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Thesis. Improvement of the technology of interaction of the station with access roads


Thesis. Belgut, UPP

The center of the district adjacent to the transport hub is the city of Gomel, which is the administrative center of the region, which has a population of about 600 thousand inhabitants.

Project's Content

icon дипломКМГ.doc
icon Rescue1.doc
icon исх для передач.doc
icon кэо-4.doc
icon работа п.путейЦентролит.xls
icon работа под путейГомель.xls
icon Суперфосфат.doc
icon сх пп ценролит.doc
icon то.xls
icon от рисунок 6.3.doc
icon ПРИЛОЖЕНИЕ Б_Схема станции ЦЕНТРОЛИТ.doc
icon ПРИЛОЖЕНИЕ В_ппЦентролит.doc
icon ПРИЛОЖЕНИЕ Д простой местн Центролит.doc
icon ПРИЛОЖЕНИЕ Е Гомель,технич оснащ.doc
icon ПРИЛОЖЕНИЕ_А_Схема Гомельского узла.doc
icon Суперфосфат.doc
icon сх пп ценролит.doc
icon cхема служ проходов ст.Центролит.doc
icon prilog_I.bak
icon prilog_I.dwg
icon ПРИЛОЖЕНИЕ Б_Схема станции ЦЕНТРОЛИТ.doc
icon ПРИЛОЖЕНИЕ_А_Схема Гомельского узла.doc
icon сх пп ценролит.doc

Additional information

Improvement of the technology of interaction of the station with access roads

Technical and economic characteristics of the railway junction, centrolite station and access roads adjacent to it

Technical and economic characteristics of the area adjacent to the railway junction

The center of the district adjacent to the transport hub is the city of Gomel, which is the administrative center of the region, which has a population of about 600 thousand inhabitants. The Gomel transport hub is located in the south-east of the Republic of Belarus on the Sozh River. The climate of Gomel, like the entire republic, is moderately continental. Summer is sunny, moderately warm, with abundant, but short precipitation. Winter is characterized by a sharp change in weather: from inclement thaws during the invasion of cyclones to very cold, sunny during invasions of continental, air masses. The average temperature in summer is 20.7 ° C, in winter -11 ° C. Gomel is located in the zone of sufficient humidification. The annual rainfall is 615 mm. About 71% of precipitation falls in the warm period of the year. In the city and its environs, sodden, swampy soils prevail in places. There are turf and turf-carbonate swampy soils, floodplain, floodplain swampy and peat-marsh.

Gomel is a major industrial center of the Republic of Belarus. It produces 45% of the volume of commercial products of the region. In the structure of commercial products of the city's industry, about half falls on mechanical engineering and metalworking. The largest enterprise in this industry is Gomselmash software, which specializes in the manufacture of high-performance fodder harvesting equipment for the country's agriculture. Machine Tool Plant named after S. M. Kirov, specializing in the production of high-performance multi-purpose drilling and milling machines with numerical program control, is one of the oldest enterprises in the city. The products of Hydroautomatics software, which is the main manufacturer of hydroautomatics in the country, are widely known in the country. 3The Electric Equipment plant produces low-voltage equipment. Far outside the republic, the products of the Gomel plant of starting engines and the plant of machine assemblies are known. Ferrous metallurgy is represented by the Centrolit foundry. The forest, woodworking and pulp and paper industries are represented by a paper and timber chemical plant (produces photosensitive paper and decorative wallpaper of high printing) and the enterprises of the Gomeldrev software company, which includes woodworking, the Progress furniture factory, a plywood match factory, etc. Light industry is represented by software "March 8," software "Comintern." The main enterprises of the food industry are the fat plant, meat processing plant, dairy plant, Spartak OJSC, etc.

Adjacent to the city is a region developed in agricultural terms. Mainly, it is specialized in such sectors as animal husbandry, potatoes and vegetable growing.

Gomel is a major transport hub. Different modes of transport interact on its territory, the most developed of which are rail and road. There is also a prospect for the development of river and pipeline modes of transport.

Gomel junction is located at the intersection of railways to Chernigov, Shchors, Zhlobin, Kalinkovichi, Novozybkov. The highways St. Petersburg-Odessa and Brest-Bryansk pass through the city. Suburban transport is not the last in total passenger traffic, especially in the spring-autumn period, when there is a significant increase in the number of passengers using suburban transport.

Currently, Gomel is one of the largest scientific and cultural centers in Belarus. The city has 6 higher educational institutions, 9 secondary special, 17 vocational schools, 8 research and 14 design institutes. The city also has regional radio and television, libraries, exhibition halls, cinemas, theaters, a circus, and a regional philharmonic.

Technical and operational characteristics of the Gomel railway junction

The Gomel railway junction is located at the intersection of five railway lines (Zhlobin, Kalinkovichi, Unecha, Bakhmach, Chernihiv), the characteristics of which are given in appendix A.

By the nature of the work, the node is transit with a significant amount of local work. The scheme of the Gomel railway junction is given in appendix B. The junction includes one two-way sorting station (Gomel Sorting), seven freight stations (Novobelitskaya, Gomel Severny, Sozh, Centrolit, Kostyukovka, Prudok and Port), the passenger station Gomel-Passenger and the Svetoch junction. By the location of the stations, the hub is combined, by the population of the city - large, by the nature of productive forces is located in an area with local and manufacturing industries.

In the unit there is a locomotive depot that performs the functions of the main and reverse, a car depot and a car repair plant.

The main work on servicing passenger traffic at the junction is concentrated at the Gomel-Passenger passenger station. Here, long-distance, local and suburban passenger flows are born and transit trains and trains of their formation are served. The station has five through tracks for receiving, processing and sending long-distance, local and suburban trains, two dead ends for suburban traffic, two tracks for passing freight trains. Passenger transportation is served by locomotives of the TEP60 and TEP70 series, diesel trains are used in suburban traffic.

On the tracks of transit parks of the Gomel-Sortirovochny sorting station, it is possible to process technically and commercially transit trains passing through the hub without processing. The station consists of two sorting subsystems: even and odd. In the odd system there is a mechanized high-power sorting slide equipped with pea automatic centralization devices (HAC), with two paths of approach and one way of dissolution. It is designed to disband and form trains arriving from Unechi, Bakhmach, Chernigov and departing towards Zhlobin and Kalinovichi. The odd-even sorting fleet consists of 21 tracks. In the even sorting system there is a mechanized sorting slide of medium capacity with one way of approach and dissolution, equipped with a HA. It is intended for the disbandment and formation of trains arriving from Zhlobin, Kalinkovich, departing towards Unechi, Bakhmach, Chernigov, intra-hub transmissions. The sorting fleet of the even sorting system consists of 12 tracks.

Gomel-Severny station is an intermediate station designed to perform operations to pass trains from four directions in accordance with the current schedule of train movements, operations to load and unload cars. Three sections adjoin Gomel-Severny station. In the odd direction, the Gomel-Severny - Centrolit and Gomel-Severny - Svetoch stretches, and in the even direction, the Gomel-Severny - Gomel-Sortirovochny stretch.

Prudok Station is a freight station designed to serve nearby businesses. The access roads of the Hydroautomatics association, the fish base, the Obltorgsoyuz base and others adjoin it.

Port Station is a freight station serving the access roads of the Gomel elevator and river port. The track development of the station includes four tracks.

Centrolit station is a freight station with a main freight yard. It serves to pass freight and passenger trains. The station also serves the adjacent access roads of enterprises, the Gomel Chemical Plant, the Centrolit plant and others.

Svetoch is a junction designed to organize the passage of trains in the direction of Zhlobin and vice versa, as well as transmissions from Gomel-Odny station to Sozh station and vice versa.

Novobelitsa is a second-class freight station, the track development of which has 11 tracks. The station is designed to pass freight and passenger trains from Gomel to Unecha, Bakhmach and Chernigov and in the opposite direction. In addition, the station serves the adjacent access roads of large industrial enterprises: Zhirokombinat OJSC, Gomeloboi OJSC, Gomeldrev PO and others.

Kostyukovka is a pre-junction station, the track development of which includes four tracks designed to pass freight and passenger trains from Gomel to Zhlobin, as well as service the access roads of Gomelsteklo OJSC and some other enterprises.

According to technical characteristics, Sozh station is an intermediate station, by the nature of the work - a freight station. Three sections adjoin Sozh station. In the odd direction, the spans Sozh - Kostyukovka and Sozh - Svetoch, and in the even direction, the spans Sozh - Iput. The station serves the oil depot (oil products are drained).

Technical and operational characteristics of the railway station centrolite, gomel and access roads adjacent to them

Technical and operational characteristics of centrolite station

Centrolit station is part of the Gomel branch of the road as a structural unit without the right of a legal entity and operates on the basis of the Regulation approved by the head of the road branch.

Centrolit station is a pre-junction, freight station.

The Centrolit station receives, disbands and forms local (prefabricated, transfer, export) freight trains, performs their technical and commercial maintenance, prepares a set of transportation documents and departs freight trains. Transit freight and passenger trains are skipped, as well as passenger services.

Depending on the volume of operations carried out with freight trains, cars and the complexity of the station, Centrolit is a 2nd class station on the basis of an order from the head of the Gomel branch of the Belarusian Railway.

Centrolit station serves 11 industrial and construction enterprises with access roads and a freight yard

Three sections adjoin Centrolit station.

- in the even direction:

● Centrolite - Gomel Sorting - single-track crossing without passing traffic lights less than 3000 meters long. The stretch is equipped with two-way automatic blocking for the movement of passenger and freight trains in both directions.

● Centrolit - Gomel Severny - a single-track stretch without passing traffic lights less than 3000 meters long. The stretch is equipped with two-way automatic blocking for the movement of passenger and freight trains in both directions.

- in odd direction:

● Centrolite - Device - single track stretch. The stretch is equipped with two-way self-locking with dispatch centralization for the movement of passenger and freight trains in both directions.

Parallel to the station's tracks is the TERDUP Gomelzheldortrans freight yard, on which, in the conditions of the most rational use of technical and transport vehicles of various types of transport, operations are carried out to load, unload, sort wagon, small shipments, heavy and piece cargoes.

In the odd neck of the station (285 km) there is an adjustable crossing with the intersection of 1 and 2 main tracks and exhaust track No. 17, equipped with automatic traffic light signaling and connected to input, output and maneuver traffic lights.

In the plan, Centrolit station is located on a straight section, in the profile it has a common slope towards the Device station.

Table 1.1 shows the characteristics of the station tracks.

In case of disruption of normal operation of the station, the receiving and sorting-out routes can be used according to the sliding specialization established by the shunting dispatcher and the station duty officer, at the same time:

safety of train traffic and shunting;

least time spent on disbanding, forming supply and reducing recycling.

On the 4th track of the station there are 200-tone electronic scales BD302 .

Switches at Centrolit station are equipped with air blowing devices from snow. Air blowing of arrows is controlled by the road foreman. Check of air blowing operation is brought to CPD panel.

For the timely and most rational execution of shunting operations for disbanding, feeding, cleaning and formation of train trains at Centrolit station, exhaust tracks No. 17, 20 and the MV-1 shunting post are used. In the process of disbanding operations, selection of cars in the supply along the loading and unloading fronts, the arrows of the odd neck of the park are transferred to local control.

There are 8 shunting areas at Centrolit station:

1 shunting area - odd side of the station (tracks 3 to 11 to the axis of the passenger building). In this area, trains are disbanded and formed, local cars are selected for supply, cars are trailed from trains, cars are fed and cleaned on the way of the freight yard.

2 shunting area - the tracks of the freight yard from 19 to 40. In this area, cars are fed and cleaned and placed along the fronts of loading and unloading public places.

3 shunting area - the access road of the Belgeologia RUP. In this shunting area, the supply and removal of wagons are carried out along the fronts of loading/unloading the access road.

4 shunting area - even side of the station (tracks from 3 to 9 to the axis of the passenger building from the side of the station. Device). In this area, transfer trains are formed, disconnection - a trailer to prefabricated trains, a selection of local cars at the delivery points.

5 shunting area - the access road of the Gomel radio plant, exhaust route No. 20. In this area, wagons are supplied and cleaned to the 1st track of the Gomel radio plant and to the access roads of shunting district No. 6.

6 shunting area - access roads of KDPUP "ZHB3," OJSC "Gomelzhelezobeton," RUP GLZ "Centrolit," ZHBI plant OJSC SMT No. 27, SU118, Starting engines, ZHBI GOPRSO, OJSC "Gomelsky Energy Networks GOR" GGGOM" GOM In this area, wagons are supplied and placed along the fronts of loading and unloading to the access roads of KDPUP ZhBI3, OJSC Gomelzhelezobeton, ZHBI plant OJSC SMT No. 27, SU118, Starting engines, ZHBI GOPELSK OJSC, access road of GOMelsky heating networks GOM On the access roads of OJSC Gomelsky DSK and RUP GLZ Centrolit, the arrangement of wagons along the loading/unloading fronts is carried out by branch owners' locomotives .

7 shunting area - Device station, access road No. 1. In this area, cars are fed and cleaned and placed on the access road, in accordance with the local instruction on the supply and cleaning of cars to the access road No. 1 and TRA of the Device station.

8 shunting area - access roads of CHPP-2 and RTPUP "Gomelkhimtorg." In this area, cars are supplied and cleaned and arranged along the fronts on the access roads of CHPP-2 and GTPUP Gomelkhimtorg.

The shunting areas of Centrolit station are served by two shunting locomotives ChME3 in the daytime and one at night.

Shunting movements in the 1st and 4th districts are led by the Center SLP, in the 7th - by the Device SLP, in the rest - by the DSC.

Centrolit station is equipped with electric centralization of control of arrows and signals.

The station uses the following types of communications: train control room, train inter-station, train and shunting radio communications, two-way park communications, intra-station dispatch communications, information and telephone communications.

The station has the following administrative and office buildings and premises:

- station central operation control station (EC post), which houses the workplaces of the shunting dispatcher, who is on duty at the station, which provides concentration of control over the operation of the station.

- Administrative and household complex (ABK), where there are workplaces for cargo and baggage receivers, station operators, as well as a domestic room for train compilers.

- MV-1 shunting post;

- the station where the ticket office is located.

For passenger service at the station there are: a low passenger platform between I and II tracks 520 m long, a low passenger platform at II 155 m long.

The main operational activities at the station include:

A - passing freight and passenger trains along the station tracks;

B - processing of freight train trains at the station:

- maintenance of wagons;

- commercial inspection of wagons and transported goods;

- Handling of shipping documents;

- technical inspection of cars before loading;

- Customs control of export-import goods;

- cargo declaration.

C - performing shunting operations:

- disbandment of compositions;

- formation of train trains according to the formation plan;

- trailers of wagons to freight trains;

- supply and cleaning of wagons to access roads, as well as to loading and unloading tracks of the freight yard;

- supply-retraction of cars for elimination of commercial faults;

- movements of single shunting locomotives and motor rail vehicles.

D - performance of cargo and commercial operations:

- loading of wagons;

- unloading of wagons;

- forwarding;

- weighing of wagons.

D - passenger service.

On the tracks of the Centrolit station, by technical condition, all series of locomotives circulating on the Gomel-Kalinkovichi section are allowed. Shunting at Centrolit station is carried out in seven shunting areas (MR) by two ChME3 locomotives in the daytime and one shunting locomotive at night. Simultaneous operation of two locomotives on the station and DG tracks is permitted.

Technology for supplying wagons for freight operations

On the upcoming delivery of wagons for unloading, the DSC notifies the receiver of the 6 class, and he in turn notifies the recipient no later than 2 hours before the start of the planned delivery .

On the time of the actual delivery of the car, the DSC notifies the transceiver by phone or in person, after which the submission time is indicated in the memo.

After unloading the cargo, the recipient clears the car from debris, closes the doors and hatches, raises and secures the sides of the platforms. The recipient notifies you that the upload is complete.

The notification is transmitted by telephone with a record in a special notification book, or in writing. The notification sent by telephone must be confirmed in writing before the 1800 day of unloading. Upon completion of unloading, the receiver checks the completeness of cleaning, the condition of the rolling stock, closes the memo, gives a note for signature to the recipient, signs himself, informs the DSC about the readiness of the cars for cleaning, puts his signature in the notification of the recipient. The completeness of cleaning before cleaning cars from freight fronts can be checked at the direction of the DSC by the train compiler.

After the delivery and placement of wagons for freight operations and their fixation, the train compiler reports to the DSC on radio communication about the time of delivery of wagons .

Loading and unloading on all access roads is carried out by the forces and means of the senders and recipients.

Upon completion of loading, the goods cashier reports the loaded and unloaded cars to the transceiver to fill out message 241 (on the loaded cars). The data for the unloaded car message 242 is provided by the class transceiver 6.

After carrying out freight operations, the transceiver informs DSC of data for car cleaning. Based on the data received, the DSC instructs the train compiler to clean the cars. Cars are removed from the access road of the Gomel Chemical Plant at the end of freight operations by the HCZ locomotive on the station track, in preliminary agreement with the DSC and the station duty officer .

The shunting dispatcher is obliged to supply cars to the access roads, as well as disband and put into trains cars removed from the access roads in agreement with the transceiver.

The wagons selected for loading shall be presented to the shippers' representatives to determine their commercial suitability. Prior to delivery for loading of dangerous goods into their own wagons by the senior acceptor, they shall be submitted for technical inspection on the day of the beginning of loading to the inspection of wagons by a record in the book of form VU14 for dangerous goods, which indicates the number of each presented car, the number of the emergency card, load capacity, country of ownership, country or road of destination. Upon completion of the inspection, the car inspector in the book VU14 makes a record against the number of each car "fit" (if the car is serviceable for loading), indicates the number of the certificate and sets the signature and surname.

On loaded wagons, the shipper's responsible employee draws up a set of shipping documents and notifies the class 6 acceptor of the end of the cargo operation.

The cars are cleaned according to the data on the completion of freight operations transferred by the SDS class 6 transceiver by telephone or in person.

The acceptance of loaded wagons is commercially carried out on the acceptance tracks of enterprises, or on station tracks. After checking the compliance of loading with the Technical Conditions and the correctness of transportation documents, the wagon sheet is issued by the class 6 acceptor. In the upper part of the wagon sheet, stamps corresponding to these conditions are placed on cars with cargoes requiring special passing conditions. The time of delivery of wagons for loading and unloading and the time of completion of freight operations, the acceptor certifies with his signature in the wagon sheet. This time should correspond to the time in the GC45 form memo for this car and in the customer's notification of the end of freight operations. For the Gomel Chemical Plant - in a natural sheet for supply and cleaning. After filling in the wagon sheet, the transport document is rotated to the goods office for final registration. The completed transportation documents are handed over to the transceiver to fill out the full-scale sheet of the train and are entered in the GU34 form book. The "Book of Cargo Receipt for Departure" form GU34 is maintained by the transceiver separately for intra-republican and international communications.

Technical and operational characteristics of the homel-even station

The station is sorting by the nature of the work and is classified as extracurricular.

The lines adjacent to the station and the main means of signalling and communication during the movement of trains:

• in odd direction:

Gomel-Chyotnyy→Gomel-Severnyy - single track. Two-way self-locking without passing traffic lights for the movement of passenger and freight trains in both directions.

Gomel-Chyotnyy→Tsentrolit - single track. Two-way self-locking without passing traffic lights for the movement of passenger and freight trains in both directions.

• Intra-node (intra-station) connections:

Gomel-Even → Park "B" Gomel-Odd - XI, XII ways. Double-sided self-locking without traffic lights.

Gomel-Chyotnyy→Passazhirsky Gomel-Odd park - IIG, IVG ways. Double-sided self-locking without traffic lights.

The list of the station's fleets and tracks, as well as the availability of sorting, loading and unloading and passenger devices are given in Appendix B.

Shunting movements at the station, within its management area, are controlled by DSP3, in the area of ​ ​ the sorting slide - DSPG, on the access roads of the station - DSC.

The movement of the maneuver locomotive producing maneuvers is led by the train compiler (maneuver manager), in the area of ​ ​ the sorting slide - the DSPG.

Characteristics of access roads adjacent to the homel-even station

Adjoining the tracks transferred to other services and organizations, indicating the boundaries between them and the station tracks.

The border with the tracks of the locomotive depot (PM8):

Odd side of Bakhmach Park:

shunting traffic light M45;

shunting traffic light M49;

shunting traffic light M33;

shunting traffic light M85;

shunting traffic light M91.

The even side of West Park:

shunting traffic light M76.

Boundary with distance paths

signalling and communication (ChC9): limit column page No. 715. On access roads:

- Plant "Spring" (Grove-2);

- BelTIS (Grove-1);

- NHC4;


- SMP354;

one shunting locomotive belonging to the railway carries out shunting work, supplying cars and cleaning them from the station tracks.

On access roads:

- ETP;

- EMZ;

- Gomselmash Plant;

- TSK5;

- Locomotive depot (fuel depot);

- SCH-9

a mixed version of the work. The supply of cars to the access roads and their cleaning to the station is carried out by a locomotive belonging to the railway, and shunting work on the access road is carried out by a branch owner's locomotive.

Arrangement of station interaction


Organization of carriage supply and cleaning to access roads

Centrolit station serves 15 access roads:

RUP "Belgeology";


KDPUP "Gomel ZhBI3 plant;

RUP Gomel Foundry "Centrolit";



SSU-118 RUP "Trust No. 26 Reinforced Concrete Onmontazh";

Gomel Ponomarenko Launch Engine Plant;

Western boiler room;

OJSC "Gomelzhelezobeton";

Radio factory;

OJSC Gomel Chemical Plant;


Gomel CHPP-2;

UP "Gomelhimtorg."

In some of the above access roads, in accordance with the contracts, counterparties work.

In addition, the station serves TERDUP "Gomelzheldortrans," military unit No. 52208.

The supply and cleaning of wagons, as well as shunting work, are carried out in full compliance with the requirements and provisions of the Rules for the technical operation of the Belarusian Railway; Instructions on train movement and shunting on the Belarusian Railway; Instructions for signalling and communication on the Belarusian Railway; Instructions on the procedure for servicing, feeding, cleaning cars and shunting work on the access road .

Shunting work on access roads served by the station is carried out only by planting. Disbanding with pushes, as well as rolling cars manually and using other means, except for shunting winches, is prohibited on all tracks.

The relevant employee of this enterprise is informed about the upcoming supply (cleaning) of wagons to the access roads of enterprises. When the cars are fed (cleaned) on the tracks near the loading places, when these operations are performed, the message about the upcoming loading (cleaned) of the cars is transmitted to the master of the loading station (foreman). The installation of wagons on the freight fronts is carried out on the oral instructions of the responsible employee of the enterprise (master of loading and unloading operations, warehouse manager, etc.) or master of loading station (when working in public places), who, after receiving a message about the supply of wagons, is obliged to:

- warn people working on loading and unloading about the upcoming delivery of wagons;

- Stop freight operations with wagons to be manoeuvred;

- check and ensure that there is a dimension on the way of the locomotive and train, for which purpose remove loading and unloading mechanisms and other means of transportation;

- open external gates (if necessary) and secure them with retainers in open position;

- stop the carriage movement by electric cart;

- To prepare the labour force and mechanisms for the production of cargo operations;

- if necessary, turn on the lighting of freight fronts and areas of shunting work and ensure the delivery of brake shoes to the train originator for fixing cars and a portable ladder for disengaging cars on elevated tracks.

The supply and cleaning of wagons and shunting work on the tracks serviced by the TEP are carried out by locomotive delivery teams consisting of one driver and one train compiler (assistant driver - train compiler), who is the direct supervisor of the maneuvers, responsible for their correct and safe execution.

When the cars are supplied to the freight fronts by the cars forward, the train originator must be on the brake platform or a special step of the first in the direction of movement of the car. In their absence, the train compiler must go along the side of the track in front of the rolling stock from the side opposite to the location of warehouses, tanks, etc. The speed of the locomotive in this case should not exceed 5 km/h. In case of obstacles to traffic, a threat to people's lives, the train compiler must immediately notify the driver and take measures to stop himself.

When moving shunting trains or single locomotives at high platforms or along tracks located next to structures, in front of which the sign "Caution! Oversized place, "and structures with a warning color in the form of alternating black and yellow stripes, in places where there is a threat to traffic safety, the presence of workers of the drafting teams on special steps of wagons and locomotives is prohibited. In this case, the train originator must pass this place along the side of the track or pass it on the site of a shunting locomotive or car.

Wagons and other railway rolling stock left on all access roads must be reliably fixed against spontaneous care by brake shoes. The procedure for fixing cars on the access road and the required number of brake shoes should be specified in the Instruction on the procedure for servicing, feeding, cleaning cars and shunting on the corresponding access road.

The rolling stock is fixed on the tracks of the junction station by train compilers in accordance with the technical regulatory act of the station.

When cleaning cars from the access roads of enterprises after the production of freight operations, the station employee receives loaded cars from the shipper commercially and technically by external inspection, and also checks the completeness of cleaning empty cars from previously unloaded goods.

Before cleaning cars from the freight fronts, the train originator must ensure that the freight operations with the cars are completed and they are ready for cleaning. The train originator is forbidden to remove covered cars with unlocked doors, unlocked side and upper hatches, gondola cars with open end doors, with open hatches or closed on one locking hook, platforms with open sides, hoppers, tanks with open loading and unloading devices, etc. The train compiler is also obliged to make sure that there are no people, brake shoes, foreign objects on the way.



The manager and organizer of shunting work on the freight yard and access roads of the TPP-2 loading point is the shunting dispatcher of the Centrolit station. The shunting dispatcher of the Centrolit station coordinates the procedure for supplying and cleaning cars to the freight yard by phone with the senior receiver of the freight yard.

Direct management of shunting work in the freight yard and access roads of the TETS 2 loading point, responsibility for ensuring traffic safety, safety of transported goods and compliance with safety rules during maneuvering is assigned to the originator of trains of Centrolit station within the scope of official duties.

Maneuvers are carried out by a locomotive operating at Centrolit station, and both in the freight yard and on all access roads of the TPP-2 loading point are carried out only by planting.

In the freight yard, under normal conditions, one locomotive operates. In case of production necessity (with increased wagon traffic), in order to accelerate the processing of loading and unloading fronts, it is allowed to maneuver on the tracks of the freight yard simultaneously with two locomotives. In this case, the 2nd shunting area (according to the TRA of Centrolit station) is divided into two shunting areas:

1 district - tracks No. 21, 22, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 34, 36, 37 - limited by traffic light No. 7;

2 district - tracks No. 31, 32, 35, 40 - limited by traffic light No. 31.

In this case, before the second locomotive arrives at the freight yard, the shunting dispatcher must agree on a work plan with the Centrolit station duty officer and the shunting crews of both locomotives personally or by radio. The maneuver dispatcher controls the procedure for performing maneuvering work and is personally responsible for traffic safety.

Drafting teams are required to agree on the procedure for performing shunting work. Each locomotive operates on its own tracks to the corresponding traffic light M7 or M31. During shunting work, all employees show increased vigilance and caution. At Centrolit station, the station attendant receives each locomotive separately from his or her area.

The supply of wagons to the freight fronts of all the tracks of the freight yard is carried out by the wagons forward, and cleaning by the locomotive forward. The installation of wagons at the places of loading and unloading is carried out by the locomotive delivery team at the direction of the senior transceiver.

As a rule, one locomotive operates on the access roads of the TEZ2 loading point. In exceptional cases, when a second mobile unit arrives, the duty officer at the Centrolit station personally warns the driver of the locomotive located on the TEC 2 access roads about the proposed arrival of an additional mobile unit. The locomotive located on the access roads, at the entire time of the additional mobile unit on the CHPP-2 access roads, should be on the tracks, the exit of which is isolated from the route of the additional mobile unit.

Wagons are supplied to the freight fronts of all access roads of the TPP-2 loading point by the wagons forward, cleaning by the locomotive forward, except for the Gomelkhimtorg RTPUP access road, where the supply and cleaning can be carried out both by the wagons forward and the locomotive forward, according to the Instruction on the procedure for servicing and organization of traffic on the RTP Gomelkhimtorg access road. At the same time, the cargo fronts of the Gomelchimtorg RTPUP access road can be processed according to two options:

1 variant - the carriage is fed and cleaned by the locomotive forward when traveling from the Randovsky junction by the locomotive forward without entering the TPP-2 industrial fleet. The shunting train arrives on the path No. 1 of the Gomelkhimtorg RTPUP. The locomotive is overtaken along route No. 2 and arranges cars along the fronts.

2 option - in case of occupancy of track No. 1 of the Gomelkhimtorg RTPUP access road, the shunting train follows to the TETs2 industrial park, where the locomotive is overtaken, delivers the cars for a switch 102 by the locomotive forward, then feeds the freight fronts with the cars forward. Cleaning is performed in reverse order.

When performing shunting work on the supply or cleaning of wagons to the freight fronts of the access roads of the TETS2 loading point, duty workers of the consignee enterprises or shippers must be present. The on-duty employee of the enterprise indicates to the train compiler the exact places of installation of the supplied cars, and during cleaning - the cars to be cleaned.

In the freight yard and access roads of the TPP-2 loading point, all switchgears are equipped with a manual drive. These switches are translated by the train originator, who is obliged to stop the maneuver train in front of the arrows, check the position of the arrows, if necessary, set the arrows along the route, personally check the position and tight abutment of the point to the frame rail of all arrows included in the route, lock the arrows on bookmarks, make sure that there is a size on the tracks, there are no obstacles to movement, and then start the production of maneuvers.

When making maneuvers, the train compiler is obliged to organize work in such a way as to prevent the rolling stock from reaching the dead end prisms of the tracks. When approaching the loading-unloading fronts, the train compiler gives a command to the locomotive driver, informing how many cars it is necessary to lay down the train within the path. In the event of an unexpected radio failure and a command not received from the train originator at the entrance to the loading and unloading fronts, the locomotive driver must take measures to immediately stop the train.



The HCZ access road is serviced by locomotives and factory crews.

Communication of replacement masters responsible for receiving and sending cars from access roads with the maneuver dispatcher and transceivers of Centrolit station is carried out through the citywide exchange. In addition, there is a direct telephone connection of replacement wizards with a maneuver dispatcher.

Upon arrival of each transmission and disconnection, the operator shall notify the replacement master of PP HKZ on duty at the station, in accordance with the marked full-time list upon arrival, of the cargo arriving at their address, indicating the number of wagons and the name of the cargo. In addition, the operator at the CPD indicates the arrival of the goods to be processed by customs. After that, the operator at CPD makes an entry in the accurate notification book indicating the number, time of notification and the name of the wizard who accepted the notification.

Transmission of information about arrived wagons with cargo for unloading to the access road should be transmitted no later than 2 hours before the delivery of wagons. After the train is disbanded and the cars are ready to be delivered to the access road, the shunting dispatcher notifies the HCZ master of the readiness to transfer to him.

By permission of the station operator, the locomotive-building team of HCZ leaves for the station's exhibition tracks (No. 7, No. 8).

Before picking up "their wagons," the HCZ master inspects them technically and commercially together with the station transceiver, after which they certify the acceptance of the wagons with signatures in 2 copies of full-scale sheets established by the transceiver separately for HCZ with the date and time of supply. One copy of each full-length sheet remains with the transceivers, the second is taken by the master of HCH.

The replacement master announces the readiness of the wagons for cleaning with HCZ to the maneuver dispatcher and draws up a full-scale sheet for cleaning the wagons in 2 copies. According to the permission of the station duty officer and the direction of the shunting dispatcher, wagons with HCZ are taken to the exhibition tracks of the station, where they are carried out by the senior transceiver and inspection of wagons for commercial and technical inspection, their reception for departure. The exit of the locomotive of the plant on the path of the Centrolit station is carried out according to the permitting indication of the maneuver traffic light "MS." Further movements along the station tracks are made according to the permitting readings of shunting traffic lights. Locomotive and drafting crews, leaving the access road to the station, must make sure that the route is correct and monitor the readings of shunting traffic lights. When cars move forward, the compiler must be on the brake platform of the first in the direction of movement of the car, and in the absence - on a special step of the car.

Technical inspection of empty apatite locomotives and mineral carriers after their cleaning from access roads is executed by recording their numbers in the corresponding log of the VU14 form.

When receiving wagons for departure, the senior transceiver checks by external inspection:

• Serviceability of the body in commercial terms, closing of car hatches;

• Availability of seals in accordance with the Rules for sealing rolling stock, their serviceability and compliance of impressions on them with the impressions specified in the transportation documents, which the shipper delivers together with the car;

• Number of cargo places on open rolling stock (when such check is possible);

• Correct placement and attachment of the load on the open rolling stock, no visible damage to the load or package;

• Compliance of the wagon number with the data specified in the transportation documents, as well as the weight of the cargo according to the data of the transportation documents of the wagon load capacity and permissible standards of its loading;

• Closing of roof of drain devices of tanks and unloading devices of hopper cars, absence of signs of cargo leaks through the specified devices and devices;

• Clearing empty wagons by the recipient of cargo and garbage residues in accordance with the Railway Charter.

If the transceiver finds a violation by the sender of the requirements of the Railway Charter and the Rules for loading wagons, as well as violations specified in clause 15.27 of the PTE, in which it is prohibited to put wagons on trains, the transceiver draws up an act of general form GU23 (3 copies) indicating the reason for the delay of the car, which is certified by two signatures of the station employees and the signature of the branch owner, a telegram is given to Gstation and to the departure station. The car is sealed, twisted, and the car is transferred to the freight yard for inspection.

Delivery and acceptance of wagons for departure is executed by the signature of the shipper on delivery of wagons and the signature of the acceptor on acceptance of wagons in a full-scale sheet, where the acceptor indicates the date and time of acceptance of wagons.

Data on unloaded cars according to the full sheets signed by the acceptor are recorded by the acceptor in the model 242 (car number, cargo code, recipient code), and in the car sheets of these cars the date and time of unloading of cars is signed by the acceptor who signed the full sheet. After that, the full-scale sheets are transferred to the operator of the goods office to take into account the presence, condition and use of freight cars at the station .

The issued natural sheets on giving or cleaning of cars about GHZ and acts of the general form of rejection of cars to departure are given the gager according to "The book of delivery a naturok and instructions" (f.GU48) to the commodity cashier with the signature both for accounting of demurrage of wagons on access roads.

Features of registration of cars transferred to access roads

Automatic registration of delivery/reception of cars on access roads, time of cars on access road is performed by number method.

The calculation of the availability of freight fleet cars on the access road and the general availability is carried out in accordance with the "Methodological Provisions for Automated Number Registration for the Delivery of Cars to Access Roads and the Reception of Cars from Access Roads" (Appendix 2).

Automated number registration of delivery of freight cars to access roads and reception of cars from access roads is carried out on the basis of transmission to ASUP of message 1397 reflecting the deployment and condition of cars according to the wagon model of the road (VMD) and wagon model of access roads (VMD PP).

When calculating the station car fleet, the number of cars delivered to the access road and accepted from the access road is determined depending on the ownership of the cars and the access road:

Wagons of the inventory fleet, belonging to the WT and railways of other states (railway administrations), including cars leased, but not in the way of the car tenant (external lease), actually located on the access road, are taken into account in the general availability of the station - in the park "at the disposal of the road";

Own freight cars with eight-digit numbers for the number "5," located on the access road, are taken into account in the park "out of order of the road," of which "presence on the access road," regardless of the ownership of the car and access road.

Cars of the inventory fleet leased by the railway, located on the access road, owned by the tenant of cars or rented by the tenant of cars (domestic rental) are taken into account in the park "out of order of the road," of which "presence on the access roads."

Formation of a group of cars for transmission to the access road

The formation of a group of cars for their supply to the access road is carried out in accordance with the TPA of the station.

Delivery (acceptance) of wagons to the access roads of Gomel DSK OJSC, Gomel Foundry Centrolit RUP, Gomel Chemical Plant OJSC is carried out on acceptance (exhibition) tracks.

For other access roads, the delivery (reception) of cars is carried out at the places of loading and unloading.

To take into account the time of cars on access roads and on public places, the "Receiving Sensor Memo for the Supply and Cleaning of Cars" of form GU45 is issued. The form of the memo and the Instructions for its completion were approved by order of the Head of the Belarusian Railway dated 09.08.2004 No. 184 N.

Based on the information of the memo, message 1397 is filled in and transmitted (instruction for transmission of message 1397 and list of errors are given in Appendix 3):

for automated registration of car fleets at the station and on access roads;

to maintain the wagon model of the road (VMD) and the wagon model of access roads (VMD PP);

to calculate and analyze the downtime of cars at the station and the time of cars on access roads within the framework of the DYSPARK system.

Registration of delivery of cars to the access road

Information on the approach of trains by station (CPD) is received from the train dispatcher in advance by radio or by telephone. In addition, such information can be obtained by a maneuver dispatcher (DSC) or transceiver using AWS OSTC. The DSC or the transceiver at workplaces via AWS OSTTS request a full-scale sheet on it, which contains information about the numbers of cars and their accessories, cargo code, recipient code, destination station, etc. Upon arrival of the train at the station, the transceiver transmits message 201. Then, depending on the category of train (assembly, train with disconnection or formation to Centrolit station), disconnection or disbandment is carried out with simultaneous transmission by the receiver of messages 09 (disconnection) or 203 (disbandment). After that, the DSC arranges the arrived cars on the fronts and reports this to the transceivers.

The transceiver makes up the GU45 form memo for each submitted group of cars. When filling out the memo, the car numbers are written off from nature (for cars that arrived for unloading with the mandatory reconciliation of numbers with the wagon sheet). The memo is filled in in accordance with Order No. 184 N of 09.08.2004.

Based on the memo signed by the sending and receiving parties, the transceiver prepares and inputs to the ADMCS a message 1397 with an operation code of 1 (feed). A separate message is transmitted to each group of cars supplied, drawn up by one memo. At the station, the supply and cleaning of cars is issued with one GU45 form memo, the message is transmitted separately only to the supply of cars.

Message 1397 may be transmitted within the previous reporting day not later than 0.5 hours after the reporting time (reporting hour - 17 hours local time), and the difference between the message entry and the transaction time shall not exceed 12 hours.

The time specified in column 6 (supply/transfer to the exhibition track) of the GU45 form memo is considered to be the moment of taking into account the delivery of cars to the access road. Time of delivery accounting is determined by:

- For access roads, Gomel DSK OJSC, Gomel Foundry Centrolit, Gomel Chemical Plant OJSC - completion time of acceptance operations on exhibition tracks;

- For other access roads - the time of actual delivery of wagons to the place of cargo operation .

Reception of cars from the access road

Having received a notification from the client about the readiness of the cars for cleaning, the transceivers notify the DSC and the goods office. The goods cashier prepares the loading message (241), the station receiver and the unloading message (242). Messages 241, 242 are transmitted by the station transceiver.

When receiving cars from the access road, the transceiver debits the numbers of cars from nature with the mandatory reconciliation of numbers with the wagon sheet, and for loaded cars additionally and with the waybill and fills in the GU45 form memo for each wagon number the corresponding columns and column 8 - "cleaning."

Based on the memo signed by the receiving and delivering parties, the transceiver prepares and enters message 1397 with operation code - 2 (cleaning). A separate message is transmitted to each group of retractable cars issued with one memo. The supply and cleaning of cars is executed by one GU45 form memo, therefore, the message is transmitted separately only to the cleaning of cars.

The time specified in column 8 - "cleaning" of the GU45 form memo is considered to be the moment of taking into account the reception of cars from the access road. The accounting time is determined by:

- For access roads OJSC "Gomel DSK," RUP Gomel Foundry "Centrolit," OJSC "Gomel Chemical Plant" - time for cleaning cars by locomotive station from exhibition tracks;

- For other access roads - the time of actual removal of cars from the places of loading or unloading.

Procedure for recording the general availability and condition of wagons

The total availability of cars is determined as of the reporting hour (17 hours local time) and is reflected in the established order in the statistical report on car fleets of the DO-2 form.

2.6.1 Features of cargo operations accounting:

When you hand over your own freight cars with an 8-digit number to the number "5" in the loaded state, the unloading is taken into account and message 242 is transmitted at the time of recording the delivery of the cars.

When receiving their own freight cars from the access road with an 8-digit number to the number "5" in the loaded state, loading is taken into account and message 241 is transmitted at the time of recording the reception of cars with issued transportation documents.

In the same way, messages are transmitted for rented cars (domestic rental) when renting/accepting cars to access roads owned or leased by the car tenant.

Upon delivery/acceptance to the access roads of the wagons of the inventory fleet and rented wagons (external lease), the time of cargo operations is taken into account according to the time specified in column 7 of the GU45 form memo, provided that the registration of transportation documents is completed. Accordingly, messages 241, 242 are transmitted.

2.6.2 Features of recording faulty cars:

Faulty cars of the inventory fleet, as well as leased cars (external rental) located on the access road, are taken into account in the UXO in the "faulty" group (BT code in the DO-2 report).

Defective own freight cars with an 8-digit number to the number "5," as well as leased cars (domestic rental):

- located on public routes, are taken into account in IUU fishing in the same manner as the wagons of the inventory fleet;

- upon delivery to the access road, they are transferred from the UXO to the "park out of order of the road" by the "access roads" group at the time of delivery.

- when receiving from the access road for sending for repair, a notification of the VU23 form is issued and taken into account in the UXO in the "faulty" group at the time of receiving from the access road.

Using Output Forms

Data on the delivery of cars to access roads, on the reception of cars from access roads, on the availability of cars on the access road both for use in the online mode and for the formation of statistical reports are determined in accordance with the list of output documents in the DISPARK system.

List of output documents is given in "Instructor on output forms in DYSPARK system," which is requested:

(: 212 KPP: 222 0 9:)

In accordance with the DISPARK information base, the data generation mode for 3-hour periods and for the reporting hour is carried out. Extradition shall be made upon request.

Preparation of transportation documents for goods sent from access roads

At the end of the inspection of the wagons upon arrival, the transceiver in 2 copies of the full-scale sheet against the number of the wagon or group of wagons in the column "Note" makes marks to whose address the wagon arrived, the type of cargo, signs about the presence of commercial faults and precautions when disbanding the train.

The senior transceiver gives one copy of the full-scale sheet to the maneuver dispatcher to draw up a plan for disbanding the train, the second copy remains in the affairs of the station.

On the transportation documents, the senior transceiver places a calendar stamp indicating the train number, date and time of its arrival, after which the senior transceiver records the documents in the book of the SU-48 form for each shipment, indicating the car number and consignment note number, and sends the documents through the dispatch to the TERDUP "Gomelzheldortrans" commodity office. Acceptance and delivery of documents is executed by signature of both employees .

Wagon sheets for goods arriving for unloading to non-public places are separated from transportation documents and stored at the station's senior receiver until the end of freight operations.

For each car unloaded at non-public places, the senior transceiver starts the GU45 form memo. For all cars supplied to the Chemical Plant, GU45 is compiled in two copies. The own and leased cars of RUP SZHB5 and the KPD plant of Gomelsky DSK OJSC, as well as platforms and gondola cars with containers are submitted for inspection for double operations with recording of each car in the VU14 form book with indication of the type of cargo under which the car, destination roads and runs are presented, the time of presentation and completion of the inspection. Recording is performed by the senior transceiver.

In the case of goods under customs control, customs clearance upon arrival is required. In the memo for such goods, the receiver makes the mark "customs cargo."

On wagons idle under customs operations upon arrival, the commercial agent of TERDUP Gomelzheldortrans makes an act of general form of SP 23. The unloading of such wagons is carried out after obtaining the relevant permission of the customs authorities. The senior transceiver of the station receives permission for unloading from the market office of TERDUP Gomelzheldortrans in the form of a telephone message of approximate content: "Center DS. Wagon No....... cleared, date and time. commercial agent - last name. "

Upon arrival, all wagons shall be entered by the receiver in the "Book of Work" of a free sample, indicating the number, number or type of car, the name of the cargo, the consignee, the date, time and number of the arrival train .

In case of arrival of wagons with commercial malfunctions, wagons under inspection with certificates of associated stations, data on such wagons are entered in the register of SP - 98.

Preparation of transportation documents for goods arriving on access roads

Wagons arriving at the cargo owners serviced by TEP accumulate on the tracks of the junction station in accordance with the technology of its operation. After the selection of the transfer by shunting areas, the cars handed over by the TEP are supplied to one of the exhibition tracks for acceptance operations. When the cars are supplied by the locomotive to the station on the tracks at public places, acceptance operations are carried out directly at the freight fronts.

The station transceiver (commercial agent of the station), maintenance station employee (TSS) may participate in receiving operations depending on the operation technology on the part of the station, and on the part of the TEP - the transceiver, commercial agent, loading station master or other authorized employee .

The name of the document drawn up during the acceptance and delivery of wagons, the number and positions of workers participating in acceptance operations are established depending on specific working conditions. For TEP employees who are authorized to sign the wagon supply and cleaning list and other documents, the head of the TEP issues a power of attorney, which is kept by the station manager (in the station's goods office). The TEP employee has the right to sign only those documents that are listed in the power of attorney.

Delivery of the cars arriving at the station to the enterprises serviced by the TEP for delivery to the access roads is carried out according to a full-scale sheet (receiving sensor memo), which makes up the receiving sensor of the station and indicates the necessary information. In case of transfer of wagons with dangerous goods to access roads served by TEP, the station transceiver in the acceptance document makes marks on the degree of danger of the cargo, indicates its properties and the number of the emergency card, guided by the information contained in the railway consignment note.

Acceptance operations between the station and TEP are expressed in technical and commercial inspection of both loaded and empty wagons. During acceptance operations the following is checked by external inspection:

- serviceability of the body commercially, closing of the hatches of the car;

- presence of seals or locking devices and their serviceability;

- the number of cargo places on open rolling stock, when such a check is possible by the nature of the cargo and loading;

- correctness of cargo placement and attachment on open rolling stock, absence of visible traces of loss, damage to cargo or package;

- conformity of the wagon (container) number with the data in the consignment note;

- absence of remnants of previously transported goods on the undercarriages, ridge beam and other external parts of the car;

- closing of covers of drain devices of tanks and unloading devices of hopper type, absence of signs of cargo leakage through the above devices, etc.

During technical inspection of empty cars, the car body is inspected both from the outside and from the inside. Empty, as well as loaded cars, which are intended to be used for double operations, are presented to the station car inspector for technical inspection. Condition of loaded car body is checked by external inspection. When the car is delivered to the access road, the validity of the car for loading is confirmed by the signature of the car inspector and receiver in the Book of Full-time Inspection of Cars. If it is impossible to eliminate the faults, then the nature of the fault is noted in the Book of full-time inspection of wagons against each wagon number. Technically faulty empty cars are not credited to the responsible simple TEP. When returning cars from the access roads, the car inspector checks their technical condition and checks the detected faults with the records made in the Book of Full-time Inspection of Cars.

If when returning cars from the access road to the station, the inspector found damage threatening the safety of trains, then such a car after drawing up act f. VU25 must be disconnected and sent for repair.

At reception (delivery) of loaded wagons in commercial relation, the lack of access to the cargo, the condition of the cargo loaded on the open rolling stock, the belonging and serviceability of shutoff devices, the condition of hatches, etc. are established.

The cars put up from the tracks serviced by the TEP to the station are technically accepted by the employees of the TEP to the station, commercially by the transceivers (commercial agents) of the station, and their TEP employee passes them on a full-scale sheet (transceiver memo), which it makes up in two copies. On the results of reception of railway cars from the serviced TEP, UTO employees and the receiving and receiving sensor (commercial agent) of the station inform the station duty officer (shunting dispatcher); The transceiver (commercial agent) of the station together with the TEP employee sign the acceptance document.

Arriving at the address of the consignees serviced by the TEP, the goods subject to commission issue are issued to the consignee in accordance with the regulatory technical acts in force on the Belarusian Railway. The circumstances that may give rise to the property liability of the Belarusian Railway, its enterprises, shippers, consignees and consignees are confirmed by a commercial act or a general act.

The mass of the cargo at delivery is checked, as a rule, in a manner similar to the method of determining it when loading this cargo. In this case, the mass of the cargo is considered correct (in accordance with the contract of carriage) according to paragraph 58 of the ZHT.

If for the purposes of customs, border and other types of control there was an opening of wagons, containers, transported goods (cars, tractors, etc.) with replacement of originally applied seals (ZPU) of the shipper, availability of serviceable seals (ZPU) of the relevant customs, border authority or railway station is not the basis for checking the destination railway station when issuing the cargo of its mass, number of places and condition, except in the cases provided for in paragraph 58 of the ZHT.

The maximum number of cars in each transmission delivered by the TEP station and the mass of transmission are set by the Instruction on the procedure for servicing, feeding, cleaning cars and performing shunting work on the access road.

The supply of cars to the access road and the removal of cars from the access road is carried out by the TEP upon notification. Upon notification by its own locomotive, the TEP (the locomotive transferred to the operational control of the TEP) notifies the owner or user of the access road no later than 2 hours before the delivery of the cars. The notification of the time of delivery of wagons is made by telephone (or by other means of communication) with an entry in the Notification Book.

The owner or user of the access road is obliged to appoint his representatives responsible for receiving notifications and inform them in writing of their names and telephone numbers.

Reception and delivery of wagons to freight owners is carried out depending on the technology of work by an acceptor, commercial agent or other authorized employee. Reception of wagons is confirmed by the signature of the representative of the freight owner in the acceptance certificate.

Upon completion of the cargo operation, the representative of the shipper and consignee shall notify the authorized employee (depending on the specific working conditions) of the readiness of the wagons for cleaning. The transfer of the notification by telephone is recorded in the Notification Book with subsequent written confirmation, and serves as the basis for indicating in the certificate of the receiver the time of completion of unloading or loading of cargo on the access road.

Wagons accepted from unloading and loading sites shall meet the following requirements:

- doors, sides, hatches, drain device covers (in tanks), hooks of bunker gondola cars shall be tightly closed and fixed in all loaded and empty wagons;

- removal of cargo remains inside wagons, from wagons trolleys, frame, roof, walls, boiler (in tanks) and other parts of wagons;

- all empty wagons must be completely freed and cleaned from the remnants of previously transported goods, garbage, snow, ice, attachment details (wire, posts, etc.), and the tanks are completely drained ;

- Special wagons shall have and be fitted with non-removable inventory devices, as shall be specified in the transport documents.

When receiving wagons from freight owners, special attention should be paid to the presence and serviceability of:

- for covered cars - skin of the body, doors, hatches, roof, floor, posts, braces, frames (especially in places of connection);

- near gondola cars - body skin, end doors and their locks, hatch covers, upper lining, body braces;

- at platforms - floor, sides, constipation;

- at tanks - drain devices, safety valves, blankings of drain devices, covers, hatches, parts of boiler attachment to the frame.

When servicing the access road by the locomotive of the junction station or by the branch owner's own locomotive, acceptance operations are carried out by representatives of the junction station and the consignee (shipper). The team of machine operators and workers, under the leadership of the master of the loading station (foreman), begins to carry out the loading and unloading of goods after the completion of acceptance operations and crediting the wagons to the responsible simple consignee or shipper.

Technologies of operation of the station and access road

General Information

Access roads can be maintained in two ways:

railway locomotive;

the locomotive of the branch owner.

In the first case, cars are credited to the responsible simple after placing them on the loading and unloading fronts.

In order to determine the time for shunting on the access road under consideration, it is necessary to develop a unified technology for the operation of the junction station and the access road. It is based on the construction of a daily plan - a schedule.

To build a daily plan - schedules are required:

Time standards for loading - unloading of goods;

Table of distribution of transfer trains upon arrival;

Balance sheet;

Schedules of technological processes of trains and groups of cars;

Time standards for shunting.

Calculation of time costs for loading and unloading operations

Design unloading and loading on each freight front in cars of the whole, including by type of rolling stock, are given in Table 3.1.

Time standards for cargo operations are adopted on the basis of available mechanization tools according to the tables. For goods, the time standards for cargo operations that are not in the tables are calculated as follows.

When loading or unloading a group of wagons, preparatory operations with all wagons except the first and final operations with all wagons except the last should be combined in time with other loading-unloading operations, and therefore should not be taken into account in calculating the total loading-unloading period.

The access roads served by the station are both run by the railway and its structural divisions, and owned by enterprises. Connection diagrams of access roads are given on the diagram

The estimated time period for the unloading of bunker type wagons includes the time spent on the following operations:

̶ preparatory operations - opening of one or two covers of loading hatches, besides, the worker goes to the car roof and releases locks and locks;

̶ connection of compressed air main line (for cars with pneumatic control of unloading hatch covers), lifting of hoses above receiving hoppers or hanging of protective covers for protection from cargo placer (when loading wagons with central unloading holes), opening of unloading hatches; with these operations are usually combined in time (and in the process of unloading with direct unloading operations) fixing the rope of the maneuver winch, hanging the vibrators, releasing the locks of the hatch unloading mechanisms;

̶ final operations - inspection of the body inside through loading hatches with the use of a portable lamp or directional searchlight, cleaning the rest of the cargo from the walls with a scraper on a long handle or by other methods, closing the covers of loading hatches, closing the gates and retainers; these operations are combined with operations of covering retraction or lowering of protective hoses, check of condition of covers of unloading hatches and their cleaning, as well as operations of vibrators retraction, disconnection of compressed air main line, blowing and cleaning of frame and car trolley, closing of unloading hatches, removal of rope of shunting winch, etc.;

̶ main unloading operations - unloading the cargo and, if necessary, moving the car in the process of unloading it and related auxiliary operations (lowering and subsequent lifting of protective hoses or retraction or hanging of covers protecting against cargo placer).

Loading into special bunker-type cars is carried out at points equipped with devices for supplying bulk goods from above using release pipes. The design period for loading of bunker-type wagons includes the time spent on the following operations:

preparatory operations - opening of two covers of loading hatches with access to the car roof and opening of locks and retainers, filling of end of release pipes into hatches. As a rule, the operations of fixing the rope of the maneuver winch should be combined with these operations;

final operations - exit to the car roof, removal pipes, cleaning of the car roof from woke up cargo, closing of loading hatches, closing of gates and retainers, hanging of seals. With these operations, the operations of uncoupling the rope of the maneuver winch, cleaning the last car from the outside, etc. are combined.

Preparation of a balance table for the regulation of empty wagons

Data on the amount of daily carriage flows upon arrival and departure are required to compile the balance sheet. For this purpose, full-scale sheets were processed.

On the basis of the statistical daily wagon flow upon arrival and departure, the need or excess of empty wagons at the Gomel Chemical Plant is determined and a balance table for the regulation of empty wagons is compiled (Table 3.4).

Loading of goods sent from the access road is usually provided by wagons, which are released after unloading the arrived goods.

The empty balance for each type of cargo, type of car, freight front, is determined as a result of comparing the dimensions of unloading and loading. If the unloading is larger than the loading, then there will be a surplus of empty cars, if the unloading is larger than the loading, there will be a shortage of empty cars.

Table 3.4 shows that the total unloading for the maximum month is Uc = 53 cars, loading Up = 41 cars, arrival of empty cars Uppore = 33 cars, departure of empty Uc = 45 cars, arrival and departure of cars Upr = Uo = 86 cars.

The access road of the Khimzavod has an estimated average daily unloading of 53 cars and loading of 41 cars.

The maximum load occurs upon arrival of the route.

Normalization of shunting work along the access road of the Gomel chemical plant

These time standards for the performance of flights by locomotives are set based on traffic conditions at a speed of 15 km/h. The length of half-flights on the access road of the Khimzavod lies within 5002200 m.

Time for acceptance operations is accepted 1 minute per car, but not more than 30 minutes per transfer.

Manoeuvring on the access road includes the following operations:

Collection of wagons by areas and points of production of freight and technical operations in accordance with the accepted order of service;

Supply of wagons to loading and unloading fronts, which consists of:

rearrangement of wagons to the point of production of freight operations;

arrangement of wagons on loading and unloading fronts (arrival of a shunting train on the way, disengagement and fixation of all or part of wagons).

Cleaning of wagons from loading and unloading fronts, which consists of:

assembling wagons from loading and unloading fronts, i.e. driving a shunting train or locomotive onto the track, inspecting wagons, removing the fixing, trailer of wagons and leaving the shunting train from that path;

rearrangement of wagons from the point of production of freight operations.

Preparatory - final operations related to the supply and cleaning of wagons:

obtaining an order for shunting work, transferring non-centralized arrows, fixing rolling stock, switching on and testing car trunks, etc.

Time for the selection of wagons by areas and points of production of freight and technical operations in accordance with the accepted order of service - the time of disbanding of the train using the exhaust track is defined as the time for sorting

Create a daily schedule

Wagons with cargo arrive at the station and leave it in transfer trains. Empty wagons are also included.

After determining the number of transfer trains and the number of cars in the transfer train, a table is drawn up for the decomposition of each train upon arrival by weight.

The daily schedule of local work is developed on the basis of the data of tables 3.5 and 3.6, as well as the unified technology of the station from the access roads.

On the grid of the daily schedule-chart on the left there are graphs that correspond to the nature of the work performed. After the preparatory work, a graphic image of the daily operation of the access track with all cars from and until the acceptance operations on the acceptance tracks is applied to the daily schedule grid.

At the end of the disbanding of the transmission by shunting locomotives, wagons are supplied to the places of loading and unloading. At loading and unloading points by locomotives, wagons are placed on the fronts and assembled. Then, by shunting locomotives, cars are supplied to the accumulation path or other loading points (for double operations) in accordance with the table of regulation of empty cars.

Loading and unloading fronts show loading, unloading, interoperative simple wagons, simple wagons in anticipation of supply for double operations. Cars put on the accumulation path accumulate for transmission. The process of accumulation of cars is marked by steps. The registration of cars is carried out as a cumulative result. At the end of accumulation, the composition is prepared for departure. The cleaning of cars from the access road is shown in the same column as the supply.

Calculation of access road performance indicators

The main qualitative indicators characterizing the operation of the access road are: the coefficient of double operations, the load factor of shunting locomotives and wagon turnover.

Dual operation factor, which indicates the number of loading and unloading operations per wagon

With the average load of locomotives, the average simple car on the access road is 0.31 hours. At the same time, the time for the production of shunting work per car is 0.17 hours.

At the same time, in order to ensure the competitiveness of all methods of servicing access roads in technological time excluded from paid time, not only time for shunting work is included, but also inevitable waiting times.

Due to the fact that the sulphur discharge front is 5 wagons, and it usually arrives on routes and after the sulphur discharge it is necessary to blow gondola wagons with compressed air, it is advisable to allocate for sulfur a separate time limit for shunting operations that are not included in the fee for using wagons

Organization of supervision and control over the implementation of regulatory documents on labor protection at the centrolite station

The purpose of the control is to identify deviations from the requirements of rules, regulations, instructions and other regulatory documentation on labor protection, to identify shortcomings in the organization of work to create healthy and safe working conditions for workers, to prevent accidents at work and occupational diseases.

Monitoring can be carried out in the form of inspections, surveys, inspections, systematic accounting of indicators characterizing the state of conditions and labor protection, the need for necessary information, the consideration of complaints, applications. Monitoring provides for the identification of the causes of violations of labor protection requirements and the development of measures to eliminate and prevent them.

The main control tasks are:

- detection and prevention of violations of the state regulatory requirements of labor protection (hereinafter - the requirements of labor protection);

- assessment of the working conditions of workers, safety of production processes, equipment, devices, tools, raw materials and materials, effectiveness of protection means application by employees;

- performance by employees of job duties on labor protection and requirements of local normative acts on labor protection;

- taking measures to eliminate the identified shortcomings.

The main types of control on the Belarusian Railway are:

State supervision and supervision of compliance with labour legislation and labour protection regulations carried out by the Department of State Labour Inspectorate of the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection of the Republic of Belarus, the Department of Supervision of Safe Work in Industry and Nuclear Energy of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of the Republic of Belarus (Promatomnadzor), the Department of State Energy Supervision and Marketing of Electric Energy of Belenergo Concern, the State Fire Supervision, the Republican Center for Hygiene and Epidemiology of the Ministry of Health, the State Committee for Standardization, Metrology and Certification, the Main State Inspectorate for Supervision of the Technical Condition of Machinery and Equipment of the Ministry in accordance with the provisions on them approved in the established procedure.

Departmental supervision and control carried out by:

the Labour Protection Department of the Belarusian Railway Department, heads and specialists of the services and departments of the Belarusian Railway Department, Occupational Safety Departments (Occupational Safety Specialists) of the road branches, road subordination organizations during complex, targeted, sudden and unscheduled inspections;

Managers and specialists at all levels during operational monitoring;

sanitary and epidemiological institutions of the Belarusian Railway: the road center for hygiene and epidemiology, separate centers for hygiene and epidemiology, linear centers for hygiene and epidemiology in accordance with the Regulation on sanitary supervision on the Belarusian Railway;

the paramilitary guard service, detachments and other paramilitary guard units (rifle and fire brigades, fire rescue trains) in accordance with the Regulation on fire supervision and control on the Belarusian Railway;

boiler inspectors in accordance with the Regulation on departmental inspection of boiler on the Belarusian Railway;

inspectors of energy supervision in accordance with the Regulation on energy supervision and marketing of electric energy on the Belarusian Railway.

Periodic (three-stage) monitoring of compliance with labor protection legislation carried out at the station by managers and specialists with the participation of the authorized trade union committee for labor protection (authorized persons for labor protection of workers);

Supervision of occupational safety carried out by managers and specialists of the Belarusian Railway organization in accordance with the Model Regulation on the Occupational Safety Service of the organization, approved by Decree of the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection of the Republic of Belarus dated 24.05.2002 No 82 (National Register of Legal Acts of the Republic of Belarus, 2002, No. 89, 8/8286) and the Regulation on the Organization of Work to Ensure Labor Safety on the Belarusian Railway, approved by Order of the Head of the Road of 27.08.2003 No. 192;

The production control over observance of requirements of industrial safety on hazardous production facilities exercised by the organizations of the Belarusian railroad exploiting them according to the Rules of the organization and implementation of production control over observance of requirements of industrial safety on hazardous production facilities approved by the resolution of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Republic of Belarus of 28.06.2000 No. 11 (The national register of legal acts of Republic of Belarus, 2000, No. 75, 8/3744);

Production control over compliance with industrial safety requirements at facilities not included in the list of hazardous production facilities carried out by the Belarusian Railway organizations operating them in accordance with the Rules for the construction and safe operation of: lifting cranes; steam boilers with steam pressure not more than 0.07 MPa (0.7 kgf/cm. sq.) and hot water boilers with a water heating temperature not higher than 338 K (115 deg. C); pressure vessels; steam and hot water pipelines; stationary compressor plants, air pipelines and gas pipelines, Rules for technical operation of heat-using plants and heat networks of consumers, Safety Rules for Operation of Heat-Using Plants and Heat Networks of Consumers, Rules for Technical Operation of Electric Installations of Consumers and Safety Rules for Operation of Electric Installations of Consumers, Rules for Labor Protection, Technological Instructions and Instructions for Labor Protection;

Public monitoring of compliance with labour protection legislation carried out by trade unions in accordance with the Procedure for Public Monitoring of Compliance with Labour Legislation of the Republic of Belarus, approved by Council of Ministers Decision No. 1630 of 23.10.2000 (National Register of Legal Acts of the Republic of Belarus, 2000, No. 103, 5/4377; 2001 No. 22, 5/5300; 2003 No. 1, 5/11685).

Public monitoring of compliance with labour protection legislation carried out by trade unions in accordance with the Instruction on the Procedure for Carrying Out Public Monitoring of Compliance with Labour Protection Legislation by Authorized Persons for Labour Protection of Employees of the Organization, approved by Decision No. 179 of the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection of the Republic of Belarus of 28.11.2008.

Public control over the observance of the legitimate rights and interests of workers in the field of labor protection on the Belarusian Railway is carried out by the Belarusian Professional Union of Railway Workers and Transport Builders, Acting in accordance with the Trade Unions Act, The Charter of the Belarusian Professional Union of Railway and Transport Builders, the Decree of the Belarusian Professional Union of Railway and Transport Builders dated 22.06.2001 No. 17/9 and other regulatory legal acts.

The authority and responsibility of managers and specialists of Centrolit station to monitor compliance with labor protection legislation and monitor the state of labor protection are determined by their job descriptions.

The station managers and specialists (each within the limits of their competence) supervise:

- compliance at the station with labor legislation and labor protection acts, local regulatory legal acts on labor protection;

- performance by employees of functional duties on labor protection stipulated by the labor protection management system and other local regulatory legal acts;

- Compliance with labour and labour protection legislation adopted by local regulatory legal acts;

- execution of:

decisions (resolutions, orders, orders, instructions) of state bodies protection of labor, supervision and control, state examination of working conditions, superior organization, representations of technical inspection of work of labor unions;

actions for improvement of conditions and the labor protection provided by programs, plans, the collective agreement, agreements, the plan of measures for labor protection;

- compliance with rules and standards of labor protection of production facilities and technological processes;

- timely inspection, testing, technical examination of equipment, means of collective and individual protection;

- efficiency of ventilation systems operation;

- organization of workplaces and works in accordance with labor protection requirements;

- timely certification of workplaces according to working conditions, certification of sanitary and technical condition of working conditions and labor protection, development and implementation of measures based on their results to bring working conditions and labor protection into compliance with normative requirements;

- providing employees with personal protective equipment, washing and neutralizing means;

providing workers with sanitary facilities;

- availability of occupational safety instructions at the station;

- Training, training and testing of employees' knowledge of occupational safety;

- Mandatory medical examinations by employees;

- timely and correct provision of compensation to employees under working conditions (provision of reduced working hours and additional leave for work with harmful working conditions and other types of compensation);

Compliance with labour protection legislation for women and workers under the age of 18;

Compliance with the established procedure for investigating and recording industrial accidents and occupational diseases.

Periodic monitoring of compliance with labour protection legislation (hereinafter referred to as periodic monitoring) is one of the types of control that provides for the participation of employees in activities to improve working conditions and protection, and prevent accidents and diseases at work.

Periodic monitoring is carried out by station managers and specialists with the participation of the authorized trade union committee for labor protection.

Periodic monitoring carried out by managers and specialists with the participation of the authorized trade union committee for labor protection (authorized persons for labor protection of workers) at the Centrolit station is carried out:

- daily (first control stage);

- twice a month - second, fourth Wednesday of the month (second stage of control);

- monthly - third Wednesday of the month (third control stage).

Daily control over the state of labor protection is carried out by the direct work manager (station duty officer, shunting dispatcher), senior in the group of workers (train compiler, cargo and baggage pickup) with the participation of the authorized trade union committee for labor protection (authorized person for labor protection of workers) before the start of the working day and during the shift.

The following are checked every day:

general condition and readiness of performers for work;

availability of the relevant certificates and certificates for the right to control the locomotive, motor car rolling stock, special rolling stock, railway building machine, crane and other vehicles, as well as for special work;

condition of workplaces, fences, floorings, scaffolding, platforms, passageways, crossings, driveways;

compliance with the dimensions of the approximation of structures (unloaded cargo), the presence of safety signs and warning colors;

correctness of fencing of work place:

- on the railway tracks: presence of alarms, signals and alarm accessories, as well as records in the logs about the place and time of work,

- construction, repair and construction on the territory of the station, inside production buildings: presence of warning signs, signal signs, coloring, signs, alarms;

serviceability of ventilation systems and installations;

availability of fire extinguishing equipment;

availability of occupational safety instructions and compliance by employees;

availability and correct use of personal protective equipment;

implementation of measures to eliminate violations identified by

previous inspections;

compliance of employees with safety requirements when performing all types of work, including:

- operation in electrical installations;

- handling of hazardous and fire hazardous substances and materials .

During the inspection, the head of the station (deputy) takes measures to eliminate the identified violations.

The station head (deputy) shall inform the higher management about the revealed violations which cannot be eliminated by the station employees for taking appropriate measures.

In the event of violations of labor protection requirements that may harm the health of workers, lead to an accident or accident, work is suspended until this violation is eliminated, which is reported in writing to higher management.

The results of the inspection with specific measures to eliminate the identified defects and violations are recorded in the register of periodic monitoring of the state of labor protection.

The list of measures is signed by the work manager, authorized by the trade union committee for labor protection (authorized person for labor protection of workers), who participated in the inspection.

The head of works, authorized by the trade union committee for labor protection (authorized person for labor protection of employees) on the materials of daily control, if necessary, inform employees about its results.

The second stage of periodic control is carried out by the deputy head of the station with the participation of the authorized trade union committee for labor protection (the authorized person for labor protection of workers) and the station engineer (the specialist responsible for these duties).

The second stage of periodic monitoring is carried out covering all units.

During the second test stage the following are checked:

organization and results of daily monitoring, availability of necessary entries in the register of periodic monitoring of the state of labor protection;

performance of the actions planned as a result of carrying out all types of control and also actions provided by the collective agreement, the agreement, the plan of measures on labor protection;

execution of orders and orders of the station head, the results of consideration of the submissions of the authorized union committee for labor protection (authorized persons for labor protection of workers), measures on the documents of investigation of industrial accidents and occupational diseases;

serviceability and compliance of production equipment, vehicles and technological processes with the requirements of labor protection;

compliance of employees with rules, norms and instructions on labor protection;

condition of jobs, passes, drives, transitions and station, adjacent to the territory;

availability and condition of protective, signalling and fire-fighting means and devices, instrumentation;

timely and quality training of employees on labor protection;

availability and condition of personal protective equipment and their correct use by employees;

condition of sanitary facilities and devices, providing workers with washing and neutralizing means;

observance of the established regime of work and rest, labor discipline.

The revealed shortcomings in the process of the second stage of periodic control are recorded in the register of periodic monitoring of the state of labor protection at the station with indication of measures, appointment of performers and terms of execution.

In the event of violations of labor protection requirements that may harm the health of workers or lead to an accident, work is suspended until these violations are eliminated, as reported to the station manager.

The head of the station (deputy) organizes the implementation of measures to eliminate shortcomings and violations in labor protection identified during the control. The station head (deputy) shall inform the higher management about violations that cannot be eliminated by the station employees for taking appropriate measures.

These measures are monitored by the station manager, the deputy station manager, the station engineer (the specialist entrusted with these duties), the authorized trade union committee for labor protection (the authorized person for labor protection of workers).

The results of the second stage of control are considered at the work gliders with the participation of station managers and specialists, representatives of the trade union (authorized persons for labor protection of workers).

The third stage of periodic control is carried out by the head of the station (his deputy) with the participation of heads of services, departments, the authorized trade union committee for labor protection (authorized person for labor protection of workers), and the station engineer.

During the third stage of periodic inspection, the following are checked:

organization and results of the first and second control stages;

implementation of labor protection measures stipulated by collective agreements, agreements and other local regulatory acts;

implementation of measures on documents of investigation of industrial accidents and occupational diseases;

implementation of the measures envisaged during the previous third stage of control;

timely certification of workplaces according to working conditions and implementation of measures based on its results;

technical condition and maintenance of buildings, structures, premises and adjacent areas in accordance with the requirements of labor protection, condition of roads, sidewalks, passages and driveways;

compliance of workplaces, technological, lifting, transport, energy and other equipment with the requirements of labor protection;

efficiency of ventilation systems and installations;

provision of personal protective equipment for employees and organization of their care;

The availability and status of collective protection;

condition of sanitary facilities and devices;

organization of medical and preventive services for employees;

Timeliness and quality of training, training and testing of employees' knowledge on safety issues;

observance of the established regime of work and rest, labor discipline and other;

providing workers with compensation for working conditions.

Based on the results of the third stage of periodic control, an act is drawn up, which indicates the detected shortcomings and measures to eliminate them. In order to eliminate deficiencies and violations in a timely manner, a copy of the act is transmitted to the NDNTB, and extracts from the act are sent to the persons responsible for eliminating the deficiencies.

The third stage of periodic monitoring is carried out on the third Wednesday of each month (Occupational Safety Day).

The program "Labor Protection Day" includes, along with measures to check the state of working conditions and labor protection at workplaces at stations, holding meetings with the participation of station managers, specialists, station engineer (the specialist who is entrusted with these duties), representatives of the trade union (authorized persons for labor protection of workers).

At these meetings, the state of labor protection at the station is analyzed, its leaders are heard, cases of violations of labor protection requirements are examined, best practices in work on labor protection are studied.

Graphs were plotted to determine the month with the maximum number of cases (Figure 4.3).

As can be seen from the schedules, there is no relationship between the number of cases of violation of labor protection and a certain month in a year. However, if you consider schedule d) for three months, then the maximum falls in November, and the minimum in April.

As the analysis shows, the number of violations of labor protection and non-compliance with the requirements of regulatory documents on labor protection is gradually decreasing, which indicates better work carried out by the administration and labor protection workers.

Superphosphate - a caking load, is subject to shrinkage, compaction, causes corrosion of fast metal surfaces, releases sulfur dioxide (poisonous fluorine when heated), as well as acid that corrodes bag containers.

Potash fertilizers include potassium chloride and sulphate.

Apatites are apatitonephelin ore; at mining points it is enriched and converted into apatite concentrate. Superphosphate and some other fertilizers are obtained from it. Transported in bulk.

For the transportation of apatite concentrate, potash and lime fertilizers, specialized covered all-metal cars of the bunker type (hopperiminerals) are used. Their main advantages are ensuring the high safety of goods and the speed of unloading.


List of oversized and dangerous places on access roads adjacent to the station

1. On the access road of RUP "Belgeologia" oversized places are:

- gate at the entrance to the territory of the Belgeologiya RUP base;

- double-sided high platform and warehouse gate.

2. There are no oversized places on the access road of the KIP GGDRST, the dangerous place is an increased section of the path for unloading inert cargoes.

3. On the access road of KDPUP "Gomel Zavod ZHBI No. 3" oversized and dangerous places are:

- gates enclosing the territory of OJSC Spetsmontazhstroy No. 177;

- gate in front of cement warehouse;

- increased route No. 3;

- cement storage receiving bin columns.

4. On the access road of Gomelenergo RUP oversized places are:

- supports of the entrance gate to the territory of the access road;

- loading device of SOOO "Biovtorresurs" enterprise in operating position.

5. At the entrance of the Gomel DSK OJSC oversized places are:

- receiving device for cement unloading on 3 tracks;

- receiving three-bunker device for unloading crushed stone, expanded clay and sand on 2 tracks;

- rail warehouse ramp on 2 tracks;

- supports of loading and inspection racks on tracks 1 and 2.

6. On the access road of OJSC "Gomelzhelezobeton" oversized places are:

- entrance gates to the plant territory;

- rack, supports of cement receiving hopper on 3 tracks;

- crushed stone receiving bin supports on the 1st track.

7. On the access road of OJSC SMT No. 27, oversized places are:

- increased route No. 2;

- cement and lime warehouse;

- liquid bitumen unloading warehouse;

- platform for unloading covered cars on 4 tracks.

8. On the access road of the RUP Gomel Foundry "Centrolit" oversized places are:

- exit gates on the territory of the plant on tracks No. 1, 4, 5, 11, 14;

- supports in front of the finished product warehouse along the route No. 3 and the gate of the finished product warehouse;

- high platform (ramp) along route No. 3 (towards PES);

- coke shop gate;

- gate of the charge shop;

- Along route No. 9: a track booth, supports of the device for closing hatches in gondola wagons, sands supports, exit gates of the charge workshop (where bentonite clay, ferroshlak, etc. are unloaded), as well as a high platform (ramp);

- exit gates of the liquid glass workshop (path No. 13);

- exit gates of the new copra (path No. 14);

- fuel oil warehouse (path No. 10).

9. On the Gomel CHPP-2 access road, the following oversized and dangerous places are:

- drain rack on tracks No. 11, 12;

- entrance gate to the production shop on the road No. 13;

- entrance gate to chemical workshop on the road No. 15;

- salt pit on route No. 16;

- railway crane supports on track No. 14.

10. On the access road of RTPUP "Gomelchimtorg" oversized and dangerous places are:

- entry gate supports;

- high ramp at covered warehouses along route No. 1;

- high ramp at the chlorine lime warehouse along route No. 3;

- drain rack along track No. 3;

- gantry crane supports on track No. 1.

11. On the access road of OJSC "Gomel Chemical Plant" oversized and dangerous places are:

- entrance gate to ammonia warehouse on the road No. 28;

- drain racks on tracks No. 28, 9, 10, 67, 56a, 54, 92a, 56, 64, 6, 57, 2, 19;

- entrance gate to apatite warehouse No. 1 on track No. 12;

- flooring platform on path No. 12;

- entrance gate to apatite warehouse No. 2 on route No. 52;

- fencing on tracks No. 52;

- entry gates to the ammophos warehouse on tracks No. 53, 54;

- ramps on tracks Nos. 53. 54. 13. 14. 56, 13a, 26. 22, 1a, 16. 17. 27. 46, .47, 7;

- entrance gate to the warehouse of alumina hydrate on route No. 52;

- entrance gate to finished goods warehouse on tracks No. 13, 14;

- canopy supports on tracks No. 56, 5, 26, 58, 16, 17, 65;

- weight building on path 13a;

- entrance gate to the fuel and lubricants warehouse, paint on the road No. 22;

- hopper supports on track 1a;

- entry gates on tracks No. 67, 2, 30, 25, 24;

- cable suspension supports, support wall on track No. 41;

- entrance gate to the warehouse of calcium chloride on the way No. 16a;

Entry gates to the ammonium superphosphate warehouse on route No. 80;

- entrance gate to fuel oil warehouse No. 2 on the road No. 57;

- Entrance gate to the soda ash unloading warehouse on route No. 27;

- entry gates to the warehouse of imported equipment on tracks No. 46, 47;

- entrance gate to cement unloading warehouse on route No. 65;

- the entrance gate to the warehouse for unloading the oil depot on route No. 19.

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