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TM Boiler Room.

  • Added: 14.08.2014
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To cover the heat consumption given in Tables No. 1 and No. 2 (taking into account losses in heat networks), the boiler house design provides for the reconstruction of the boiler house with the replacement of boilers and the installation of bimetallic heating radiators

During the reconstruction, the installation of 3 KV-G-1-115N boilers manufactured by Sarenergomash OJSC is designed, with a total heating capacity of 3 (2.58) MW (Gcal/h).

Project's Content

icon 6330ТС(корректировка).doc
icon kompanovka.dwg
icon piezometr.dwg

Additional information

Explanatory Note

Heat supply

Current situation

Currently, the heat supply of the buildings of the Central District Power Plant -------- is carried out from its own boiler house equipped with boilers: Energia-5 - 1 pc., Universal-6 - 2 pcs., NR18 - 2 pcs., total heat capacity 3.02 (2.6) MW (Gcal/h).

Hot water supply - centralized with the preparation of hot water in the boiler room.

Existing heat networks are built above ground on low and high supports and partially underground.

In connection with the reconstruction of the therapeutic building and the children's infection department ------------- and the unsatisfactory state of the existing heat networks, the dismantling of this section and the design of the underground heating system in impassable tray channels of the TC type are supposed.

In connection with the wear of the boiler room equipment, its reconstruction is necessary with the replacement of boilers and auxiliary equipment .

General part

Heat supply of CRB buildings ------------ is assumed from its own reconstructed boiler house.

The number of days of the heating period is 214 days.

Heating and ventilation - round the clock.

Hot water supply - round the clock all year round.

The heat supply category is the first .

Heat supply redundancy for heating and ventilation needs is solved in the boiler room, hot water supply due to installation of electric water heaters in buildings.

Piezometric head at boiler room outlet - supply pipe 66.5 m; return pipeline 45.5 m; static 45.5 m.

Heat flow rates are shown in Table No. 1.

Heat consumption by modes is summarized in Table No. 2.

Boiler house

To cover the heat consumption given in Tables No. 1 and No. 2 (taking into account losses in heat networks), the project provides for the reconstruction of the boiler house with the replacement of boilers and auxiliary equipment .

During the reconstruction, the installation of 3 KV-G-1-115N boilers manufactured by Sarenergomash OJSC is designed, with a total heating capacity of 3 (2.58) MW (Gcal/h).

The boiler house on the reliability of heat release belongs to category I. The boiler room provides for redundancy of main and auxiliary equipment. According to SNiP II3576, in the event of a failure of one of the boilers in category I boiler house, the remaining two will provide heat to category I consumers for heating and ventilation, determined by the coldest month mode in the amount of 1.63 (1.4) MW (Gcal/h), which does not exceed the total heating capacity of two boilers 2 (1.72) MW (Gcal/h). Hot water supply redundancy is provided by installation of electric water heaters in buildings (refer to section IC). The power supply redundancy is provided by diesel (see Section EL).

Boiler coolant: hot water for heating and ventilation with a temperature of 8560 ° С, water for hot water supply 6040 ° С.

Boiler house fuel - natural gas kcal/m3. Flue gas removal from boilers is provided by chimney of 600 mm diameter, height

18 m.

The source of water supply for the boiler house is an artesian well in the hospital .

The project provides for the treatment of makeup water in the automated water treatment plant VPU3M01, as well as magnetic treatment of water for hot water supply needs.

Hot water preparation is designed in plate heat exchanger.

To take into account the heat energy released by the boiler house, a heat meter is designed (see section AK).

Main boiler room equipment and its characteristics are given on TM2 sheet.

Heat networks

Heat networks are designed by 4 underground piping in iron-concrete tray channels. Thermal elongations are compensated due to route rotation angles.

Heating pipelines are accepted as per GOST 1070491 * from steel grade Vs3sp5 as per GOST 38091.

Hot water pipelines are accepted as water and gas pipelines galvanized as per GOST 326275.

Pipes cleaned of rust are coated with isolate in two layers along cold insulating mastic, insulated by mineral wool products with subsequent coating with PCT fiberglass.

Heating and ventilation

Ventilation of the boiler room - supply with natural impulse.

Inflow of air and air for combustion is provided by 3-fold air exchange through louver grilles.

The exhaust is provided by an existing deflector.

Heating system is provided from distribution comb on mains water pipelines.

The heating system is designed horizontal 2-pipe with associated movement.

Heating devices in the boiler room - registers from smooth pipes and auxiliary rooms - radiators MS140.

Heating system pipelines are accepted as per GOST 326275 *.

Pipes and heating devices are painted with PF837 enamel.

Air is discharged by Mayevsky cranes and 15kch18p2 valves.

Measures to save fuel and energy resources

Heat and fuel are saved by instrumentation devices that provide automatic control of thermal processes.

Drawings content

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