Two-storey residential building in the Leningrad region

- Added: 12.04.2022
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Two-storey residential building in the Leningrad region
Project's Content
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Additional information
Section 1. Routing for the specified activity type
1.1 Scope of application of Job Instruction
1.2 Selection and justification of methods, machines and mechanisms
1.3 Quality control and acceptance of works
1.4 Calculation of labor costs and machine time
1.5 Basic building materials and structures
1.6 Machinery, machinery, equipment and accessories
1.7 Safety precautions during works
1.8 Calculation of TEP of Job Instruction
Section 2. Schedule
2.1 Design Input
2.2 Selection of methods of works execution
2.3 Summary Bill of Quantities and Costing Labor and Machine Time
2.4 Material, Structural and Semi-Finished Requirements List
2.5 Calendar Plan Design
2.7 Calculation of the TEP of the schedule
Section 3. Construction Master Plan
3.1 Design Input
3.2 Calculation of warehouses
3.3 Calculation of temporary buildings
3.4 Calculation of temporary water supply
3.5 Calculation of temporary power supply
3.6 Construction Plan Design
3.7 Calculation of Construction Plan TEP
4. Composition of graphic part of the course project
5. List
The theme of the course work is "The project of a two-story residential building for stone work in the city of St. Petersburg."
The following objectives are set in the course design process:
- consolidation and deepening of theoretical and practical knowledge on the professional module "Participation in the design of buildings and structures";
- development of skills, synthesis and analysis of the results obtained during the training process.
The objectives formulated are as follows:
- provide architectural solution of two-storey building of manor type, calculations of structural elements, calculations and selection of masonry type
- design the construction plot plan,
- develop the work execution design, process plan, schedule.
- Develop environmental protection measures
Section 1. Routing for stone works
Scope of the routing. Masonry of the wall with a thickness of 640mm.
The purpose of the JI is to describe the solutions for the organization and technology of work on brick masonry in order to ensure their high quality, as well as:
- reduction of cost of works;
- reduction of construction duration;
- ensuring safety of works performed;
- organization of rhythmic work;
- Rational use of manpower and machinery;
- unification of technological solutions
The process chart has been developed for engineering and technical workers (manufacturers of works, craftsmen, foremen) and workers performing works in order to familiarize them with the rules for performing works using the most modern mechanization tools.
The construction area belongs to climatic area II, subarea IIB according to SNiP 230199 * "Construction climatology."
The average annual air temperature is 4.4C.
Average monthly temperature in January -7.8 ° С
The average monthly temperature of July is 17.8 ° C
Climatic parameters of the cold season
The duration of the period with an average daily temperature below 0 ° C is 139 days,
The air temperature of the coldest days (security 0.98) is 33 ° С.
The air temperature of the coldest five-day period (security 0.98) is 30 ° С.
The absolute minimum air temperature is 36 ° С.
The average daily amplitude of the air temperature of the coldest month is 5.6 ° С.
The prevailing wind direction for December - January is southwestern.
The maximum of the average wind speeds in rumbes in January is 4.2 m/s.
Rainfall for November - March 200 mm.
Climate parameters of the warm season
Air temperature (coverage 0.98) + 24.6 ° С.
The average maximum air temperature of the warmest month is + 22 ° С.
Absolute maximum air temperature + 34 ° С.
Average daily air temperature amplitude of warmest month is 8.2 ° С.
The average monthly relative humidity of the warmest month is 72%.
The rainfall for April - October is 420 mm.
The prevailing wind direction for June - August - Western.
Snow district III.
Wind district II.
The relief of the site is flat.
The project adopted a groundwater depth of 2.2 meters.
Стройгенплан 1.dwg
Архитектурная часть(2 листа).dwg
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