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Underground Mining Processes




Introduction. 4

1. Design and calculation of the passport of drilling and blasting operations. 6

1.1. Calculation of the passport of drilling and blasting operations during mine working. 6

1.2. Selection of the cutting type and the scheme of the hole arrangement in the face. 7

1.3. Selection of parameters and form of mine workings. 7

1.4. Selection of tunneling operation mode. 8

1.4.1. Determination of the penetration rate per cycle. 9

1.4.2. Design and calculation of drilling and blasting operations. 9

1.4.3. Selecting the type of explosives.  9

1.4.4. Determination of specific consumption of explosives.  10

1.4.5. Determination of the number of holes for the face. 11

1.4.6. Holes in the face. 11

1.4.7. Determination of explosive consumption per cycle and average charge value. 12

1.4.8. Calculations made in the BVR passport. 14

2. Calculation and compilation of a passport for roof fastening and management. 16

2.1.................................. Measures for the safe organization of work. 20

3. Calculation of ventilation and selection of a local ventilation fan. 33

4. Determination of throughput, time and productivity rates by process  35

4.1....................................................... Determination of time by processes. 36

4.2.............................................. Organization of tunneling cycle works. 39

5. Cost calculation . 41

6. Safety measures. 46

Conclusion. 49

List of references. 51

Appendix A.  53

Appendix B. 54





The main difficulties in the formation of engineering solutions are the lack of regulatory materials and high requirements for professional training. It is difficult to choose the right solution in the face of many options, especially if the level of technological development is high and provides more alternatives for the characteristics that describe the state of the design object. It is necessary to have optimal criteria for choosing different options in order to ultimately choose the best solution. To do this, a mining engineer must have the ability to act in accordance with the given specific conditions, while taking into account technical limitations and requirements, looking for the right solution in terms of labor organization and management, knowing the correct values of parameters, and choosing the right principles of action. 

For mining specialists, the priority is the calculation of technical and economic indicators during mining operations, as well as the development of safety measures, since this is the basis of all mining production. 

That is why, in order to solve this problem, it is necessary to reproduce this topic in the form of a course project, which would reflect the necessary amount of work for future mining specialists.

Therefore, this course project includes:

  1. Passport of drilling and blasting operations, which lists: the shape and dimensions of the mine working, the period of its sinking, the name of the working, the category of rocks, the depth of the holes, the type of explosive, the specific consumption of explosives, the number of holes per stope, the consumption of explosives per cycle, the boreholes, the separation of the rock mass per cycle;
  2. Passport of roof fastening and management, which indicates: plan, longitudinal and transverse sections, configuration of workings sections, design and dimensions of permanent, temporary and safety support, distance between the face and fasteners, fastening intervals, material consumption for the installation of SPA and the construction of permanent and temporary fiber-reinforced concrete support;
  3. Ventilation passport in which the required amount of air supplied to the face of the dead-end working, and its head are calculated, and subsequently the high-pressure pump is selected from these values;
  4. Daily schedule of work organization in the face, which should contain: operations, volume of work performed, time for operations in minutes;
  5. A cyclogram of excavation which indicates: work shifts with an indication of the period of blasting, ventilation, rock removal, fastening, drilling and additional operations;
  6. Calculation of the cost price, which includes: the name of the equipment used in the mine working, its cost, the annual depreciation rate, the rates of consumption of materials necessary for the mine working, and their cost, the tariff rates of the driller, LHD operator, fixer, blaster;
  7. Develop TB activities;
  8. The list of graphic materials includes: a scheme of the blasting and blasting passport, fastening and ventilation of the dead-end working, a schedule for the organization of work in the face.

Project's Content

icon МухинКурсовая полная(черновик).docx
icon мухинПаспорт БВР, Паспорт крепления, Паспорт вентиляции Лозовский.2010.dwg

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