Two-story residential building - course project on architecture

- Added: 01.07.2014
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Currently, along with the introduction of new technologies for monolithic construction and enlarged assembly, construction is underway using small piece materials. This is due to the fact that the construction of not only high-rise, but also low-rise buildings is developing, as well as the fact that the final structures have a number of positive qualities: strength, durability, resistance to aggressive environments and precipitation, the ability to build buildings of almost any shape and structure.
In recent years, certain steps have been taken to reconstruct and repurpose existing and create new building materials and products that meet modern requirements for quality and competitiveness in the construction market.
In this course project, a two-story residential building was developed for two families. The building is made of brick. In accordance with the functional purpose, the room provides proper illumination, temperature and humidity of the internal air, sound insulation of the room.
According to the technical requirements, ventilation, heating, water and gas supply, sewerage, television and radio are provided in the room. The room for improvement of the building was finished.
It is also necessary to determine the degree of durability and fire resistance of the designed building.
Durability of buildings and structures - the ultimate service life of buildings and structures, during which they maintain the required operational qualities. Distinguish between moral and physical durability. Moral Durability (age of moral wear and tear) is characterized by the service life of buildings and structures until they cease to meet changing operating conditions or process modes. Physical durability is determined by the duration of wear of the main bearing structures and elements (for example, framework, walls, foundations, etc.) under the influence of loads and physicochemical factors. At the same time some structural elements and parts of buildings and constructions (an easy wall protection, a roof, overlappings, floors, window covers, doors and other) can have smaller Durability and be replaced at capital repairs. Gradual physical wear of structures occurs unevenly during the overall life of the building; in the first period after construction - faster (due to deformations of structures, uneven precipitation of soil, etc.), and subsequently, prevailing in duration - slower (normal wear and tear). At the end of the first period of operation of the building, individual structures of the building may need to be
special post-landing repair.
Durability is reduced with improper operation of buildings and structures, overloading of structures, as well as with pronounced destructive environmental influences (action of moisture, wind, frost, etc.). Of great importance for ensuring durability is the right choice of design solutions, taking into account the peculiarities of the climate and operating conditions. Increased durability is achieved by use of construction and insulation materials having high resistance during freezing and thawing, moisture resistance, bioavailability, and protection of structures against penetration of destructive agents into them and, above all, liquid moisture. The building codes and regulations in force in Ukraine establish the following degrees of durability of enclosing structures: I degree with a service life of at least 100 years, II - 50 years and III - 20 years.
The designed building belongs to the II degree of durability - the service life is at least 50 years.
According to fire safety requirements, buildings and engineering structures on fire resistance are divided into five degrees.
The class of buildings and structures is determined depending on the value and capacity of the enterprise as a whole and on the purpose of each of the buildings in the complex of this enterprise, on urban planning requirements, on the concentration of material values and the uniqueness of the equipment installed in these structures, and therefore on the reserve of raw materials, on the factor of normal depreciation of the structures.
The designed building should be attributed to the II degree of fire resistance.
Volumetric planning solution
The designed house is designed for 2 families, so the right and left halves of the house are symmetrical, have separate entrances to the buildings. The following is a description of one half of the house (the second half is its mirror reflection).
At the entrance to the house there is a porch with a canopy. This is followed by an insulated tambour and a front. From the front we get into the common room, the kitchen. A staircase leading to the 2nd floor overlooks the hall. Through the kitchen you can get into the utility room. A staircase leads to the basement, which has a storeroom, goes into the cloister hall. From the economic room there are additional "summer" exits to the courtyard. On the 2nd floor there are bedrooms, bathrooms, pantries.
On the 1st and 2nd floors there are combined bathrooms.
The residential building has a rectangular shape in plan and overall dimensions along the coordination axes "12" - 12.6 meters, along the axes "AB" - 11.1 meters. The structural diagram of the building is arceless with load-bearing transverse walls. The number of floors is 2. The height of the floor is 2.8 meters. The roof is rolled from wavy asbestos cement sheets.
Constructive solution
The residential building is designed with transverse bearing walls.
Foundation: A ribbon precast reinforced concrete foundation has been designed under the residential building. Wing foundation - fine concrete foundation
The basement is finished with concrete tiles for wild stone. Horizontal waterproofing is arranged along the base cut, on which the structure of the base floor is mounted
Walls: The exterior walls of the building are designed with a 3-layer structure of brick and polyurethane foam insulation. Thickness of external walls 510 mm, internal (bearing) - 380 mm, non-bearing 120 mm.
Floors: reinforced concrete beam.
Roof: 2-pitched.
Roof: soft of asbestos cement sheets.
For attachment of roofing materials on rafters a grate is arranged from boards.
Jumpers: prefabricated reinforced concrete.
Staircase: wooden
Floors: natural parquet with lacquer in 3 layers in all bedrooms. Tile in bathrooms, living room, dining room, kitchen. There is 1 ventilation duct.
Windows: Windows largely determine the degree of comfort in the building and its architectural and artistic solution. The windows are selected according to GOST, in accordance with the areas of the illuminated rooms, and the proposals of the task. The top of the windows is as close to the ceiling as possible, which provides better lighting in the depths of the room.
Doors: In this project, the dimensions of doors are accepted according to GOST-at the door, both internal inside apartments, offices and external reinforced ones. Single-floor doors are used: 2.1 m high and 0.9; 0,8; 0.7 m wide. To ensure quick evacuation, most doors open outside in the direction of traffic on the street based on the conditions for evacuating people from the building in case of fire. Door boxes are fixed in openings to unsepted wooden plugs laid in masonry during masonry of walls. Door webs are hung on hinges (canopies), allowing to remove open door webs from hinges - for repair or replacement of door webs. To avoid opening the door or flapping, special spring devices are installed that keep the door closed and smoothly return the door to a closed state without impact. Doors are equipped with handles, latches and tie-in locks.
1_этажный жилой дом.dwg

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