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technological scheme of the oil treatment plant

  • Added: 21.10.2024
  • Size: 78 KB
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Oil is mixed with a demulsifier, a corrosion inhibitor and enters separator C-1 of the first separation stage with preliminary gas selection, which has a compensator-depulsator and an external drop catcher (gas separator). At high salinity, water can be supplied to the oil before separator 1 to wash the oil and dissolve salt crystals. Next, the oil enters settling tanks O-1-5 for preliminary dehydration. Next, the oil enters the furnace to be heated to 45 0C. After heating, the oil enters, and the separator of the 2nd stage C-2, where the gas phase is separated,

Then the oil enters the settling tank (O-6-7) for deep dehydration.

The water released during the dehydration process is removed using centrifugal pumps for pumping formation water N -3,4.

In the separator (C-3) the process of final oil separation occurs with the removal of associated petroleum gas. After this, the oil enters the tanks (RVS-1-2), from where commercial oil is pumped using centrifugal pumps for commercial oil (N-1-2).

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