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Technology of shingles production


The archive contains the process diagram of tile production, scheme plan and explanatory note.

Project's Content

icon Пояснительная записка Черепица.doc
icon производство черепицы План цеха.dwg
icon Технологическая схема Черепица.dwg

Additional information



1. Production nomenclature

2. Raw materials

3. Selection and calculation of the main process equipment. Material balance of production

4. Process Description

4.1. Raw material processing and mass preparation

4.2. Plastic molding

4.3. Drying and firing

5. Environmental protection

6. Health and safety issues

7. List of used literature

Graphic Material List

Sheet 1 - Tile Production Flow Diagram (Sheet A2 millimeters)

Sheet 2 - Tile Plant Plan (Sheet A1 Watman)

Sheet 3 - Sections (Sheet A1 Watman)


Of all species found in nature, the most suitable for real living conditions are certainly scaly coatings. It is the scales that are able to reliably protect, while maintaining their properties with significant changes in shape both in the living world and in non-living nature.

It is generally known that building structures undergo significant deformations associated with wind loads, temperature fluctuations, seismic impacts, etc. During one day, the temperature fluctuations of the roof surface can reach 100 degrees. Almost any rigid structure, subject to such significant deformations, will collapse. That is why in completely different climatic conditions, scaly coatings began to be used. If in ancient Rome these were products from burnt clay, then in the North of Russia they were wooden planks - gont. For many centuries, cathedrals in the North have survived and survived to this day, largely precisely because the coatings on them were made "without a single nail," that is, the roof flexibly perceived any deformities. Naturally, one of the most stable materials against atmospheric effects is clay tiles. Tile coatings are resistant to rain and even to hail, are refractory. Any deformations in construction structures, whether shrinkage, drying, vibration or the effect of variable wind force, temperature fluctuations, are perceived by tile coatings without the danger of rain or snow penetration.

At the place of application, the tiles are divided into ordinary ones - for covering roofing slopes, horse - for covering skates and ribs, small-sized - for covering roofs, special, including decorative purposes.

Drawings content

icon производство черепицы План цеха.dwg

производство черепицы План цеха.dwg

icon Технологическая схема Черепица.dwg

Технологическая схема Черепица.dwg