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Ventilation, heating, heat supply of maintenance station heaters

  • Added: 14.08.2014
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The project carried out piping with arrangement of heating devices, heat supply of heaters.
Pipelines of heating and heat supply system of heating heaters shall be laid openly.

Project's Content

icon для электриков_чп_мудрей.doc
icon Задание строителям.DOC
icon задание экологам.DOC
icon пояснительная записка самара.doc
icon Приложение-15 Данные на проектирование воздухоснабжения.doc
icon Приложение-6 Данные на проектирования отопления и вентиляции.doc
icon спецификация_1.doc
icon спецификация_2.doc
icon спецификация_3.doc
icon спецификация_4.doc
icon спецификация_5.doc
icon спецификация_6.doc
icon спецификация_7.doc
icon спецификация_8.doc
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icon теплопотери.xls

Additional information

Explanatory note.

Heating and ventilation

Maintenance station along the Vilyuy highway, 3 km in Yakutsk

This design of ventilation, heating, heat supply to the heaters of the maintenance station was carried out on the basis of the design task, architectural and construction drawings, the technological task taking into account the recommendations:

· SNiP 41012003 - "Heating, ventilation and air conditioning";

· ONTP0286 "All-union norms of technological design of the car repair enterprises";

· ONTP 0191 "All-Union Standards for Technological Design of Road Transport Enterprises";

· SNiP 2.08.0289 * - "Public buildings and structures";

· SNiP 31052003 - "Public administrative buildings";

· VSN 0189 "Departmental building standards of car maintenance enterprises";

· SNiP 230199 - "Construction climatology";

· GOGOST 12.1.00588 - "General sanitary and hygienic requirements for the air of the working area";

· GOST 3049496 "Residential and public buildings. Indoor microclimate parameters. "

Outside air design parameters:

tn = (54) ° С - cold period (parameters "B")

Design parameters of indoor air in cold period:

tv = +16 °C - the room of a sink, the room of maintenance, an oil replacement post, the room tire, in other premises of the station of tekhnicheskgy service parameters of internal air are accepted according to GOST 3049496 "Buildings inhabited and public. Indoor microclimate parameters "

The heating period is 256 days.

The average outside air temperature for the heating period (- 20.6) ° С.

Degree of heating period - 10650 ° С· day.

According to NPP on the ground floor elevation is 0.000 .


The project carried out piping with arrangement of heating devices, heat supply of heaters.

Pipelines of heating and heat supply system of heating heaters shall be laid openly.

The project adopted a single-tube horizontal heating system with closing sections and lower wiring. Heating instruments are accepted - cast iron section MC140500 and smooth tube registers.

The hydraulic resistance of the heating system No. 1 is 11500 Pa, the hydraulic resistance of the heating system No. 2 is 14500 Pa.

After installation of heating and heat supply systems of heaters, paint pipelines and heating devices with oil paint in 2 times on the ground GF021.

Escape ladder - not heated


In the design, the supply and exhaust systems were wired.

P1 system provides treated outdoor air supply to the administrative rooms of the second floor. Assimilated air through overflow grates enters the corridor and is removed by exhaust systems B1 (common exchange 2nd floor), B2 (bathroom)., B3 (shower), B4 (bathroom).

The P2 system supplies treated external air to the bus assembly, compressor, and through the check valve to the magazine.

P3, P4, P5, P6, P7 systems of the same configuration

Plenum systems P1.. P7 are equipped with electric calorifers of the first heating for more reliable operation of water calorifers of the second heating.

For P3 systems.. P7 the calculated amount of outdoor air is achieved by smooth adjustment of the servo drive of the mixing chamber of the plenum unit f. "Gea." The required temperature of the air entering the rooms is set on the adjusting device of the plenum units.

U1 systems. U5 - air and thermal veils of shiberny type. After actuation of gate opening sensor, curtains are cut off and outside air flow bursting into room is heated.

Systems P1, P2 - electrostatic filters f. «Plymovent». Filters are installed stationary above the equipment, according to the process specification and clean the air, working at full recirculation. Equipped with a lift-rotary exhaust device. The degree of purification is more than 95%.

All plenum exhaust systems are equipped with fan speed controllers.

In the heated staircase, the overpressure is adopted to avoid ingress of odors from the first floor in.

All exhaust systems are equipped with check valves to prevent the ingress of harmful and unpleasant smelling substances from the environment, as well as to prevent unorganized air exchange that increases the heating load. In plenum systems, the role of the check valve is played by the insulated air valve of the northern version of the KVUS f. "Veza."

Air ducts in which condensation of moisture is possible are heat insulated by non-combustible mineral wool f. "RockWool" 50 mm thick (air ducts outside the building).

All air ducts are made of galvanized steel.

Noise Control Activities

To ensure a minimum noise level, the following shall be provided:

· low speed in air ducts;

· low speed in plenum and exhaust devices;

· fans are connected to air ducts through flexible inserts;

Installation, testing, adjustment

Installation, testing and adjustment of heating, ventilation, heat supply systems of heaters is carried out in accordance with SNiP 3.05.0185 "Internal sanitary and technical systems."

Air ducts shall be fixed as per typical drawings of 5.9041 series.

In the process of works execution issue certificates for all hidden works performed.


Job Content

Provide power supply to ventilation and heating system components. Current parameters are given in Table 1, Table 2 and Table 3.

Ventilation systems of the 1st floor shall have automatic and remote centralized shutdown in case of fire. Devices for remote centralized disconnection of these systems should be placed near the evacuation exits from the building.

Provide protection against freezing of water calorifers of plenum systems.

Provide grounding of the air duct system in accordance with the PUE of local suction from the vulcanizer and automobile hose suction (explosive mixture), for the same system provide alarm about equipment operation ("On," "Accident"), in case of local suction fan shutdown, the corresponding process equipment shall be automatically disconnected

Drawings content

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