Thermal calculation of hot shop and equipment
- Added: 09.02.2015
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Курсовой проект ПЗ.doc
Курсовой проект Чертеж.cdw
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Job for Course Project
1 Initial data
2 Hot Shop Layout Calculations
3 Thermal calculations
3.1 Thermal balance equation of the workshop
3.1.1 Calculation of heat transfer through fences
3.1.2 Calculation of heat gain from solar radiation
4 Hot Shop Heat Balance Plot
Job for Course Project
Calculate the heat balance of the hot shop of the catering plant at steady-state operation of the heat equipment, for which it is necessary:
1. Perform selection of process equipment;
2. Perform calculation of hot shop layout;
3. Perform heat engineering calculation of the hot shop;
4. Plot the heat balance of the hot shop.
Calculations are illustrated by hot shop layout drawing and thermal equipment drawing
Курсовой проект Чертеж.cdw
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