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Gear Part Process

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Kolpakov P. A. Coursework in the discipline "Fundamentals of Mechanical Engineering Technology." ‒ Chelyabinsk: SUSU, MiMT; 2016, 22 p. 5 il., bibliologist. list ‒ 11 ours., 1 atl.

1. In Compass version 16 a drawing of a gear part with overall dimensions Ø123 × 38 (mm), a quota 10 was developed.

2. The route process of the gear part for medium-scale production has been developed.

3. In Compass version 16, 7 operational sketches were developed.


Currently, the engineering complex of the Russian Federation is in a deep crisis, which could not but affect the export potential of the industry. The overall decline in export capabilities of engineering is caused by both external and internal factors. The first include the destruction of subject specialization within the former USSR, as well as the change in the ratio of producer prices for products of raw materials and manufacturing industries.

Domestic factors include the low competitiveness of products compared to foreign counterparts, as well as the lack of readiness for active activity in the field of market monitoring, marketing and maintenance of equipment in the field of operation.

At the same time, in the nomenclature of mechanical engineering there are competitive types of equipment and equipment that are in demand in the domestic and foreign markets. Russia's exports are dominated by the products of the defense industry and heavy energy and transport engineering.

Russian weapons have excellent combat qualities, low cost, and large stocks of excess weapons allow Russia to deliver in record time. But, despite this, the export potential of Russian weapons is limited. First of all, because the trade in weapons and military equipment is very much influenced by foreign policy factors that negate the technical and other merits of Russian weapons.

Despite the completion of the rearmament of the armies of the countries of the Near and Middle East, this region will remain the largest buyer of weapons until the end of the century. Orders from Saudi Arabia, Kuwait and the UAE naturally went to the United States, Great Britain and France, which ensure the safety of local regimes.

Arms sales to Iran are restrained due to pressure on Russia from the United States. The threshold for Russian supplies to Tehran, followed by complications, is limited to $350 ‒ 400 million for "non-stabilizing" weapons systems. In the event of an attempt to deliver tactical missiles to Iran, MiG fighters ‒ 29 latest modifications or modern air defense systems, complications in Russian ‒ American relations will immediately follow.

Russia has the opportunity to supply weapons to Syria, Algeria and Egypt, but the import potential of these countries is far from the capacious markets of Arabian importers.

More favorable prospects for increasing Russian arms exports to India and China. Annually, Russia exports $0,6‒1 billion to each of them.

The European market is also limited. Former social countries focus on the purchase of Western weapons, although economic reality forces them to maintain ties with Russia. In 2008, at least three European countries appeared in the top ten buyers of the Russian vooruzheniya‒Finlyandiya, Cyprus and Hungary. In total, they received weapons worth $300‒350 million, but supplies to Finland and Hungary went to repay the debt. In recent years, a dynamic increase in military procurement by Latin American countries has been recorded. However, due to US opposition, Russia at best can bring the average annual export to this region to $300 million.

The export of heavy machinery comes mainly from energy and metallurgical equipment. Activities to expand the geography and nomenclature of exports are carried out through working groups with many foreign countries: Romania, Bulgaria, Slovakia, Hungary, Cuba, China, Vietnam and many others. In heavy, power and transport engineering, mining equipment, railway locomotives, diesel engines are competitive, and the main energy equipment for thermal and hydraulic plants corresponds in terms of technical indicators to the best world models.

Machine tools stand out models of machinery, equipment and tools that meet the main criteria for competitiveness and can serve as a basis for expanding export supplies to the world market and purchases in the domestic market. These include the turning and turret module of the Alapaevsky plant, the drilling and milling machine of the Kuibyshev ACT, some machines of high complexity of the Klinsky machine tool plant, the processing center of the Kolomna heavy machine tool plant, diamond powder manufactured by JSC "MPO diamond tool" Tomal. "

Of the manufactured construction and road equipment, the following are competitive: asphalt laying DS181 and the Raskat road rink JSC, a crane on the road of Avtokran JSC, a walking excavator Uralmash JSC, and hydraulic equipment of Pneumostroymashina JSC.

Some types of chemical and oil engineering products have a high technical level, are competitive and are not inferior to foreign counterparts. These are large-capacity plants for the production of liquid and gaseous cryogenic products, capacitive equipment for the storage and transportation of liquid cryogenic products manufactured by Kriogenmash JSC, as well as products of Heliymash JSC. Over 50% of this equipment is exported.

The drilling rigs of Uralmash JSC, the metro cars of Metrovagonmash JSC, the loading mine machine of the Krasnogorsk Engineering Plant, the main passenger locomotive and diesel engines of the Kolominsky Zavod holding company are competitive and not inferior to the world level.

The export of tractors accounts for 20% of their production. Therefore, it is necessary to find new markets to expand the marketing of agricultural machines that correspond in their parameters to the world level. Among them - tractors of the Vladimir, Lipetsk, Altai tractor plants, combine harvesters of the Krasnoyarsk kombaynovy plant, Don 1200 and Don 1500 ON "Rostselmash", the grinder of forages "the Native of the Volga region 5" the Syzranselmash plant, a grablivoroshilka of the SolIletskmash plant.

A number of products of the electrical industry and instrument making in terms of technical level and basic parameters are also not inferior to analogues of foreign firms. These are turbo - and hydrogenerators, transformers, large electric machines, electric motors, cables. But the expansion of export supplies of electrical and instrument-making products is hampered by its high saturation of foreign markets.

Machine-building enterprises alone are not able to ensure the integrated competitiveness of their products. Since the concept of competitiveness of any product, and even more expensive and serving for a long period, includes not only prices and basic technical characteristics, but also many other parameters. A comprehensive assessment of the competitiveness of technology involves taking into account:

1) Product quality indicators - technical level, reliability, adaptation to local conditions, service level, repairability, ergonomic characteristics, design, as well as the image of the manufacturer and seller. Often enterprises are unable to meet the totality of such requirements;

2) Price indicators - price, the possibility of purchasing on credit, the availability of discounts, state support for the production of expensive knowledge-based products with a long payback period. Here it must be borne in mind that the Western producer is often credited by its banks under the guarantees of Russian government structures. Our enterprises do not have such an opportunity in case of acute shortage of working capital, high taxes;

3) Sales indicators - availability of dealer network and representative offices, market coverage. Such functions are available only to efficient industries;

4) Promotion of products - radio and television advertising, press, direct advertising, exhibitions, souvenir advertising.

Most enterprises cannot provide a set of necessary characteristics for the competitiveness of their products. But this is often not required, since large strategic intermediaries achieve a significant part of such characteristics in a market economy. They are recognized as occupying the niche previously occupied by the state logistics system. Consequently, the formation and support of such intermediaries can be considered one of the main elements of state policy in the field of increasing the competitiveness of engineering enterprises.

Experts state that the commodity structure of foreign trade of the Russian Federation at the beginning of 2011 has not undergone radical changes. Exports were dominated by fuel and energy products, which accounted for more than 50% of all supplies, as well as black and non-ferrous metals (17%); in imports - engineering products (35.3%), food and consumer goods [1.2].

The purpose of the course work: to develop a technological process for the manufacture of a gear part for mass production.

Coursework tasks:

1. Develop a gear part drawing in CAD Editor.

2. Develop the routing process of the gear part for mass production.

3. In the CAD Editor, develop operational thumbnails.


In the editor of "COMPAS" version 16 a drawing of the part Gear with overall dimensions Ø123 × 38 (mm), quota 10 was developed.

The routing process of the part Gear for medium-scale production has been developed, containing 8 operations, of which machining ‒ 6 operations.

In the COMPASS editor version 16, 7 operational sketches were developed.

Solved problems allow you to achieve the goal of coursework.

Drawings content

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