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Design of Mining Processes in the Conditions of the Zarechenskoye Field

  • Added: 08.04.2024
  • Size: 3 MB
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Brief geological characteristics of the field. The main parameters of the field and the technology of its development

1.1. General information about the field.

1.2. Balance reserves of minerals.

1.3. Determination of the shipped productivity of the open pit for minerals and stripping

1.4. Selection of stripping and mining scheme, development system, method and place of opening

2. Excavation and loading operations

2.1. Stripping and Mining Equipment Work Platforms and Their Width Determination

2.2. Justification of productivity and quantity of equipment in stripping and mining operations

3. Transportation of stripping and minerals

4. Overburden dumping

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icon Курсовой проект. ОГР.docx
icon Паспорт. Вскрыша.cdw
icon Паспорт. Добыча.cdw
icon Паспорт. Плодородный слой.cdw

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icon Паспорт. Вскрыша.cdw

Паспорт. Вскрыша.cdw

icon Паспорт. Добыча.cdw

Паспорт. Добыча.cdw

icon Паспорт. Плодородный слой.cdw

Паспорт. Плодородный слой.cdw

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