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Study of the lever mechanism of the working machine - Course project on TMM

  • Added: 25.12.2022
  • Size: 924 KB
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Coursework on the topic "Design and study of the mechanism". The discipline "Applied Mechanics" examines the problems of structure, kinematics and dynamics of mechanisms.

 The course project in the discipline "Applied Mechanics" provides for the study of the mechanism in three main sections: 

-structural analysis 

- Kinematic analysis 

- Kinetostatic analysis 

The result of structural analysis is the definition of its class, according to which in the future it is possible to choose the methods of its subsequent research. 

Kinematic analysis involves the calculation of kinematic characteristics. In this section, the positions of the mechanism are built at different points in time, speeds, accelerations, movement of points and links are calculated. Calculations are carried out by the method of plans (i.e. solving equations by the vector method) and by the method of kinematic diagrams. 

The forceful study of the mechanism is based on D' Alembert's principle. In which inertia forces are added to the statically determined structural group in addition to the acting external forces and this Assur group is considered as being in equilibrium. Kinetostatic calculation is carried out by the method of force plans, and as a result, the balancing force at the leading link of the mechanism is determined.

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