Technology and organization in urban construction and agriculture

- Added: 03.07.2014
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Additional information
Section 1. Description of the object to be erected
1.1. Natural conditions and characteristics of the construction area
1.2. Brief description of the designed object
Section 2. Design of Construction Schedule
2.1. Calculation of standard construction duration
2.2. Definition of Nomenclature and Quantities of Work
2.3. Work Labour and Technical Requirements Assessment
2.4. Brief description of organizational methods of work execution
2.5. Determination of estimated number of working personnel
2.6. Identification of required construction resources in local and
imported construction materials
Section 3. Construction Plan Design
3.1. Calculation of temporary service and sanitation requirements
domestic buildings and structures
3.2. Calculation of areas of inventory warehouses of production premises
3.3. Calculation of water and energy requirements
3.3.1. Calculation of water demand
3.3.2. Calculation of power demand
3.4. Selection of mounting mechanisms, binding of mounting cranes and
identification of zones of their influence
Section 4. Determination of estimated construction cost
4.1. Development of local estimates for civil and special
new works
4.2. Development of the object estimate
4.3. Construction Summary Estimate
4.4 Calculation of the main technical and economic indicators of the project
1.1. Natural conditions and characteristics of the construction area
The building is built in the area with a seismicity of 8 points. The temperature of the coldest five-day period for the city of Sochi5C0. Soil - clay.
1.2. Brief description of the designed object
In this course project, the organization of the construction process for the construction of a residential 9-story, 27 apartment building is being developed.
The house is a arceless large-panel building with transverse and longitudinal bearing walls.
The height of the building is 27.30 m. The plan dimensions are 16.68 x 11.5 m.
Reinforced concrete strip prefabricated foundations without monolithic sections. Foundation depth 3.5 m.
Curtain panels:
- external ceramic concrete, thickness 525 mm;
- internal of prefabricated steel panels, Thickness of internal wall panels 260 mm, interior walls 140 mm.
Slabs: flat railway panels, 160 mm thick.
Coating slabs: of railway ribbed panels, 250 mm thick.
2.4. Brief description of work methods.
We plan to build a nine-story large-panel residential building in three cycles:
- erection of the underground part of the building
- erection of the above-ground part of the building
- finishing works execution
Erection of the underground part of the building: excavation of the pit by an excavator. As a leading mechanism in the project, the excavator EO504 with a reverse blade is adopted. Excavator excavation is carried out by one end and two side penetrations. Number of machines 1 pc. The work is designed in one shift. Soil development is carried out by a team of 3 people for one day.
Installation of foundation slabs, blocks and slabs
The caterpillar crane SKG50 is used as the leading mechanism, used only when erecting the underground part of the building. Installation of the structure was carried out by the "on weight" method. The crane moves along the top of the pit with a minimum indentation of one meter from the edge of the pit. Installation is carried out from open warehouses in one shift. Number of machines 1 thing.
The foundation is arranged in one shift, by a team of 4 people (installers - 3 people, crane driver - 1 person) for 4 days.
Filling the sinuses of the pit with a bulldozer.
Bulldozer DZ18 is adopted as the leading mechanism. In order to better compress the backfilled soil, backfilling is carried out from the edges to the middle. Number of machines 1 thing.
Erection of the above-ground part of the building :
Install wall panels and partitions.
Tower crane KB 5031 is taken as the driving mechanism. Installation begins with the installation of two basic panels located on one of the axes of the staircase, which is the toughest cell in the building (stiffening core). After the base panels are fixed, bearing outer panels and bearing inner transverse panels are mounted, then panels of longitudinal walls. After installation of all panels of internal walls, proceed to installation of partitions, plumbing cabins, ventilation shafts, etc. Floor panels are laid last. During installation, the panel is installed according to risks on the floors, stability and temporary fixation of the panels is provided by braces and angular struts. Work is carried out in two shifts. Number of machines 1 thing. Installation of wall panels is carried out in two shifts by a team of installers from 4 people and a crane driver, within 30 days.
Installation of plates of overlappings, coverings, ladder marches, platforms, balcony plates and santekhkabin.
Master mechanism of KB 5031 valve. Number of machines 1 thing. Four-branch flexible sling is used as slinging devices. Before laying of slab elements, surfaces of support walls are leveled. Immediately after laying of slab elements of floors and coatings, all anchor anchorages are set up and welded, followed by soaking them with a solution mixture. When mounting stairways, the mounted element is lifted in an inclined position. Installation works are carried out in two shifts by a team of installers from 4 people and a crane driver. Floor slabs shall be installed within 24 days; stairs and plumbing within 3 days; coating slabs for 4 days.
Roof arrangement.
The roll coating sticker is carried out by simultaneously rolling out all layers. When performing all works, means of small mechanization are used: the roll carpet is glued using stacker machines. Roll materials are laid on hot mastic. The work is carried out in the 1st shift by a team of roofers from 3 people and a crane driver, for 2 days.
Installation and glazing of windows and doors.
Installation and glazing of windows and doors shall commence upon completion of installation of the ground part and roofing. The work is carried out by specialists of the following professions: installers - 3 people, glassmakers - 2 people and crane drivers, Installation and glazing of windows and doors is carried out in one shift for 20 days.
Finishing works:
Construction, sanitary and electrical works (first stage) shall be carried out prior to the start of finishing works. And the installation of window and door blocks. Since the beginning, we have been performing painting work (painting of the walls and ceiling). Painting work is carried out before flooring. After painting work, we label the walls with wallpaper. Painting operations are carried out using the MS-2 painting station.
Finishing work is carried out by specialists of the following professions: painters - 3 people, tiles - 3 people. All finishing works shall be performed in one shift, for reasons of quality of work, within 110 days.
Floor arrangement.
In the premises we arrange ceramic floors. Work on the arrangement of floors is carried out by specialists of the following professions: tile liners - 2 people, synthetic materials liners - 4 people. Flooring is carried out in one shift, for reasons of ensuring the quality of work, for 44 days.
Performance of special types of works:
According to the requirements, before the start of special work, the following must be performed: installation of at least two floors, glazing of windows. In addition, the specified temperature (not lower than + 5 0С) shall be maintained during these operations.
Sanitary works are carried out in two stages. The first stage begins after the installation of the fifth floor of the building and is 2/3 of the total amount of sanitary work. The second stage of work is carried out at the stage of finishing works completion. All works are carried out in one shift by installers of internal plumbing systems, in the amount of 6 people, for 31 days.
Electrical work is carried out in one shift by a team of electricians from 3 people within 22 days.
Low-current work is carried out in one shift by a team of communication installers from 2 people for 13 days.
Landscaping and landscaping of the territory is carried out at the final stage of construction. Work is carried out in one shift by handymen in the amount of 4 people for 19 days.
3.3.3. Calculation of temporary heat supply demand
Temporary heat supply of construction sites is intended for heating and hot water supply of domestic, service and auxiliary buildings and structures. Heat is also necessary in winter for heating buildings, heaters and other technological needs. Since construction is carried out in the spring-summer period, there is no need for heating.
3.5. Construction plan design.
The construction plan is being developed at a scale of 1:200. It bears:
1) the object under construction and temporary buildings and structures available on the construction site;
2) a temporary road with one-way traffic with a width of 3.5 m. Between the road and the warehouses, an extension of up to 7 m is provided. The length of the widening section is 20 m. Fillet radii - 12 m. At the turn, a widening of up to 5 m is designed, the length of the section of which is adopted equal to 30 m;
3) warehouses for storage of building materials. Places of storage of prefabricated reinforced concrete structures are located near the facility in the area of the crane. Location of site-wide warehouses for closed storage of materials ensures convenient receipt of materials at all facilities and normal conditions for access and unloading of vehicles. They are located at the border of the crane coverage area;
4) temporary buildings and structures. Administrative and household premises are located compactly, in a place as close as possible to the object under construction; up to power stations not more than 500 m; to bathrooms not more than 100 m; to dressing rooms, showers and washrooms not more than 500 m. Fire breaks of 5 m are provided between the rooms. Fire hydrants are placed at intervals not more than 100 m at a distance of 2 m from the edge of the road and not further than 50 m from the objects;
5) temporary networks of water supply, power supply and other linear structures are laid along the shortest path;
6) external lighting of the construction site is installed after 3040 m outside the crane area, spotlights are located in the corners of the construction site;
Календ. план-Елена_1.dwg

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