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Ventilation of thermal workshop

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Coursework - Explanatory Note, Drawings

Project's Content

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1. Main Heat and Air Calculations

1.1 Selection of external enclosures

1.2 Calculation of heat loss

1.3 Calculation of heat emissions

1.4 Preparation of heat balance for cold, transition and warm periods of the year

1.5 Identification of main hazards and places of their release

1.6 Determination of air volumes removed from each type of equipment

1.7 Determination of supply air volume and temperature (in case of air heating or cooling ventilation) during cold, transitional and warm periods of the year

1.8 Aeration calculation

1.9 Distribution of exhaust and supply air volumes between ventilation systems

1.10 Selection of air distribution scheme and type of air terminals with check of air mobility in the working area

2. Basic solutions for arrangement of heating and ventilation (or ventilation) systems

2.1 Application of air ducts on the plan and sections of the workshop, in two versions, in 1 line (preliminary) with sketched arrangement of ventilation equipment and local suction

3. Calculation of ducts and selection of ventilation equipment

3.1 Drawing of axonometric diagrams of one exhaust and one plenum system

3.2 Calculation of air ducts of two ventilation systems drawn in axonometry

3.3 Approximate calculation (by air speeds) of main ducts of all other systems

3.4 Technical and economic calculation of calorifers

3.5 Check of heat balance for the period of standby heating

3.6 Precise selection of ventilation equipment of two calculated systems and its approximate selection for all other systems

3.7 Calculation of pipelines to supply system calorifers

4. Design of ventilation systems

4.1 Design of designed ventilation systems or heating and ventilation systems (air ducts, ventilation equipment, local suction, air distributors, pipelines to calorifers, etc.) on the plan and two sections of the workshop on a scale

1:100 - 1 sheet

4.2 Detailed Development:

a) plenum and exhaust chambers (each in two projections) with reference to the axes of the building, on a scale of 1:50;

b) local suction at a scale of 1:20 or 1:10;

c) 1:20 or 1 scale air distributor:

5. Compilation of characteristics, specification and calculation and explanatory note

5.1 Characterization of heating and ventilation systems (two) according to form 1 (l.)

5.2 Compilation of summary specification for two systems (l.)

5.3 Compilation of calculation and explanatory note

15. Aerodynamic calculation of ventilation systems P1, B1

Aerodynamic calculation of ventilation systems is carried out in order to determine the crossed dimensions of air ducts and pressure losses in individual areas and in the system as a whole. In the course project, it is necessary to solve the direct problem of aerodynamics. Consider systems P1 and B1. For other systems, we will choose the recommended speeds when designing ventilation of industrial buildings (In main ducts up to 12 m/s, and in branches up to 6 m/s).

17. Conclusion.

During the course work, the main design calculations of the ventilation system of the thermal workshop were made. Various equipment of plenum and exhaust systems was selected, structural and calibration calculations were carried out. The example of system P1 and B1 shows in detail the aerodynamic calculation, with the selection of the required equipment.

Drawings content

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