Ventilation of the building of the city branch of the STATE BANK

- Added: 03.07.2014
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Additional information
1. Selection of design parameters of indoor air and outdoor air parameters
2. Calculation of air exchange by multiplicities, if necessary calculation by heat, moisture and gas emissions, or by norm per 1 person
3. Determine the number and size of vertical channels (natural drawing), grids and air terminals by room
4. Fundamental solutions for the organization of supply and exhaust systems
5. Aerodynamic calculation of ventilation system P
6. Aerodynamic calculation of VE system
7. Calculation and selection of equipment for supply system P
8. Ventilation chamber layout
9. Acoustic calculation for a section of A system
10. Calculation of air curtain
List of used literature
Ventilation - controlled air exchange in the room, providing a favorable air environment.
- complex of means for creation of required air exchange.
In the course work, the task was set to design ventilation of the building of the city branch of the State Bank. The design of the ventilation system is based on various regulatory documents, in particular, the following are used in the work: SNiP 41012003, SNiP 23032003, SNiP 2.08.0289, GOST 12.1.00588 .
Determining the Required Air Exchange
Air exchange is the partial or complete replacement of air containing harmful emissions with pure atmospheric air. Air exchange in residential, public and administrative buildings is usually determined by the multiplicity of air exchange or by the established standard of air exchange per person. The multiplicity of air exchange is called the amount of air supplied or removed in 1 hour from the room, assigned to its internal cubature. Departmental standards for this type of building are VNP 00101, according to which multiplicity is accepted for some types of premises.
8. Arrangement of plenum chamber
In the plenum ventilation chamber we install equipment for air treatment and its supply to the premises. In this case, the location of the wreath chamber under the lobby is more rational. It has 4 plenum systems with a common prechamber. Each system is equipped with individual equipment: heater, fan, insulated valve, filter.
During the course work, the main design calculations of the ventilation system of the GOSBANK branch were made. Various equipment of plenum and exhaust systems was selected, structural and calibration calculations were carried out. Using the example of the system P1 and BE3, aerodynamic and acoustic calculations are shown in detail, with the selection of the required equipment.

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