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Reconstruction of part of the bath building for the location of the bank branch with. Samburg

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Ochrano-fire alarm Calculation cash center, explanatory note, drawings

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3.1 Understanding Communication Networks

3.2 Security Alarm System

3.3 Fire Alarm System

3.4 Evacuation Warning and Control System

3.5 Security Television System

3.6 Telephony and Internet System






1.1.1. general provisions

Working design of the Bank's communication systems at the address: Yamalstroyexpertiza, Purovsky District, s. Samburg was developed by Yamalstroyexpertiza LLC on the basis of the contract, technical assignment for design, construction plans and current norms and rules for design and construction and installation works:

1. GOST 21.10197 "Design Documentation System for Construction. Basic requirements for design and detailed design documentation ";

2. GOST R 5077595 Alarm Systems. Part 1. General requirements. Section 1. General provisions;

3. GOST R 5077695 Alarm Systems. Part 1. General requirements. Section 4. Design, Installation and Maintenance Manual;

4. SNiP 1.06.0585. "Regulation on copyright supervision";

5. SNiP 2.01.0285. "Fire Safety Standards";

6. SNiP 2.04.0984. "Fire automation of buildings and structures";

7. SNiP 2.08.0289. "Public buildings and structures";

8. SNiP 3.05.0685. "Electrical devices";

9. SNiP 110195. "The instruction about an order of development, coordination and a statement and structure of the project documentation on construction of the enterprises, buildings and constructions";

10. SNiP 210197. "Fire safety of buildings and structures";

11. VNP 00101/Bank of Russia. Departmental design standards "Buildings of territorial main departments, national banks and settlement and cash centers of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation";

12. NPB 882001 "Fire fighting and alarm systems. Design Codes and Regulations ";

13. NPB 10403 order dated June 20, 2003 N 323 "Design of fire warning systems in buildings and structures";

14. NPB 11003 pr. dated June 18, 2003 N 315 "List of buildings, structures, premises and equipment to be protected by automatic fire extinguishing units and automatic fire alarm";

15. NPB 0393. "Procedure for approval of design and estimate documentation by state fire supervision bodies of the Russian Federation";

16. NPB 5897. "Address fire alarm systems";

17. NPB 10595. "Determination of categories of rooms and buildings by explosion and fire hazard";

18. RD 78.14392 Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia. "Guidance document. Security alarm systems and systems. Elements of technical strengthening of facilities. Design Standards ";

19. RD 78.36.0032002 "Engineering and technical strengthening. Security equipment. Requirements and design standards for the protection of facilities from criminal encroachments ";

20. RD 78.14593. MINISTRY OF INTERNAL AFFAIRS OF THE RUSSIAN FEDERATION "Guidance document. Systems and complexes of security, fire and fire alarm. Rules of Work Execution and Acceptance ";

21. RD 78.36.00199. "Equipment of the facilities safety systems. Schematic Symbol Symbols. "

22. BCH11687. "Instructions for the design of line-cable communication facilities";

23. VSN604SH87. "Safety precautions during construction of linear installation structures";

24. PUE 9th edition, 2000

1.1. 2. description and characteristics of protected premises

Communication systems shall equip the Bank's premises at the address:. Yamal-Nenets Autonomous Okrug, Purovsky District, s. Samburg.

The premises of the Bank are former premises of the bath located on the ground floor. The height of the premises is 2.43 m. The main load-bearing structures of the building: brick walls, interior floors - reinforced concrete. Entrance to the Bank is through a porch located on the facade side of the building. The emergency exit is arranged through the door from the end of the building.

The Bank has the following premises:

- safe room;

- cash desk;

- operating cash desk;

- client cabin;

- pre-office room;

- safe room;

- personnel premises;

- corridor;

- vestibules;

- cleaning equipment room;

- operating - cash zone;

- bathroom.

The number of security posts is 1 (room 15).

All premises of the bank building, depending on the value and nature of the actions performed in them, are divided into 3 main accessibility zones:

1. The first zone (premises, access to which the employee and clients are not limited: operating room, client cabin, part of office premises, lounges).

2. The second zone (rooms, access to which is allowed a limited circle of employees: point of sale, office rooms, service premises, bathroom).

3. The third zone (premises that only strictly defined bank officials have access to): operating cash desks, safe room).

Physical protection of the facility, control of the situation at the facility is carried out by security officers who are at the security post in room 15.

Installation/removal from security of the facility premises, monitoring (monitoring) of the premises condition (removed from security/under protection) is carried out from the security post using control buttons on control and reception devices, control panel, as well as responsible bank personnel from local control panels.


1.2.1. 3.1. Understanding Communication Networks

1.2.2. 1. Purpose and Functions

The MOP provides the following tasks:

- protection of material and information assets located in the premises of the facility;

- protection of the complex's own resources and technical means in case of unauthorized access to them;

- protection of facility security personnel during attack attempts.

- connection of the branch with external networks.

- notification of customers and personnel about evacuation in case of fire.

HS provide:

1. Identification (automatically and by personnel) of alarm situations, generation of alarm signals, output of information on presence of alarm situation to the facility security post, including:

- automatic detection of unauthorized penetration into the guarded premises of the facility, generation of alarm signals and output of information on presence and location of an alarming situation to the facility security post;

- automatic detection by fire alarm means and personnel of a fire hazard situation in the premises of the facility (presence of smoke, increased temperature), generation of fire hazard signals, output of information on the presence and location of a fire hazard situation sound and light warning about the situation;

- identification of an alarm situation by the facility and security personnel, issuance of alarm signals, issuance of information on the presence and place of the alarm situation in the alarm zone to the facility security post.

2. Centralized monitoring (observation) of the situation in the premises of the facility from the security and surveillance post, output of alarm signals, transmission of alarm messages to the centralized monitoring panel.

3. Organization of security placement and removal from the facility premises in accordance with the instruction on the internal operating schedule of the facility established on the basis of orders and orders of the Branch Administration.

4. Automatic and semiautomatic (by operator signals) monitoring of SS elements and its components.

5. Automatic recording of alarm signals, operator actions, recording of events in the archive.

6. Automatic recording of video information and viewing of videos from the archive. 3.1.2. Composition of SS

SS consists of the following systems:

- security alarm system (OS);

- fire alarm system (FS);

- fire warning system and evacuation control;

- security television (OT) system.

- Telephony and Internet (TF).

1.2.3. 3.2. SECURITY ALARM SYSTEM 3.2.1. Appointment

The security alarm system provides:

- monitoring of the situation to prevent unauthorized entry into the protected premises of the facility;

- security and removal of premises (zones, sections);

- output of "alarm" signals at actuation of system facilities, output of signals to remote devices of system light and sound indication;

- recording of events in memory of control and receiving devices.

4.2.2. Composition and location of security alarm system equipment

The security alarm system is built on the basis of the Signal 20M security and fire control device, the UO3K Phobos notification transmission system and the S2000KS consoles connected by an address interface communication line. Signal20M PPKOP devices SLEEP "UO3K Phobos" provide:

- centralized and autonomous protection of objects from unauthorized intrusions and fires by monitoring the condition of twenty and three alarm loops (SB), respectively, with security, fire and alarm detectors included in them;

- output of alarm notices about SB violation and detectors actuation to indicators and device annunciator, as well as through relay outputs - to PTS equipment.

- actuation of control circuits of external sound and light annunciators, annunciators and indicators on the aircraft.

PPKOP device "Signal 20M" provides control of SBS collection/removal by means of switches, as well as display of SBS status on built-in indicators.

The UO3K Phobos SLEEP device provides management of capture/removal of SS by means of the Touch Memory keys and also display a condition of SS on the built-in indicators.

"S2000KS" panel provides control of SH acquisition/removal using digital codes, as well as display of SH status on built-in indicators.

The C2000KC control panel allows to program parameters of the connected Signal20M device and to operate states and the modes of its SS and relay exits.

The OS includes means of detecting and signalling different operating principles.

The following are used as security detectors:

- magnetic contact detectors IO 1026;

- infrared volumetric detectors "Photon16 (IO40930);

- volumetric security detectors combined "Astra641";

- piezoelectric detectors for destruction of "Shorokh2";

- acoustic detectors "Astra531AK."

Detector connection diagrams are given on sheet 10 (11/03.092012CC).

IO 1026 sensors are installed on the doors, acoustic glass breakage detectors "Astra531AK" are installed in window openings or on the ceiling of rooms.

The internal volume of the premises is protected using IKon16 (IO40930) type detectors and Astr641 volumetric combined detectors.

To protect the safe room and the pre-safe room, the following security lines are organized:

- first line: magnetic contact sensor IO10206;

- second line: piezoelectric detector for Shorokh-2 destruction;

- third line: volumetric combined detector "Astra-641 "/

These lines form the corresponding SHS, which are combined into one section. Security of this section is performed using "Touch Memory" keys

The remaining premises are blocked by two or three security lines.

As alarm detectors, security manual point electrical contact detectors "Astra321M (IO 1017)" are used.

Alarm detectors "Astra321M" are installed in the operating register, at the workplaces of the operators, in the safe room. These detectors are combined into alarm loops, which are programmed with the function - "No disconnection right."

Location of alarm equipment on the site plans is given on sheet 4 (11/03.092012SS) of this project.

In terms of reliability, the system meets the requirements of GOST 27.00390, RD 25.95290 (Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia).

The installed equipment meets the requirements for electrical safety as per GOST 12.2.00687.

Equipment and equipment installed in the premises of the facility are resistant to climatic effects according to GOST 1515069 (U3.1 - for rooms without artificially controlled climatic conditions, U4.2 - for rooms with artificially controlled climatic conditions).

Devices operating indoors have protective containment of degree of protection not worse than IP41 as per GOST 1425569, GOST 1425480. fire alarm system 3.2.1. Appointment

Fire alarm system provides:

- 24-hour monitoring of the situation at the facility;

- recording of events in the control panel memory;

- periodic diagnostics of system hardware serviceability;

- output of control signals for actuation of sound and light fire warning systems;

- output of control signals for ventilation system shutdown;

- system condition monitoring on the control panel. 3.2.2. Composition and arrangement of fire alarm system equipment

Premises of Branch are equipped with the fire alarm according to requirements Construction Norms and Regulations 210197, Construction Norms and Regulations 2.04.0984, RD 78.14593., NPB 882001, NPB 10403, NPB 11003, RD 25.98580, NPB 5897, RD 78.14593 with ensuring round-the-clock work of fire announcers.

Protected rooms belong to fire hazard category as per NPB 11003.

Protected rooms according to NPB 10595 belong to category "B" by fire hazard.

The fire alarm system shall protect all rooms with the exception of the bathroom, cold tambours.

Fire load: combustible flooring, furniture, personnel clothing, process electrical equipment, lightweight room partitions, combustible finishing materials, combustible insulation of wires and cables, etc.

The rooms are heated, have plenum ventilation with a mechanical impulse. Relative air humidity up to 75% at 20 ° С. There is no aggressive environment and explosive zones in the premises.

The project used equipment with certificates of conformity and fire safety of the Russian Federation.

The automatic fire alarm system is built on the basis of the Signal 20M instrument for receiving and monitoring fire protection (PPKOP) and the Warning Transmission System "UO3K Phobos."

Control of a condition of loops of the fire alarm is exercised by the Signal20M device. Exchange of information between devices and the C2000KC remote controller happens on the address interface communication line.

Fire alarm loops are programmed with the function "No disconnection right."

The following are used as fire detectors:

- smoke fire detectors IP 21245;

- manual fire detectors IPR55.

Smoke fire detectors IP 21245 are installed on ceilings and placed evenly along the ceiling area in such a way that:

- the distances between smoke detectors did not exceed 9.0 m, and from the detector to the wall were not more than 4.5 m.

- the distance of the detectors to the ventilation hole of the plenum or exhaust ventilation shall not be less than 1.0 m.

Manual fire detectors IR1 are installed in corridors, halls, at the exits of the Branch premises at a height of 1.5 m from the floor level. At a distance of 0.75 m from manual fire detectors there shall be no different controls and objects preventing access to the detector. Descent to IR1 is protected by plastic profile.

Smoke and manual fire detectors are included in the loops of the "Signal20M" device.

PPKOP of "Signal20M" forms teams on management of means of the notification about the fire after operation of two announcers in a loop, i.e. the two-threshold scheme of formation of the notice "Fire" is implemented. In this regard, at least two fire detectors (NPB 882001) are installed in each protected room.

One of relay outputs of Signal 20M unit is used to disconnect ventilation system during generation of "Fire" signal.

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