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Arrangement of monolithic floors

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Course project. Development of Job Instruction for monolithic floor arrangement

Project's Content

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1. Scope of Application

2. Technology and organization of the construction process

2.1 - 2.5 Instructions on the technology and organization of the construction process

2.6. Hourly schedule of complex process

2.7. Costing Labor

2.8. Optimal version of works execution

2.9. Quality control activities

2.10. Safety measures

3. Logistical resources

4. Technical and economic indicators

5. List of literature used

Appendix 1. Calculation of Quantities of Work

Appendix 2. Calculation of labor costs of the second version of work execution

Appendix 3. Calculation of crane technical parameters

Appendix 4. Feasibility study of production options

Appendix 5. Calculation of the composition of the integrated brigade

Appendix 6. Motor Vehicle Calculation

Annex 7. Determination of estimated cost of works

1. Scope of Application

The Job Instruction is used in designing the organization and execution of works on the construction of cast-in-situ floors using a tower crane and a concrete pump unit. Construction of monolithic walls is carried out using disassembling small-shield metal formwork.

The works considered by the map include:

- laying of concrete mixture in the structure;

- compaction of concrete mixture;

- concrete care.

The work is carried out in the summer time of the year in two shifts.

When linking a task list to a specific object and local conditions, the structure of the construction site, the scope of work and the calculation of labor costs are specified.

2. Technology and organization of the construction process.

2.1. Prior to concreting, the following works shall be performed on the gripper:

- all fittings and embedded parts are installed;

- all formwork elements are installed;

- scaffolding supporting formwork is installed;

- correctness of installation and reliability of formwork elements attachment was checked;

- presence of lubrication on the panels is checked;

- the surface on which the monolithic floors will be arranged is moistened;

- tools and equipment are prepared.

Installation of frame grids is performed using tower crane

KB-504.1. Concreting of overlappings is made by means of the C296A concrete pump (performance of 10 m3/h).

2.2. Diagram of works with location of storage sites and installation place of tower crane and concrete pump are given on the sheet of graphic materials.

2.3. Before committing a crime to concrete works, disassembling small-panel metal formwork panels of the grade ShchS1,20.6 are installed in the design position.

Formwork shall meet the following requirements:

- to be strong, stable;

- do not change shapes under the influence of loads arising during the work;

- deck (skin) of the formwork panel must be sufficiently tight, there should be no slits in it;

- ensure high quality of surfaces, preventing the appearance of strains, shells, curvatures;

- be technological;

- have turnover;

Supporting scaffolding shall be installed under the formwork, consisting of posts, runs (blankets), braces and paws. During the construction of the building, floor forests are used. Telescoscopic steel posts of STA68 grade are used for floor scaffolding.

The place where formwork forms and scaffolding are installed shall be cleaned of debris, snow and ice. When installing the formwork, pay special attention to the verticality and horizontality of the elements, rigidity and invariability of all structures as a whole.

When laying and leveling a concrete mixture using a vibration rack, it is necessary to first install guides for the vibration rack at the level of zero elevation and carefully set them horizontally. During operation, make sure that the guides are not knocked down. After that, a vibration rack is mounted on the guides.

The concrete mixture is poured onto the prepared base and leveled so that its top is slightly higher than the level of the vibration rack (this depends on the degree of compactability of the concrete mixture with the vibration rack). After that vibration rack is pulled along guides. The concrete mixture under the influence of vibration settles to the desired level and equalizes. At the same time, it is necessary to ensure that the vibration rack constantly slides over the surface of the concrete. In places where the concrete mixture settles below the vibration rack level, the concrete mixture is added with a shovel in the necessary quantities.

The signs of the final compaction are: the cessation of subsidence of the concrete mixture, the appearance of concrete milk on its surface and the cessation of the release of air bubbles.

The concrete mixture should be particularly carefully compacted directly at the formwork walls.

Concreting of floors is accompanied by entries in the log, where the following data are entered:

- start and end dates of concreting by grips;

- specified concrete grades, concrete mix working compositions and its mobility (stiffness);

- dates of concrete reference samples manufacture, their number, marking, period and results of samples testing;

- temperature of outdoor air and concrete mixture during laying in winter conditions;

- formwork type and decompression date of the structure;

- volume mass of laid concrete mixture in compacted state for concrete mixture with aggregate.

When holding laid concrete in the initial period of its hardening, it is necessary to:

- maintain the temperature-moisture mode ensuring concrete strength build-up;

- if necessary, heat treatment of laid concrete in order to accelerate its hardening and wrapping of the formwork;

- protect solid concrete from shocks, shocks and other mechanical actions;

- perform periodic watering of concrete with water during the first days of hardening.

2.4. During the performance of reinforced concrete works in winter, special job instructions should be developed, in which the following should be given:

- method and temperature-moisture mode of concrete holding;

- data on formwork material taking into account the required heat insulation parameters;

- data on steam-insulating and heat-insulating shelter of unpaved surfaces;

- layout of points at which concrete temperature should be measured and name of its measuring instruments;

- expected values of concrete strength;

- terms and procedure of the structure expansion and loading;

- arrangement and connection diagrams of electric wires or electric heaters;

- required electric power, voltage, current;

- type of step-down transformer, section, wire length.

2.5. Work on the arrangement of monolithic floors is carried out by a complex team consisting of 14 people:

- tower crane driver 5 p. - 1 person;

- rebar 2 p. - 1 person;

- concrete maker 2 p. - 1 person;

- carpenter 4 p. (of which one by combination of rigger on installation 2 p. And construction locksmith 4 p.) - 4 people;

- carpenter 3 p. (one of them is a reinforcement 4 p.) - 6 people;

- the driver of the concrete pump unit 4 p. (in combination, the concrete operator 4 p.) - 1 person.

The calculation of the integrated team is given in Annex 5.

2.6. The hourly schedule of the complex process is shown on the graphic sheet.

2.7. The calculation of labor costs is shown on the graphic material sheet.

2.8. The best option for the work is based on the cost calculation (see Annex 4). Lists of requirements for inventory, tool, machines and mechanisms, materials are presented on the graphic material sheet.

2.9. Operational quality control of works on construction of cast-in-situ floors is performed in accordance with SNiP 3.03.0187 "Load-bearing and enclosing structures."

Deviation in dimensions and position of cast-in-situ reinforced concrete floors made shall not exceed deviations specified in Table II of SNiP 3.03.0187.

A concealed works inspection certificate shall be drawn up for concreting the floors in accordance with the established form.

Operation quality control diagram is given in Table 1.

2.10. During works it is necessary to observe the safety rules given in chapter SNiP III480 "Safety in construction" and SNiP 2002 part 2 "Occupational safety. Construction production. "

All workers on site shall be in protective helmets.

When cleaning the formwork, use protective glasses.

Do not release tools, accessories and etc.

Temporary ladders leading to work places must be securely secured.

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