Technical re-equipment of heat-generating MOU secondary school No. 6

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Additional information
General part
This project was executed on the basis of the customer's letter, technical specifications of OJSC "" No. 117 dated 03.07.2009; topographic survey performed by LLC "" in 2009; certificates on engineering and geological conditions along the route of the projected gas pipeline issued by IP "" in 2009 and in accordance with the requirements of regulatory documents:
SNIP 42012002 "Gas distribution systems";
PB 1252903 "Safety rules for gas distribution and gas consumption systems";
SNiP 3.0185 "Organization of construction production";
SP 421012003 "General provisions for the design and construction of gas distribution systems made of metal and polyethylene pipes";
SP 421022004 "Design and construction of gas pipelines from metal pipes";
SNiP 2.04.0591 * "Heating, ventilation and air conditioning";
SNiP 2.07.0189 * "Urban planning. Planning and development of urban and rural settlements ";
Construction Norms and Regulations ІІ 781 * "Construction in seismic countries";
GOST 554287 "Combustible natural gases for industrial and communal purposes. Specifications ";
SNiP 2.01.0182 "Construction climatology";
PPB-01-03 Fire Safety Rules.
"Rules for the protection of gas distribution systems" No. 878 of 20.11.2000
The construction area belongs to the IIIB climatic area.
The wind load area is V. The wind pressure is 0.6 kPa.
Snow load area - V. Snow load - 1.2 kPa.
Ice load area - IV. Ice wall thickness - 15 mm.
Design ambient temperature for design of heating 19 ° С.
The maximum depth of freezing of soils is 0.8 m.
Site seismicity - 7 points.
Gas provided for use as fuel complies with GOST 554287.
Geotechnical conditions
Gas pipeline construction site is located
Site seismicity - 7 points.
Geomorphologically, the studied area of work to the right-bank III overburden terrace p. The relief of the site has a slight slope from east to west, absolute elevations range from 124.56m to 126.85m.
In the geological structure, the site was studied to a depth of 6.0 m, represented by the following soils :
EGE-1 - from 0 to 0.5 m. - Bulk layer.
IEG-2 - from 0.5 m to 1.5 m - Clay is dark-brown, hard, wet, humused.
EGE-3 - from 1.5m 6.0m. - Clay brown, solid, medium density, carbonatized.
Groundwater on the site under investigation to a depth of 6.0m is not opened.
External gas supply
The source of gas supply to secondary school No. 6 will be the existing low-pressure steel underground gas pipeline Du100mm, laid along the street. Lenin .
Gas pressure at connection point 0.002 MPa.
The calorific value of gas is 7900 kcal/m ³.
This project provides for the construction of gas pipelines:
- gas inlet, low pressure inlet gas pipeline:
Ø57x3.5 GOST 10704-91
Insert 3sp GOST 10705-80
Underground from tie-in point (PC0) to "polyethylene steel" permanent joint (PC0 + 1.0)
PE80 GAZ SDR17,663x3,6
GOST R 50838-95 *
Underground from permanent joint "polyethylene steel" (PK0 + 1.0) to gas riser (PK0 + 79.5)
Ø57x3.5 GOST 10704-91
Insert 3sp GOST 10705-80
Above ground from gas riser to designed external boilers KSUV150.
The project provides for the installation of disconnecting devices:
- at the gas riser.
Tavrovaya tie-in is performed according to 5.90525.05 series UG 23.00 SS.
Above-ground gas pipelines are accepted from steel electric welded pipes according to GOST 1070491 with the manufacturer's guarantee for hydraulic testing.
The above-ground gas pipelines are fixed by reinforced concrete supports according to Ser. 5.90518.05 VKG 4.00 SS.
Welded joints on steel gas pipelines shall be made as per GOST 526480 *.
Underground gas pipelines are accepted from polyethylene long pipes of PE80 SDR17.6 grade with safety factor of 2.8 with manufacturer's guarantee.
Places of installation of permanent joints "polyethylene steel" is filled with sand to the entire depth and to 1.0m in each direction from the joint.
At the intersection of the gas pipeline with the existing underground communications, the filling should be made with sand along the cross section of the trench to a height of up to half the diameter of the existing communication and along the trench by 0.5 m on each side of the crossed underground communications.
Fill the case at the outlet of the steel gas pipeline from the ground with bitumen of BNI VI grade GOST 981274.
Along the route of gas pipelines in the form of an area limited by conditional lines passing at a distance of 2 meters on each side of gas pipelines, a protection zone is established. Trees falling into the security zone of the designed gas pipeline should be transplanted.
The designation of the route of the polyethylene underground gas pipeline is provided by the installation of identification marks and the laying of a signal tape with an electric wire mounted in it - a satellite along the entire length of the gas pipeline. Yellow plastic signal tape with a width of at least 0.2m with the indelible inscription "Caution! Gas "is laid at a distance of 0.2m from the top of the sprinkled polyethylene gas pipeline. At the intersections of the gas pipeline with underground engineering communications, the tape should be laid along the gas pipeline twice at a distance of at least 0.2m between each other and at 2.0m from the crossed structure.
Connecting parts of the gas pipeline are accepted:
For above-ground steel gas pipelines:
Taps according to GOST 173752001;
Transitions according to GOST 173782001;
Blankings as per GOST 173792001.
For underground polyethylene gas pipelines:
Taps as per TU 61935997;
Coupling with embedded heaters as per TS 2248004593554922004;
Non-detachable polyethylene-steel connection as per TU 22480250020353696.
Gas pipeline pipes shall have a record in the certificate of assurance that they will withstand hydraulic pressure, the value of which corresponds to GOST or specification. Welded joints on underground gas pipeline shall be controlled by physical methods in accordance with Tables 14 and 15 of SNiP 42012002.
Polyethylene pipes shall be stored under conditions ensuring their safety from damage.
Assembly and welding of pipes and parts of underground polyethylene gas pipelines shall be carried out on welding machines with a high degree of automation.
During installation works refer to PB 1252903; SP 421032003; SP 421022004.
For heating of the secondary school building No. 6, with a total area of up to 2500 m ², a "heat generator" is installed on the school territory, in which two heating boilers of steel universal outdoor accommodation of the KSUV150 brand are installed. Boilers are equipped with GIP150 atmospheric burner with low-pressure natural gas and are non-volatile gas boilers and are intended for external installation. The burner is equipped with automatic control and safety, which serves to cut off the gas supply to the main and ignition burners at:
- absence of thrust in the chimney ,
flame extinguishing,
increase of water temperature in the unit more than required,
if the gas pressure drops below the allowable limit.
The boilers operate in automatic mode without the constant presence of maintenance personnel, it is possible to use a module (wire or radio channel) that provides withdrawal of signals (light, sound) about emergency-free operation and emergency protection of equipment to the control room.
Climatic design of category 1 V boilers, GOST 1515069.
Boilers automatically provide standby heating mode when gas supply is reduced.
External KSUV150 boilers automatically meet safety requirements (para. 4.16 of SP 411042000), since the area of the automatically opening boiler cover is 30 times higher than the required value, that is, KSUV boilers are 30 times safer compared to boiler houses.
MCS boilers with ISU burners have automatic control of gas flow rate depending on heat removal of the heating system and ambient air temperature.
Coppers of KSUV150 are placed on the concrete basis, 4000х2500х300 in size (see sheet GSN4).
Smoke removal from gas boilers is carried out through chimneys Ø219, 8 m long. The chimneys are attached with brackets supplied with chimneys. Brackets are fixed on reinforced concrete pillars. Dig reinforced concrete pillars into the ground by 3.0m - 4.0m. Above the gas boilers, a canopy of profoil is made.
The installed KSUV150 boilers and GIP150 burners are certified for compliance with safety requirements and have the permission of the federal service for environmental, technological and nuclear supervision for use in accordance with the requirements of the "Safety Rules for Gas Distribution and Gas Consumption Systems" PB 1252903 (certificates and permission are attached).
Gas counter VK G25T with thermal compensation device equipped with electronic gas volume corrector TS215 is designed to take into account gas flow rate in the "heat generator." The total gas flow rate for the object with the simultaneous coefficient is 27.76 m3/h. This gas flow metering unit provides gas metering in the range from minimum to maximum gas flow per object. The gas meter is installed on the designed support (see GSN4 sheet). There is a canopy over the counters.
"Heat generator" is enclosed by a metal fence (see GSN5 sheet).
The designed "heat generator" is installed at a distance from the power line supports of at least 1.5 heights of these supports, and at a distance from buildings and structures of at least 10 m.
To protect boilers from direct lightning strikes, lightning protection is performed according to drawing 180909GSN4. The distance from the lightning outlet to the most distant pipeline is 4.04.5 m, the radius of the protection zone at a height of 4.0m is 5.0m. Lightning bolt height is 13.4 m. Connect the boiler housing to the lightning arrester grounding. Impulse resistance of lightning protection grounding devices is not more than 10 Ohm.
Blowdown pipelines from boilers are brought to a height of 6.0m.
The materials provided in the design, gas equipment (technical devices), gas devices are certified and have the permission of Rostekhnadzor for their use.
Thermal mechanical part
General part
Currently, secondary school No. 6 does not have a heat supply source that fully satisfies the required heating loads.
The need for heat for heating secondary school No. 6 was provided from an external boiler house located outside the school.
In order to improve the heat supply of secondary school No. 6, a decision was made to build a separate heat generator with parameters that satisfy the need for thermal loads.
Design solutions for heat generator
In accordance with the design assignment, the following design solutions are provided:
- installation in the "heat generator" of two hot water automated external boilers KSUV150 with atmospheric burners GIP150, heating capacity of 150 kW with parameters 9070 ° С.
- accepted types of heat carriers: hot water with parameters 9070 ° С for heating needs of the school building.
- mode of thermal energy consumption: for heating needs - round the clock during the heating period.
In accordance with SNiPII3576, heat consumers in terms of reliability of heat supply belong to the second category, "heat generator" in terms of reliability of heat supply to consumers also belongs to the second category.
Fuel for boiler house - natural gas, calorific value 7900 kcal/m3, gas pressure low.
Design and climatic conditions of boiler house location:
Climatic subdistrict - III B.
The average temperature of the coldest five-day period is minus 19 ° C.
Design winter outside air temperature - minus 19 ° С
Seismicity of the construction site 7 points.
The average temperature of the heating period is plus 2.3 ° C.
Russian Gosstandart compliance certificate No. ROSS RU.AE56.B09731
Permit for application No. RRS 00-31387
Pump Room Thermal Diagram
Boiler room thermal diagram is shown in TM3 drawing.
The thermal scheme provides for the release of hot water with a temperature of 70 ° C to the boiler circuit for the heating needs of the secondary storage buildings.
The temperature of the direct network water in accordance with the outside air temperature is changed using a three-way mixer.
Water going for makeup is produced from the existing water supply networks laid to CO No. 6. It is treated with a magnetic transducer that prevents calcium salts dissolved in it from settling on surfaces.
Fuel economy
"Heat generator" is supplied with natural gas from a low-pressure gas pipeline on the street. Lenin. For technical solutions for gas supply, refer to Seeker section.
Exhaust of combustion products
Combustion products are removed via heat-insulated gas ducts to designed chimneys separate from each boiler. Chimneys are metal (supplied with gas boiler), diameter 219mm. The height of the pipes above the boilers is determined from the conditions of natural thrust and dispersion of harmful emissions in the atmosphere and is 8.0 m. (see section GOS sheet 4).
Thermal insulation of pipelines and equipment
To reduce heat losses and ensure safety requirements, thermal insulation of surfaces with a temperature above 45 ° С is provided.
Thermal insulation is subject to: connecting pipelines, pipelines of boilers, pumps, heat exchangers, valves with DN 100, gas ducts, chimneys.
The heat-insulating material used is polyurethane foam insulation.
Health and Safety
The following measures are envisaged to ensure the safety of equipment maintenance:
- heat-generating equipment and pipelines are isolated (insulation surface temperature is less than 45 ° С).
- pipelines are marked with labels showing the purpose of pipelines, the type of medium and the direction of its movement.
- the equipment is equipped with the necessary protective equipment and alarm about deviations from operating parameters.
- all moving parts of the equipment have fences. All metal non-current-carrying parts of electrical equipment and metal pipelines are grounded, using a lightning connector grounding device..
- Chimneys are protected against direct lightning strike by designed lightning diverter in accordance with design standards (see section GOS sheet 4).
Protection of gas pipelines against corrosion
In accordance with the requirements of PB 1252903, pipes of the above-ground gas pipeline and supports are covered with two layers of yellow enamel HV124 GOST 1014489, according to two layers of FLOZK primer GOST 910981. The gas pipeline for painting is prepared as per GOST 9.4022004.
The design provides for passive protection of underground sections of steel designed gas pipelines and metal parts of connecting parts of the gas pipeline against corrosion. Protection is provided by a "very reinforced" type, polymer bitumen tape of the type "LiTKoR" (TU 224500148312016). The thickness of the coating layer shall be at least 4 mm.
Requirements for gas supply systems
in seismic areas
On the designed underground polyethylene gas pipeline, the design provides for the installation of control tubes according to the drawings Ser. 5.90525.05 UG 26.00 SS in places:
- in places of casings installation;
- in places of gas pipelines tie-in;
- at locations of "polyethylene steel" joints.
Polyethylene pipes for gas pipeline are accepted with safety factor of 2.8.
Welded joints of pipelines shall undergo 100% physical inspection.
The wall thickness of steel pipes shall be at least 3mm for pipes up to 50mm in diameter and 4mm in diameter over 50mm.
Attachment of above-ground gas pipelines to reinforced concrete supports shall be free with protection of pipes from possible discharge.
Sealing of bushings
In accordance with the requirements of PB 1252903, underground inputs of existing utilities (water supply, sewerage, heat networks, electrical cables, etc.) to the building located in the 50m zone from the designed gas pipeline must be carefully sealed before gas is launched into this gas pipeline according to drawings of series 5.90526.04 issue 1.
Requirements for pipes and shut-off valves
Pipes shall be tested by hydraulic pressure at the manufacturer and shall have a record in the certificate of assurance that the pipes will withstand hydraulic pressure, the value of which meets the requirements of the standards.
Welded joint of welded pipes is equal to the main metal of pipes and has the strength factor of welded joint guaranteed by the manufacturer according to the standard.
Tightness of steel pipes is guaranteed by the manufacturer by methods provided by the corresponding GOST or specification.
Shut-off valves (disconnecting device) are intended for the gas medium. According to PB 1252903, the tightness of shutoff valves shall not be lower than class "B" as per GOST 954493.
The installed valves and materials are certified for compliance with safety requirements and have Rostekhnadzor's permission for application in accordance with the requirements of the "Safety Rules for Gas Distribution and Gas Consumption Systems" PB 1252903.
Environmental protection measures
This project provides for the use of natural gas for the needs of the population.
Conversion to gas from solid and liquid fuels significantly improves sanitary and environmental conditions, as well as allows improving sanitary and hygienic conditions and cleaning the air basin from pollution by emissions into the atmosphere.
At the same time, gas pipelines are dangerous objects, both for people and for the environment, in case of their accident or malfunction due to which all necessary measures are provided in the working design, both for the design of gas pipelines, and for their location relative to communications, VEL, etc.
Emergency prevention and fire safety measures
This object is designed in compliance with all norms and requirements of SNiP 42012002 without any derogation from them.
11.1 Design Solutions for Natural Disaster Prevention
and of a man-made nature.
Engineering and technical measures for prevention
possible accidents at the facility .
List of hazardous industries and sites with characteristics of hazardous substances and their quantities for each site of the production facility.
The designed facility is a dangerous production facility transporting natural gas, this facility is a supervised facility of Rostekhnadzor.
The hazardous substance - flammable gas (natural gas) is located at the facility in all positions of the process equipment.
11.2 Identification of possible causes and factors of accidents occurrence and development.
An accident is the release of its own energy reserve, in which raw materials, intermediate products, products of enterprises and production waste and technological equipment installed on the industrial site, being involved in the emergency process, create damaging factors (thermal radiation, fire) for personnel, the population, and the environment.
Accidents in natural gas pipelines occur mainly from damage to various machines and mechanisms, as well as from corrosion and breaks in welds.
Damage to gas pipelines by earth-moving mechanisms (excavators, impact and drilling rigs) leads to the formation of holes in the body of pipes, destruction of butt joints, cracks. As a rule, such damage causes large gas leaks, often accompanied by its ignition.
A significant number of accidents are associated with joint breaks.
This type of accident is particularly dangerous because it occurs suddenly.
A high percentage of accidents due to the destruction of gas pipelines from corrosion.
The main causes and factors associated with accidents are:
1) physical wear, corrosion, mechanical damage, temperature deformation of equipment;
2) possible errors of the service pipeline personnel;
3) external effects of natural or anthropogenic nature.
11.3 Possible sources of technogenic emergency at the designed facility:
- depressurization and destruction of gas pipeline and gas instruments;
- scrap of construction and installation works;
- factory scrap of applied materials;
- Natural effects;
- performance of electric welding or repair works in violation of fire safety rules;
- Terrorist acts (explosions, arson).
Hazards associated with production technology:
risk of leakage of natural gas from the pipeline and therefore explosion of the natural gas mixture is not ruled out.
To cause a natural gas explosion, three conditions must be met: 1) the presence of a combustible substance capable of forming an explosive mixture with an oxidizer; 2) the presence of an oxidizing agent in an amount necessary for the formation of an explosive mixture; 3) presence of ignition source.
Human errors: serious accidents are sometimes fatal due to errors during operation. It is known from world statistics that 25% of all serious problems during the operation of systems under pressure occur during their repair.
11.4 External impacts of natural and man-made nature:
Construction area refers to seismically hazardous; an object may be exposed to earthquakes.
Possible causes of natural gas handling accidents in gas pipelines according to statistical data:
mechanical effects (16%); external corrosion (16%); stress corrosion (13%); internal corrosion and erosion (4%); production defects of pipes and equipment (12.5%); scrap of construction and installation works (23%); natural impacts (11 per cent); violations of the rules of technical operation of the gas pipeline (4.5%).
Definition of typical scenarios of possible accidents.
The main typical scenarios of accidents on the linear part of the gas pipeline can be considered the following:
SCENARIO No. 1 - rupture of the gas pipeline → "tearing out" of the ends of the destroyed gas pipeline from the ground to the surface (in "low-bearing" soils) with the spread of pipe fragments → gas outflow from the gas pipeline in the form of two independent high-speed jets with the simultaneous formation of an air shock wave → ignition of the effluent gas with the formation of bulk flame jets - "jet flame";
SCENARIO No. 2 - rupture of the gas pipeline → "tearing out" of the ends of the destroyed gas pipeline from the ground to the surface with the scattering of pipe fragments → gas outflow from the gas pipeline in the form of two independent high-speed jets with the simultaneous formation of an air shock wave → dissipation of effluent gas without ignition;
SCENARIO No. 3 - rupture of the gas pipeline → formation of pits in the soil (in "solid" soils) with the spread of pipe fragments → gas outflow from the pit in the form of a "column" plume with the simultaneous formation of an air shock wave → ignition of effluent gas with the formation of a flame column - "fire in the pit";
SCENARIO No. 4 - rupture of the gas pipeline → formation of pits in the ground with the separation of pipe fragments → gas outflow from the pit in the form of a "column" plume with the simultaneous formation of an air shock wave → the dispersion of effluent gas.
Damaging factors are fragmentation fields created by flying debris and the thermal impact of fire. According to statistics, the probability of damage from thermal radiation is much higher than from damage by fragments.
A possible reason for the occurrence and development of accidents at gas equipment is a gas leak due to depressurization or damage to the equipment, violation of operating rules.
Fire hazards affecting people and material assets include:
- flame and sparks;
- heat flow;
- increased ambient temperature;
- increased concentration of toxic combustion and thermal decomposition products;
- reduced oxygen concentration;
- increased concentration of smoke on escape routes.
11.5 Decisions on elimination of equipment depressurization and prevention of emergency releases of flammable substance.
The technological processes envisaged at the designed facility are related to possible emergency situations due to depressurization of the process equipment and releases of natural gas into the atmosphere with subsequent possible ignition.
To minimize the design, the following design solutions are provided to eliminate depressurization and prevent emergency emissions of flammable substance:
1. The gas pipeline is laid in the ground with a slope to the underground gas pipeline and to the condensate collector, covered with very reinforced insulation.
Dig the trench by excavator, at points of intersection with underground communications - manually. Backfilling of the trench is carried out by a bulldozer.
2. Inspection of welded joints. Welded connection of pipes shall be equal to the pipe base metal.
Gas pipeline pipes shall have a record in the certificate of assurance that they will withstand hydraulic pressure, the value of which corresponds to GOST or specification .
When developing the project, the authors were guided by the requirements of SNiP 42012002.
When performing installation work, be guided by the "Safety Rules for Gas Distribution and Gas Consumption Systems," utv. 2003.
3. To protect above-ground gas pipelines from atmospheric corrosion, it is necessary to apply a coating of 2 layers of FLOZK primer GOST 910981 and 2 layers of enamel KHV124 GOST 1014489. Gas pipelines shall be prepared before painting in accordance with GOST 9.402 - 2004. As shown by the experience of studying the causes of accidents, in the vast majority of cases (up to 85%), the main reason is the improper behavior of the personnel managing technological processes, as well as organizing technological measures to eliminate emergency consequences. In accordance with the above, taking into account other factors, it is necessary to carry out the following main measures to prevent accidents and their associated fires:
- Monitoring, forecasting and timely warning of potential natural hazards (earthquakes, storms, typhoons, etc.);
- Ensuring reliable protection of the facility from the penetration of sabotage forces and means;
- to perform works on gas equipment allow persons who have been trained, instructed and checked knowledge of rules, norms and instructions on operation, safety and labor protection in accordance with the statutory procedure.
11.6 Decision aimed at preventing development
accidents and emission localization.
The draft provides for the following solutions aimed at preventing the development of accidents :
- gas pipeline design in compliance with all norms and requirements;
- admission to operation of only serviceable and certified equipment;
- position of gas pipeline route in safe places guaranteeing its reliability;
- control of welded joints on the gas pipeline, cleaning of the gas pipeline cavity (blowing) and its testing before commissioning, strength check;
- before gas start-up, the gas pipeline is blown by gas according to the "Safety Rules for Gas Facilities";
- control during operation of the gas pipeline by special gas services;
- protection of the gas pipeline against corrosion and complete sealing;
- availability of disconnecting devices (gate valves) on the gas pipeline ;
- grounding of metal parts, electrical parts, prevention of static electricity;
- application of fire-retardant coatings and impregnations, fire-retardant compositions (including flame retardants and fire retardant paints), cables, building materials (linings) to increase fire resistance limits of building structures.
To ensure accident-free operation of the gas pipeline, the following is required:
- Continuous technical supervision of the gas industry; carrying out planned and preventive repairs of gas facilities on them;
- performing gas hazardous works in the gas industry, and ensuring readiness at any time to take measures to prevent or eliminate an accident related to the operation of gas pipelines and gas equipment;
- exclusion of unauthorized access to gas facilities; strict observance of rules for operation and maintenance of gas equipment; prohibition of construction works on the line of the supply gas pipeline.
The accounting of gas consumption and the supervision of its rational use is carried out by a special gas service.
The protection of the gas supply system is organized in accordance with the "Rules for the protection of gas supply systems" (order of the Ministry of Energy of Russia of 22.11.92).
In the event of natural disasters (hurricanes, earthquakes, flood waters, floods, etc.) of the operating organization, it is necessary to organize enhanced control over the state of the gas pipeline network and valves, at the same time special attention should be paid to the above-ground section of the gas pipeline. At critical moments, the gas pipeline must be disconnected from the gas supply.
Priority measures for accident prevention and localization are:
- cut-off of emergency section of gas pipeline by closing of crane units;
- call the fire department by phone 01, medical service by phone 03, emergency gas service by phone 04, unified rescue service by phone 112 and put fire extinguishing equipment on standby;
- at the accident site and in neighboring areas, prohibit the passage of all modes of transport, except for emergency services, until the consequences of the accident are completely eliminated;
- ensure protection of people taking part in extinguishing the fire from possible emissions of a burning product, poisoning, burns;
- elimination of fire with the help of fire extinguishers, sand, nightmare.
Emergency situations on the gas pipeline are eliminated by special emergency teams of the operating organization.
11.7 Explosion and fire safety solution.
The project provides for measures to ensure the safety of service personnel and the safety of the population, buildings and structures located in the area of the gas pipeline:
- calculations of gas pipelines are made with safety margin - fully sealed and protected against corrosion;
- distances from the gas pipeline axis to buildings and structures are accepted in accordance with applicable standards and based on calculations.
The design takes into account explosion and fire safety requirements for category A facilities and external An installations.
11.8 Emergency Warning System.
Telephone service is used to call the emergency gas service command.
The emergency warning system and the collection of repair and recovery teams for the elimination of accidents on the gas pipeline are organized using telephone communications, radio communications on the existing base of emergency services.
11.9 Unimpeded Entry Solutions
and movement of forces and means to eliminate accidents.
Extinguishing a possible fire and carrying out rescue operations are provided by structural, volume planning, engineering, and organizational measures (the choice of these measures depends on the degree of fire resistance, the class of structural and functional fire hazard of the building).
These include:
- arrangement of fire passages and access roads for fire equipment combined with functional passages and access roads.
Organization of construction
This section of the detailed design provides for the main issues of the organization of the gas pipeline construction in accordance with the volume planning and design solutions adopted by the project and SNiP 3.01.0185 * "Organization of Construction Production."
Prior to the commencement of construction and installation works of a specialized construction organization, it is necessary to develop a work execution project (WDP) in accordance with the current regulatory acts.
The total length of the low pressure gas pipeline is 100 m.
The duration of construction of gas pipelines is accepted on the basis of the conditions for construction and installation works, standards and instructions of SNiP and is equal to - 1.5 months, including the duration of the preparatory period - 0.2 months.
Laying of the gas pipeline input of low pressure is provided from steel pipes with a diameter of 57х3.5 and the introduction low-pressure gas pipeline - from polyethylene pipes with a diameter of 63х3.6; at a depth of 1.0-1.5 m along the street, roadsides, with the intersection of engineering communications .
Before the start of earthworks, in the locations of existing communications, measures for safe working conditions and safety of communications must be developed and agreed with the services operating these communications.
In connection with the laying of the gas pipeline in parallel with the electric lines and under them, the development of soil in the trenches is provided by the excavator EO2621 in the dump, and at the intersection of underground communications - manually with the release of the excavator under the bucket and the attachment of walls with inventory boards, or boards.
Delivery to the place of pipe (parts and equipment) installation is carried out with the calculation of provision of continuous work performance. Polyethylene pipes are supplied in bays of 250m. The bays are transported horizontally. Pipes and connecting parts shall be protected from impacts and mechanical loads, and their surfaces - from scratching.
Bending of pipes shall be avoided during transportation. Especially careful handling of pipes and parts at low temperatures. Pipes shall be stored in accordance with the requirements of GOST R 5083895 *. Plugs that prevent dirt from entering the pipes are not removed during storage. In the storage warehouse of pipes and parts, gas-electric welding and other fire works are not allowed .
Sprinkling and filling of pipelines is provided with sand (soft soil) manually, and final filling with bulldozer. If fragments of ancient buildings and structures, archaeological antiquities and other objects that may be of historical or scientific interest are discovered during earthworks, the work should be suspended and called to the place of representatives of the NPC for the protection of historical and cultural monuments, the Department of Culture of the administration bodies. Earthworks shall be carried out taking into account the requirements of the project and SNiP 3.02.0187 "Earthworks, foundations and foundations."
SNiP 12042002, SNiP12-03-2001 "Labor Safety in Construction" shall be used for construction and specialized works.
Construction and installation works on the facility are divided into preparatory and main periods.
On-site preparatory works:
1.Division of the gas pipeline route and the boundaries of the construction strip with a width of 4 m. (Decree of the Russian Federation No. 878 dated November 20, 2002, p. 7a).
2. Placement of temporary buildings and structures for production, storage, auxiliary, household and public purposes.
3. Clearing of the construction strip from the forest and shrubs, tracing and transportation of waste to temporary sites.
4. Planning of the construction strip, removal of plant and mineral soil to the agreed dump sites.
5. Power supply, water supply, communication system, fire fighting equipment, lighting and alarm equipment.
Main construction period:
The gas pipeline is laid mainly underground.
The construction of the gas pipeline is carried out in the following process sequence:
1. Anchoring of the route, with fixing of angles of turns, stations, points of lowering to the ground and exit of the pipeline from the ground, reference columns.
2. Points of intersection of underground utilities are determined, with their fixation on the ground. Installation of indicators for the presence of underground utilities on this section of the route, obtaining permission to open from the administration in settlements .
3. Cutting of vegetal layer and humus soil with its storage for subsequent reclamation.
4. Drilling and development of soil manually at the points of intersection of the gas pipeline route through existing engineering communications, in the presence of the owners of communications, under the direct supervision of the foreman or foreman.
5.Development of soil by excavator EO2536 with ladle capacity not more than 0.25m3 with loading to the dump truck and removal to temporary dump. The trench width at the bottom is not more than 0.75 m. Trench depth is not less than 1.0 m. The development of soil in trenches is carried out from top to bottom along the relief. Clean up the bottom of the trench, under the sand base, manually (exclude the presence of stone showers at the bottom of the trench, with a stone size of more than 50 mm. Trench width is 200300mm larger than pipe diameter 110mm. Work on longitudinal slopes from 15 ° to 36 ° must be carried out by anchoring the excavator.
6. Sandy base (bed) for pipeline shall be made of coarse sand. Sand is transported by road. The structure of the sand base is carried out manually with a thickness of 0.2m. with sealing.
7. At the place where the gas pipeline passes through the domestic highway, lay in a polyethylene case. Road pavements are disassembled mechanically or manually. The materials of the developed coatings are laid to the side opposite to the soil dump or beyond, or are filled in another place, but not closer than 1.5 m. from the edge of the trench. The width of the opening of road pavements should be greater than the width of the upper part of the trench with asphalt pavement by 50 cm. (25 cm each. on each side ).
8. All materials, before the start of work, must undergo incoming quality control with the preparation of an act (protocol) with the conclusion of the laboratory and the representative of technical supervision of the customer. Welders certified for the right to perform welding of pipes and parts with diameter up to 225 mm inclusive are allowed for welding of polyethylene pipes. Prior to welding works, certified welders perform welding of reference samples of pipes. Control samples were submitted to the laboratory for sample testing. With a positive result, construction at this facility is allowed. Welding works are recommended to be carried out in rooms (shelters) ensuring compliance with the temperature range from 15 ° С to + 45 ° С. The welding site is protected from atmospheric precipitation, wind, dust and sand, and in summer and from intense solar radiation.
During welding, the free end of the pipe or ply is closed to prevent through-holes inside the welded pipes. It is recommended to assemble and weld pipes and parts on welding machines with a high and medium degree of automation of the welding process, operating from a 220v AC network. It is allowed to perform welding using machines with manual control of the welding process, but with mandatory automatic maintenance of the specified temperature of the heated tool. Quality of welded joints is checked by 100% ultrasonic inspection.
Conclusions, radiographic images, magnetic tapes or diagrams are stored in the construction and installation organization
9. It is recommended to perform work on laying of polyethylene gas pipeline at ambient air temperature not lower than 15 ° С and not higher than + 30 ° С. It is recommended to deliver pipes or pipe sections to the route immediately before installation and laying works. Laying in the trench of gas pipelines is carried out, as a rule, after the end of the process of welding and cooling of joints, as well as dismantling of welding equipment. Prior to laying, the pipes shall be thoroughly inspected to detect cracks, undercuts, hairlines and other mechanical damage during the year.
It is not recommended to drop the lashes on the bottom of the trench or move it by fiber along the bottom of the trench without special devices. When laying gas pipelines in a trench, measures are taken to reduce stress in pipes from temperature changes during operation:
-at ambient air temperature above + 10 ° С, the polyethylene gas pipeline is laid in a trench with a free bend (snake) with laying - in the coldest time of day;
-at ambient air temperature below + 10 ° С, it is possible to lay the polyethylene gas pipeline straight-line, including in narrow trenches, and fill the gas pipeline, and in this case, it is carried out at the warmest time of day. When laying a gas pipeline in rocky soils to ensure the protection of the gas pipeline from mechanical damage during laying, it is recommended to use fine granulated soil, sand or polymer foam materials (WPT). The gas pipeline shall be laid using belts, textile slings, textile ropes, tarpaulin towels. Spans should be taken from 12 to 18 m. The laying of the bays of the bay can be carried out in a pre-prepared trench.
Two methods of works execution are adopted:
- unwinding of the pipe from the fixed bay and its laying in the trench by dragging;
- unwinding of pipe from movable bay and its laying in trench by means of lateral movement .
The first method can be adopted in the presence of transverse obstacles (communication lines, power lines) in the trench or beneath it. Unwinding of coils shall be carried out at ambient air temperature not lower than + 5 ° С. Unwinding is allowed at lower temperatures if conditions are created for pre-heating of the pipe on site to a temperature not less than + 5 ° С. At the same time, interruptions in operation are not recommended until the weave is fully laid out of the bay. If the gas line blade is cooled to the maximum permissible temperature, the laying must be suspended and the bay with the remaining pipe reheated. Recommended cove unwinding rate - up to 0.81.0km/h.
10. After laying the welded gas pipeline stack in a trench on the prepared "bed," the gas pipeline cavity is cleaned with air blowing. Cleaning is carried out by high-speed air flow (1520 m/s) under pressure equal to the working one. Purge duration shall be not less than 10 minutes. Compressor units corresponding to the diameter and length of the tested gas pipeline are used for purging and pneumatic testing of the gas pipeline.
11. Tests of the gas pipeline are carried out in two stages:
- first before installation of prepared lashes (bay, coil) of polyethylene gas pipelines or after installation in trenches and sprinkling for 2025cm. above the upper generatrix of the pipe. Prior to testing, full filling of a gas pipeline made of long pipes or pre-tested lashes is allowed;
-the second - should be carried out after full filling of the trench. The test results shall be considered positive if during the test the actual pressure drop in the gas pipeline does not exceed the allowable pressure drop in the gas and no leaks are detected during the inspection of the verifiable locations.
By regulatory documents, during testing of polyethylene gas pipelines, leaks are not allowed. The tested section (weave) is connected to the existing sections of the steel gas pipeline at the coldest time of the day to reduce the stress in the pipes from the influence of temperature differences. Tightness of welds on the installed assemblies of "polyethylene steel" joints is checked by gas pressure using gas indicators. Sealing of the ends of polyethylene pipe straps during wiring and testing, as well as connection of compressor units to the gas pipeline is carried out through split flange joints, "polyethylene steel" connections or mechanical blankings of repeated use, equipped with nozzles for installation of a pressure gauge and for air injection.
After the second test stage the following works are carried out:
- insulation of welded joints of steel sections;
- closing of case ends in accordance with the project requirements;
- final filling of pits and places of open gasket gas - yes;
The pipeline is filled with coarse sand 0.20 m thick with compaction and full filling with imported soil from temporary dump. To prevent soil erosion on steep longitudinal slopes (over 15 °), backfilling must be carried out after the installation of clay bridges, followed by backfilling of soil from a temporary dump with backfilling along the route of the roller trench, the dimensions of which should be determined taking into account subsequent natural soil precipitation. Provide a drainage ditch along the gas pipeline route .
Occupational safety and safety measures
Safety precautions
The complex of gas pipeline construction works shall be performed in accordance with the safety requirements according to:
-SNiP111-4-80 * "Rules of works execution. Safety in Construction, "1993;
-SNiP 12032001Safety of labor in construction. Chast1. General requirements;
-PPB-01-03- "Fire Safety Rules in the Russian Federation." M, 2003.
- "Safety Rules for Construction of Main Steel Pipelines." M., Nedra, 1982;
- "Oil and gas safety regulations." M., Nedra, 1993;
- "Standard Instruction for Safe Fire Operations at Gas Facilities of Mingazprom" M., VNIIGaz, 1998;
-Protection of labor. Organizational and methodological documents VNIIST. " M.,1989.
Operation and technical supervision of gas equipment is carried out in accordance with the "Safety Rules for Gas Distribution and Gas Consumption Systems" PB 1252903, OST 15339.30512003 "Technical Operation of Gas Distribution Systems" and Intersectoral Rules for Labor Protection during Operation of Gas Facilities, registered in the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation on June 19, 2003. № 4726.
In accordance with the requirements of the Intersectoral Rules on Labor Protection during the operation of gas-using equipment, the operating organization should develop instructions on labor protection (labor safety) in the scope of job duties and types of work, taking into account local conditions and contain fire safety requirements.
During operation, managers must constantly monitor the serviceability of equipment, tools, accessories, protective equipment that ensure safe working conditions before and during operation, in accordance with the labor safety instructions. Prevent the operation of the gas supply system, as well as the performance of any kind of repair gas hazardous work, if the further performance of the work involves a danger to the life of the workers.
Workers involved in the maintenance and repair of gas equipment and the performance of gas hazardous works must be trained in safe working methods in the gas industry, rules for using personal protective equipment, methods of first aid, certified, and must also pass the knowledge test in the field of industrial safety and labor protection.
It is strictly forbidden to find people who are not directly related to the work in hazardous areas of cranes. Open trenches shall be enclosed.
Utility structures shall also be fenced and manholes closed.
Prior to the start of excavation works in the locations of the existing underground communications, measures for safe working conditions must be developed and agreed with the organizations operating these communications. Location of underground utilities on the ground shall be indicated by appropriate signs or inscriptions.
Excavation work in the protective zone of cables under voltage or the existing gas pipeline should be carried out under the supervision of employees of the electric and gas economy. In the area of the projected gas route - yes pass overhead power lines (VLEP) 0.4; 10 kV. Construction and installation works in the protection area of the existing VLEP should be carried out in accordance with GOST 12.1.10378; SNiP111-4-80 * (p.2.24,2.25.4 ).
The border of the protection zone passes at a distance from the extreme wires of the VLEP: 10 m. at 20kV voltage. Construction and installation works in the protection area of the existing VLEP should be carried out under the direct supervision of the ITR responsible for the safety of the work, if there is a written permission of the organization - the owner of the line and the work order - a permit that determines safe work conditions and is issued in accordance with the rules of the head of the SNiP on safety in construction. Work order - the permit for construction and installation works in the protection area of the existing VLEP must be signed by the chief engineer of the construction and installation organization and the person responsible for the safe condition of the electrical plant in the organization and responsible for the implementation of the necessary electrical safety measures specified in item 4 of GOST 12.1.01378. Before starting operation of construction machines in the protection area of the VLEP, voltage removal of the VLEP must be provided. If there is a reasonable impossibility to relieve voltage from the VLEP, the construction machines in the protection zone of the VLEP are allowed to operate provided that the distance from the lifting or retractable part of the construction machine in any position to the vertical plane formed by the projection on the ground of the nearest wire under the voltage of the VLEP:
Not less than 1.5 m at voltage up to 1 kV;
2.0m at voltage from 1 to 35kV.
Теплогенен. COШ 1.dwg

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