transverse profile with a slope of 20 ppm, the height of the bard stone is 15cm.

Secondary driveways are single-lane and serve to access small groups of buildings. The width of such a passage at high-rise houses is 5.5m, and at houses below 9 floors is 3.5m, a single-slope transverse profile with a slope of 20 miles. The height of the bard stone is 10 cm, but in special conditions (when the red horizontal is designed so that the water flows into the passage tray closest to the house) 18 cm is taken.

In order to carry out the vertical layout scheme along the inner-district driveways, it is necessary to determine slopes that should not be less than 4 miles by the black elevations of the intersection points of the driveways and the distances between them. We also determine the red elevations of points along the trays of highways that are located in the center of the main intra-regional passages (longitudinal slope of at least 5 miles) and link all intersections.

In this project there is a case of water flowing from the local street inside the microdistrict. To eliminate this, as a result of vertical planning, we arrange a relief fracture.

Inner-district driveways have a curb stone height. The displacement of the contours on the road is by 14, and along the inner-district passages by 12.

After the construction of red contours on inner-district passages, it is necessary to conduct them throughout the territory of the microdistrict, as close as possible to the existing relief.

Drawings content

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