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Research and development of a microwave radiation unit for the control of insect pests of the Slobodchikovsky SPK of the Aromashevsky district of the Tyumen region

  • Added: 12.06.2024
  • Size: 2 MB
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The diploma project on the topic: "Research and development of a microwave radiation installation for the control of insect pests of the Slobodchikovsky agricultural cooperative of the Aromashevsky district of the Tyumen region" was made in the following volume: a calculation and explanatory note on 78 pages, tables - 11; drawings – 2; the graphic part is on 7 sheets of A1 format.

Keywords: microwave radiation, insect pests, microwave installation, methods of insect control, efficiency of the installation.

The project examines in detail a method that is very effective and is designed to control insect pests of plants, their larvae and egg clutches, weeds and sterilization of the soil by electrical means. The method consists in generating microwave rays in the direction of the crop being treated. A microwave exposure zone is created around the treated culture by concentrating the generated and reflected microwave rays in a limited space. This method is implemented on an installation containing a power supply, a microwave generator, waveguides and emitters placed in a shield. The repeatedly reflected flux of microwave radiation effectively affects pests located in the treated crop. The calculation of the generator on the magnetron, the calculation of the transformer was carried out, the schematic diagram of the microwave device, the scheme of the installation with emitters were developed, and calculations of technical and economic indicators were also carried out.

Project's Content

icon Генеральный план СПК Слободчиковский.cdw
icon Ведомость1.doc
icon Электрическая 1.cdw
icon Отзыв Бывалин.docx
icon Структурная схема по борьбе с насекомыми.cdw
icon 1 АХД.docx
icon Схема генератора на магнетроне.cdw
icon Анализ хозяйсвенной деятельности СПК Слободчиковский.cdw
icon 2 ЭАТП.docx
icon 3.docx
icon 5 ТЭР.docx
icon Технико-экономическая таблица.cdw
icon Схема установки с излучателями.cdw
icon содерж.docx
icon введ.docx
icon Диплом.docx
icon зк.docx
icon Слово для защиты.docx
icon ВКР дипломная работа. Бывалин Д.В.docx
icon Ремонтно-мастерская.cdw

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