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Technology of installation and procurement of heating system - exchange rate

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This course work envisages the development of a production project with construction and installation works, using modern production methods and methods of labor with their maximum mechanization

Project's Content

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Additional information




Characteristics of the heating system to be installed

Development of installation diagram of heating system risers with pipelines

and heating appliances

Subassembly and Parts

Design Input

Heating steel panel radiators type ST-90-

Node I

Node II

Node III

Node IV

Node V

Node VI

Node VII


Preparation of measurement and procurement map and picking


Preparation and organization of installation works

Fabrication of assemblies and parts from steel and cast iron pipes

Preparation of the object for installation

Installation of heating system pipelines

Safety precautions during installation works

List of literature used

to coursework

On the topic: Installation and procurement technology

heating systems


This course work provides for the development of a production project with construction and installation work, using modern production methods and methods of labor with their maximum mechanization. The purpose of the work is:

- assimilation of the basis of technological design, technologies of procurement and installation works of heat and gas supply and ventilation systems, labor protection issues during installation works;

- strengthening of theoretical knowledge obtained at lectures and practical exercises;

- study of theoretical foundations of modern technology and manufacture of pipe and ventilation blanks, assemblies and parts at procurement enterprises, methods of works on installation of heat and gas supply and ventilation systems;

- as well as obtaining skills in working with reference literature.

Energy consumption in our country is steadily increasing and, above all, for the heat supply of buildings and structures.

The main heat costs for utility needs in buildings (heating, ventilation, air conditioning, hot water supply) are heating costs. This is due to the condition of building operation in the cold season, when the heat loss through the enclosing structures of buildings significantly exceeds the internal heat, so heating plants are used to maintain the necessary temperature.

Heating - artificial heating of building premises, is a branch of construction equipment. The installation of a stationary heating plant is carried out during the construction of buildings, its elements during design with building structures and are combined with the layout and interior of the premises. Also, heating is one of the types of technological equipment of the building. To create and maintain thermal comfort, technically advanced and reliable heating devices are required.

Characteristics of the heating system to be installed

A heating system is a collection of structural elements with connections between them, designed to receive, transfer and transfer heat to heated rooms of a building.

Main structural elements of the heating system:

• heat source (heat generator at local or heat exchanger at centralized heat supply) - element for heat generation;

• heat pipelines - element for heat transfer from heat source to heating devices;

-Heaters - element for heat transfer to the room.

Currently, central systems are used mainly in Russia

water and, much less often, steam heating, local and central air heating systems, as well as furnace heating in rural areas. Let us give a general description of these systems (except for furnace heating).

In water heating, the circulating heated water is cooled in the heating devices and returned to the heat source for subsequent heating.

Water heating systems according to the method of creating water circulation are divided into systems with natural circulation (gravitational) and with mechanical inducement of water circulation using a pump (pump). The gravitational (lat. Gravitas - gravity) system uses the property of water to change its density when the temperature changes. In a closed vertical system with an uneven density distribution, under the influence of the gravitational field of the Earth, a natural movement of water occurs.

The pump system uses an electrically driven pump to create a pressure difference causing circulation, and a forced water movement is created in the system.

According to the coolant temperature, low-temperature systems with a limit hot water temperature tg < 70 ° C, average temperature at tg from 70 to 100 ° C and high-temperature at tg > 100 ° C are distinguished. The maximum water temperature is currently limited to 150 ° C.

By the position of pipes that combine heating devices vertically or horizontally, systems are divided into vertical and horizontal.

Depending on the diagram of connecting pipes with heating devices, there are single-tube and double-tube systems.

In each riser or branch of a single tube system, heating devices are connected by one pipe, and water flows sequentially through all instruments. If each device is divided conditionally into two parts ("a" and "b"), in which the water moves in opposite directions and the coolant sequentially passes first through all parts "a," and

then through all parts "b," then such a single-tube system is called bifilar (double-flow). In a double-tube system, each heating device is connected separately to two pipes - supply and reverse, and water flows through each device independently of other devices.

In this work, it will be a double-tube heating system with upper wiring that will be designed, so we will consider it in more detail.

Two-tube heating system

From modern positions of reducing power consumption and ensuring apartment accounting of heat consumption, preference is given to double-tube heating systems. In double-tube water heating systems, the hot water riser is always placed on the right, and the reverse water riser is placed on the left (if you look at the wall from the room).

Development of installation diagram of heating system risers with supply and heating devices

In this work, we will not consider the entire heating system, but only a separate riser of a three-story building.

The drawing shows the installation diagram of the risers of the heating system with supply and heating devices, made in axonometric projection (M1: 20). It shows the routing of pipelines, their diameters, locations of shutoff valves, as well as installed equipment with basic characteristics (heating devices).

The following necessary installation provisions shall be observed in heating systems:

• heating devices (ST90300) are mounted symmetrically relative to the window opening, from the floor level they are installed in public buildings, medical prophylactic, sanitary resort, in kindergartens at least 100 mm, 60 mm from the surface of plaster. Radiators of all types shall be installed at a distance of not less than 60 mm from the floor, not less than 50 mm from the bottom surface of the sill boards and 25 mm from the surface of the wall plaster.

• When installing the heating device under the window, its edge on the side of the riser shall not protrude beyond the window opening.

• The supply line extends from the floor of the attic at a height of 500 mm.

• Main heat pipelines transporting water, steam and condensate are laid with slopes of at least 0.002, and steam pipelines having a slope against steam movement - at least 0.006.

• Supply to heating devices is performed with a slope in the direction of coolant movement. The slope is taken from 5 to 10 mm for the entire length of the inlet. When the lead length is up to 500 mm, it is laid without a slope.

• Steel pipelines with heat carrier having temperature of 40,105 ° C at the points of their intersection of floors, walls and partitions shall be enclosed in sleeves for free movement of pipes at temperature changes. Casings shall protrude 20-30 mm above the clean floor elevation.

Subassembly and Parts

When developing installation drawings, standard and standard parts and products are used, the installation positions of devices, pipelines, and fasteners are observed. The division of the building heating system into nodes is carried out by storefronts. Sketches of nodes with all the necessary dimensions are drawn, as well as the points of takeoff. The diagrams show the breakdown of the systems into assemblies and parts, the dimensions are indicated.

The following terms and parameters are used in the design, manufacture and installation of pipelines and ducts.

reflecting the specifics of these works.

A part is a part of a pipeline or air pipeline line that has no connections (pipe section, branch, transition, plug, tee, flange, etc.), as well as products included in its attachment structure (support, suspension, etc.).

Assembly - an assembly unit of a part of the line limited by transport dimensions, which in size and configuration can be installed in the design position or is subject to subsequent pre-assembly into blocks. The assembly consists of one or more elements and reinforcement. Nodes are divided into planar and spatial.

The construction lengths of pipe runs along their axes are indicated in the design or in-kind dimensioning. In contrast, the mounting length represents the actual (overall) length of the factory manufactured part. Thus, in a pipe connected on thread or welding, the mounting length is always less than the construction length by the amount of skids. Construction lengths are determined by drawings or measurements from nature. The distance between the center of the shaped part and the beginning of the assembled blank is called a discount. The preform length is used to determine the straight length, which after the prescribed bends are made on it acquires the exact mounting length.

The main directions in improving the organization and industrialization of heat and gas supply and ventilation are standardization, typification and unification of supply and heat supply units, air conditioning and other sanitary and technical systems. Using the maximum typing and unification of the elements of these systems, it is possible to switch to a new procurement technology based on mass flow-mechanized production using high-performance machines and automated lines, and most products and elements can be obtained from supplier plants by analogy with the supply of bolts, nuts, couplings, shutoff valves, heaters, fans, etc.

Standard parts are those that have a constant configuration and dimensions, typical parts with a constant configuration, but with dimensions that vary depending on the place and conditions of use of these parts. Standard parts are not measured and can be used for any system. Typical parts are manufactured for each individual system after measurements in kind or according to drawings.

Design Input

(option 4)

System: heating (double-tube system with upper wiring)

Distance from the supply riser axis to the heating fixture axes (see wiring diagram in the drawing):

L 1 = 1.6 m

L2 = 1.55 m

Floor height from floor to floor: H = 3.2m

Device type: St-90-300

Top floor heating surface areas: F1 = 1.05 m2

F2=0.98 sq.m

Heating surface areas of middle floor heating devices: F1 = 0.75 m2

F2=0.78 sq.m

Heating surface areas of lower floor heating devices: F1 = 1.15 m2

F2=1.16 sq.m

The number of sections and length of heating devices are calculated by the following formulas:

The number of radiator sections (Nsec) is determined by the ratio of the heating device area (F) to the heating surface area (A)

Cast iron section radiator St-90-300

As per GOST 8690-94

Said radiator is designed for water heating systems with deoxidized heat carrier. They are intended for heating systems of residential, public and industrial buildings with coolant temperature up to 423 K (150 ° С) and operating overpressure up to 0.9 MPa (9 kgf/cm2).

Preparation of the freezing and picking list

The pick list is drawn up in tabular form, the sketch of the node is schematically shown in accordance with the diagram of pipelines and nodes, the dimensions of the node, the mass - from reference data. The pick list is shown in the graphical part of the course work.

A tabular picking list (see drawing) is drawn up on the basis of the procurement card measurement.

Preparation and organization of installation works

The organization and production of sanitary and technical works are based on industrial methods of assembly operations, on further increasing the level of industrialization by transferring labor-intensive operations to installation plants, expanding the area of ​ ​ introducing prefabricated structures of factory manufacture, improving sanitary and technical systems and structures, introducing new progressive materials, etc.

Main stages of works execution in the installation organization

I - preparation of production in all divisions;

II - procurement, picking of necessary

materials and equipment;

III - preparation of facilities for assembly works;

IV - transportation of materials, equipment and blanks to installation facilities,

V - assembly works;

VI - test, adjustment and commissioning of mounted

sanitary devices.

Sanitation works are part of civil works, with which they are closely linked to the timing and sequence of operations

The production base of installation organizations includes procurement enterprises that manufacture products for the installation of sanitary devices - assembly units and parts made of pipes, steel, as well as some types of non-standardized products not supplied by the industry (fasteners, etc.) and mounting devices.

The production base also includes material warehouses for storing products, materials and tools for procurement and installation work.

In a number of installation trusts, in addition, the bases of production and technological configuration departments (UPTK) are organized.

The following types of procurement enterprises are distinguished:

a) assembly plant on industrial balance sheet (full

self-accounting) as part of the trust;

b) central procurement workshop (CPS) at the construction

assembly control balance or mobile mechanized column (PMC);

c) precinct procurement workshop (UZM) at the construction

balance of assembly control or self-accounting area.

The assembly plant is a large industrial enterprise of the trust, its annual volume in monetary terms can be 5-6

million rubles. and more.

Transportation of assembly billets by rail is economically feasible even over long distances. However, with a significant territorial distance of the installation organization or its location in an inaccessible area, and in some cases with insufficient capacity of the installation workpiece plant, at separate installation departments and sections, CPM or UZM are created, respectively, standing on the construction balance of these organizations

Fabrication of assemblies and parts from steel and cast iron pipes

Manufacturing technology of assemblies and parts. Units and parts are made in workshops from pipes of diameter up to 50 mm, which are connected by thread or by welding, in a pipe-making workshop. A significant part of pipe blanks with a diameter of up to 50 mm are typical installation units of sanitary and technical systems and gas supply systems - floors of heating systems, radiator units, vertical and horizontal assemblies of cold and hot water supply systems, supplies to gas devices, etc. The manufacture of these products at modern installation plants is separated into a separate production line, substantially different from the pipe conveyor previously used for these purposes. Such a production line can have as many sections as varieties of typical assemblies on it are manufactured. After hydraulic or pneumatic testing, the assemblies are placed in containers transferred through the conveyor to the suspension zone on a continuous suspension conveyor supplying the blanks to the cutting compartment. So the production of only standard assemblies is organized.

Preparation of the object for installation

For installation and sanitary works it is necessary to have the following minimum construction readiness.

To perform zero-cycle erection works, the following shall be prepared:

1) holes in the foundations of buildings for the inlets and outlets of all

utilities (in accordance with the design);

2. overlaps above the basement;

3. holes for pipes in the walls and floor of the basement;

4. installation openings for lowering large sanitary equipment;

5. underground channels and furrows for laying pipelines;

6. partitions in the basement and marks of clean floors (to be applied with indelible paint);

7. rooms of pump stations and control units, as well as walls in places of heating devices installation (to be plastered);

8. foundations for sanitary equipment;

9. basement rooms (to be cleaned of construction debris and land) and rough layout for floors;

10. temporary power grid for electrified power supply

11. tools and welding transformers with installed

12. plug sockets for their connection in places,

13. agreed with the installation organization.

Installation of heating system pipelines

Subdivision of main pipelines shall be done in such a way that there is a mounting joint between the branches to the risers. In places of mounting joints at a distance of 100 mm from branches, it is advisable to weld a compensating sleeve with a useful length of 50-75 mm. The branch to the riser shall also have a 60 mm long compensating sleeve to compensate for vertical deflection.

Installation of main pipelines of heating systems on thread is performed in sequence:

1. marking the axes of the main lines and the places of installation of the attachment means, mounting the supports or suspensions;

2. unfolding mounting units on supports or hanging them from building structures;

3. assemble units on flax and surik or butt units and weld joints;

4) alignment of lines and fixation on supports or suspensions.

After the main pipelines are assembled, risers are connected to them

and branches to equipment.

Installation of heating system from radiator units is performed in sequence:

1. installation of radiator units in place and alignment according to level and plumb;

2. connecting the radiator units by means of an interstage insert;

3) connecting the intercoupling insert to the cup and welding.

The feedback connection is assembled on a thread.

The risers should be fixed after 3 m, but there should be at least one attachment per floor. With a floor height of up to 2.7 m inclusive, risers Dv = 20 mm and more need not be fixed.

Compensators are used to perceive temperature linear extensions, and first of all, self-compensation of pipelines should be used. When installing U-shaped or lens

compensators should be stretched beforehand.

If there is a flange connection in the section of the pipeline where the compensators are installed, the tension is carried out by means of elongated bolts, which are then successively replaced by permanent bolts. In the absence of flange connections, compensators tension is performed with the help of the same elongated bolts, which are inserted into holes of sections of angles welded to the ends of tightened pipes. Tightening bolts can be removed, and the corners are cut only after the final welding of the joint. To avoid distortion during welding, such a joint should be selected at a distance from the welded compensator.

Safety precautions during installation works

The workplace shall be free of foreign objects and materials.

It is necessary to mount pipelines at height in the production room from the scaffolding, the woods, cradles, floorings made of strong material. You must cut pipes and perform machining operations outside the scaffold. Working at height (mounting pipes and instruments, punching holes, etc.), you should use a safety belt, the serviceability of which is checked each time by the work manager.

The stairs must have cutting steps, from below - non-slipping tips, and at the top - grips. It is allowed to work with them at a height of not more than 3 m. Lifting of weights from stairs is not allowed.

When mounting stairs at height, it is necessary to attach their top and bottom to strong elements of structures.

Sliding ladders-ladders must have devices that do not allow them to move arbitrarily during operation. To ensure stability, ladder straps must diverge downward.

The strength of scaffolding and scaffolding should be checked before work begins (this is done by the master or manufacturer of work). Suspended scaffolding and cradles shall have barriers. It is forbidden to use suspended forests, not braced braces and cables. The width of the flooring on the forests and scaffolding should be at least 1 m. On both sides, the flooring should be protected with railings at least 1 m high with an on-board gated board 18 cm wide.

It is forbidden to put the tool on the edge of the working flooring of scaffolding, work from random supports, use random objects (heating devices, boards, boxes, stairs, etc.) as temporary supports or supports.

It is not allowed to carry out work in the places above which the blocks, panels and other prefabricated structures are mounted, it is not allowed to suspend and attach lifting devices to the building structures of the building without the knowledge of the foreman or manufacturer.

Lift and install boilers, pumps, as well as other heavy equipment should be in the presence and under the supervision of the foreman.

To prevent swinging and torsion of lifting units of pipelines and equipment, hairpins from hemp rope or thin flexible rope must be used. Hemp ropes must not have rubbed and ground strands. Sharp shocks are prohibited when lifting and lowering the load, as well as sharp switching of the direct stroke of the lifting mechanism to the reverse.

Long pipe assemblies raised in horizontal position shall be slung by at least two slings or transported by means of special crossbars. When moving, it is allowed to remove slings from the installed pipelines and equipment only after their strong and reliable fixation.

It is possible to install heating equipment on cransteins embedded in walls only after the cement mortar is fully solidified.

At flange connections of pipelines and fittings the matching of bolt holes in the flanges should be checked with mandrels (do not do this with fingers).

During operation of plumbing as a manual welder it is necessary to:

a) use special glasses during gas welding or helmet with protective glasses during electric welding;

b) do not approach the acetylene generator with burning papyros, match, and also do not smoke near the place of drain of carbide sludge residues;

c) do not install acetylene generator closer than 10 m from welding point.

List of literature used

1. Installation of internal sanitary devices. Builder's Guide. Ed. I.G.Starovera. - M.: Stroyizdat, 1984.

2. "Installation and procurement technology for heating and ventilation systems" M/U. Ed. D.I. Gilyazov. - Kazan, 2010.

Drawings content

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