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Assembly drawing Specification 1l Specification 2l

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Disassembling and assembling the turret

The turret may need to be disassembled in the following cases:

- jamming of turret mechanism. If the turret cannot be checked even manually, it must be disassembled for inspection;

- an unusual knock during indexing also indicates mechanical problems. They can occur as a result of accidental collision with a lathe or other parts. If the turret perestaѐt operate properly immediately after the incident, damage to its mechanism can be assumed.

1. If the motor fails, the head must be removed and removed from the machine. Electric drive is made in the form of separate unit and is located inside head in sleeve.

To replace the electric motor, remove the cover and remove the screws from the electric drive. It is previously necessary to disconnect the wires supplying energy to the electric motor.

2. When adjusting, replacing the lubricant or repairing the differential reduction gear, partially disassemble the head without removing it from the machine.

Disassembly is performed in the following order:

2.1. The cover, plank, gear wheel is removed, and then, after disconnection of wires from microswitches, remove the flange;

2.2. Unscrew the nut, before that remove the stop;

2.3. Remove the pins in the flange and remove the flange;

2.4. Screw two screws into the removal holes of the gear wheel and remove it from the shaft;

2.5. Remove the screws and remove the sleeve;

2.6. Remove the gear wheel together with the screw. If necessary, disconnect the screw from the wheel. Before disconnecting the screw from the wheel. Before disconnection, notice their mutual location;

2.7. Remove the tow bar, bearings and gear from the shaft;

2.8. Install the eye-bolts into the housing and remove it. Before that remove the retainers.

Note: Disassemble the turret in raised fixed position.

Assemble the head in reverse disassembly order, at that it is necessary to observe basic adjustments.

When assembling a turret, ensure that the clearance is 0.05... 0.1mm due to compensating ring

In clamped fixed position maintain clearance between retainers and plates equal to 0.5... 0.75mm.

Economic feasibility of recovering worn parts

The main areas of use of secondary resources are: restoration of worn-out parts, organization of repair, use of business waste, disposal and processing of waste, scrap, secondary resources, regeneration of spent products and raw materials, etc.

Remediation - Perform remediation work that returns parts, assembly, or assembly to their original (nominal), size, shape, properties, power, and accuracy (only improvements are possible).

The implementation of a unified policy in the country in the field of maintenance and repair of manufactured equipment, improving the quality of its maintenance and repair on the basis of the creation of specialized associations and enterprises for the repair of mass assemblies and assemblies, restoration of worn-out parts and other resource-saving measures should ensure that the resource of overhauled equipment reaches at least 7585% of the resource of new equipment.

To reduce the operational metal consumption of the product, it is necessary to ensure rational use of parts, assemblies and assemblies with a residual resource, having established for this purpose disassembly of the decommissioned equipment, collection and defect of parts, the procedure for their markdown, calculations for them, storage and sale to consumers. The use of such parts makes it possible to reduce the volume of their production by at least 10% and thereby save metal.

The main measures to save metal in repair production are:

- Complete elimination of physically and morally obsolete fixed assets, primarily machinery and equipment, the operation of which is ineffective;

- organization of specialized production of spare parts based on the introduction of progressive metal-saving technology;

- organization of centralized repair of machinery and equipment;

- Significant increase in the recovery of worn parts.

Wear of parts often leads to disruption of the fit in the mating - clearances increase and initial interference decreases, the shape of the surfaces is disrupted, other malfunctions and defects occur. Such parts are replaced or restored during repair (the cost of restoration is usually from 15 to 40% of the cost of new parts). The restoration of parts contributes to significant savings in scarce materials and non-ferrous metals.

To choose how to repair and harden a part, you need to know the properties and life of the new and restored parts. The restored part must be sufficiently durable and reliable in operation, as well as have the qualities of a new one.

Using modern repair methods, it is possible to restore some parts so that their performance will exceed the corresponding indicators of new parts.

When choosing a method for restoring parts and assembly units, the basis is taken as the economic feasibility of restoration, the availability of the necessary equipment and materials at the enterprise, the technological and structural features of the parts, the amount and nature of their wear, etc. The feasibility of the method of restoring and strengthening parts in each case depends on many factors: their working conditions; the nature of the coupling (movable or fixed fit); The magnitude and nature of the active loads; speed of mutual movement of parts with movable fit: conditions and nature of lubrication of parts with movable fit, etc.

The cost-effectiveness of restoring parts compared to their manufacture is explained by the following:

1. Reduced costs of materials and procurement.

2. Reduce the cost of machining parts, since not all surfaces are treated, but only those that have defects.

The purpose of part repair is to restore the following part qualities:

- strength;

- part shape and dimensions;

- surface layer quality;

- surface roughness;

- protective coatings.

For the restoration of worn parts, the following methods are most widely used: mechanical, welding and surfacing with subsequent machining; reduction with polymer materials; electroplating; chemical treatment, etc.

Methods and methods of turret repair

In repair practice, the following main methods of restoring worn-out parts are used: mechanical and locksmithing, welding, surfacing, metallization, chrome plating, nickel plating, leaving, gluing, strengthening the surface of the parts and restoring their shape under pressure. As a rule, after restoring the part by one of the methods, it is subjected to mechanical or locksmith treatment, which is necessary to restore the fits of the mating parts, eliminate the ovality or taper of their surfaces, and ensure the required purity of the treatment.

The worn parts of the turret are restored:

- Housing - surfacing - is one of the main methods of restoring parts. It is widely used in cases where friction surfaces need to be given greater wear resistance. Two, three or more layers are laid with often hard alloys, which allow to extend the service life of parts several times. The quality of the build-up largely depends on the state of the surface to be restored. Cast iron and steel parts made of low carbon steel are degreased before surfacing to remove oil from pores and cracks. To this end, the surface of the part is fired with a gas burner, a soldering lamp or in heating furnaces. Soot deposit of oxides after firing is removed from the part surface with sandwich or rags wetted with kerosene or benzine. Section of part for surfacing is treated with steel brushes or abrasive circles.

- Bearings - often such that it is necessary to repair the hole for bearings. The easiest way to repair is to replace the damaged assembly. Then adjust the inside diameter according to the cash bearings

- Gears - method of additional repair parts, method of plastic deformation of metal, compensation of wear, surfacing, application of powder coatings, combined methods. The method of repair dimensions is used limited. Cementation and nitrocementation, sometimes cyanation, are used as heat treatment.

Cracks on gear rim are brewed or repaired by surfacing. After the teeth are built up, the wheel must slowly cool down, for which all the wheel or part of it where the tooth is built up is buried in hot sand. Treatment of built-up teeth is carried out using a pair of copper templates.

- Toothed clutch - When repairing toothed clutches, carefully eliminate all faults detected during the defect. Grind all the nicks and burrs on the end surfaces of the crowns, minor scratches on the bolts and in the holes with velvet filler, settle, fine grinding skin. If there are significant damages on the bolts and in the holes, turn the holes by unfolding until the bolts are removed, and replace the bolts with new ones of the appropriate diameter.

- Half-coupling - repair of half-couplings consists in restoration of all dimensions and tolerances. Half-couplings with cracks, improperly bored mounting holes, broken or skewed key grooves are replaced. Defective key grooves in some cases are corrected by increasing their dimensions for the installation of a stepped key. During boring, measures must be taken to ensure concentricity of the hole for the shaft and the circumference of the centers of the fingers or the outer cylindrical surface of the half-coupling. In half-couplings, finger holes are often produced. The following main methods of correcting this defect are recommended: boreholes for pins of larger diameter; drilling new holes in the gaps between the old ones if this does not weaken the half-coupling (otherwise, the old holes are clogged with plugs and brewed).

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