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The project is gutted - chopping - finishing machine

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Heading work VPO3000.Pooled machines and mechanisms for compacting the ballast layer, straightening the path and finishing the ballast prism. There are three drawings in the project, explanatory note

Project's Content

icon ВПО3000КОСТЯН.doc
icon Телескопическая распорка.cdw
icon ВПО-3000(на проверку).cdw
icon Виброплита.cdw

Additional information


The development of our country's railway transport requires an increase in production efficiency and its constant renewal and improvement based on the achievements of scientific and technological progress. Modern and high-quality repair of the track, reduction of time, labor and operating costs, increase of labor productivity is based on maximum mechanization of all travel works. Mechanization in the track economy is the creation of high-performance machines, the ability to perform work with minimal interruptions in the movement of trains.

On the railways of our country, a large fleet of various track machines and mechanisms is used. In a number of indicators, they surpass the best samples of similar foreign machines. Such machines include: hopper TsNII MPS (for unloading ballast materials on the way in strictly specified quantities); electric ballasters (continuous machines, dosing and lifting the rail sash onto the ballast); track designers (disassemble and lay links, provided that 1 2 minutes are spent on laying one link); crushed stone cleaning machines (both cleaning and cutting ballast); straightening machines (perform all operations at the same time). However, the machines used do not yet fully mechanize all types of work. If the most time-consuming operations are carried out by machines, then a number of auxiliary works are carried out by mechanized electric and hydraulic tools, as well as manually. In order for the comprehensive mechanization of the track work of our country to reach the highest level - 85%, compared to the present - 37%, it is necessary to create new machines or modernize existing ones.

A large role in the development of track economy and mechanical engineering belongs to Soviet and Russian designers working in research and design organizations, in transport universities, at manufacturers.

When creating machines, special attention is paid to the following provisions: increasing the speed and effort of working bodies; creation of continuous machines providing increased productivity and reduced cost of work; wide introduction of a hydraulic drive, which allows simplifying the kinematic scheme, smoothly adjusting the speed of movement; reduced weight and metal consumption; protect the mechanism drives from overloads.

Important importance is attached to the use of modern software products to improve the accuracy of control and measuring mechanisms and diagnostics of the machine as a whole.

Much attention is also paid to measures such as improving machines in terms of repairability, facilitating maintenance and repair in areas with large temperature differences.

This course work is: an annotation and a brief description of a number of machines for straightening, knocking out and finishing the upper structure of the track at the same time; calculation of basic parameters of machine units and technical characteristics of units; procedure of works performance during track repair; safety and health at machine operation.

Drawings content

icon Телескопическая распорка.cdw

Телескопическая распорка.cdw

icon ВПО-3000(на проверку).cdw

ВПО-3000(на проверку).cdw

icon Виброплита.cdw
