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Structured Office Room Cable System

  • Added: 09.07.2014
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SCS design of two-storey building, set

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Additional information


1 General provisions

1.1 Purposes, purpose and areas of systems use

1.2 Compliance of design solutions with codes and regulations

1.3 Information on the used regulatory and technical documents

1.4 Information on R&D, best practices, inventions used in project development

1.5 Abbreviations used

2 Basic Technical Solutions

Composition of designed systems

Main characteristics and structure of SCS

Floor Distributor

Classroom Distributor

Cables and cable routes

Workplace Telecommunications Sockets

Test of SCS cables

3 Operating modes and diagnostics of the system

Scheduled operations

Requirements for maintenance personnel

4 Operation of systems

Server Space Requirements

Use of process room by other services

Floor requirements

Fire protection measures

5 Grounding Requirements

6 Environmental protection

7 Fire-fighting measures

8 Health and safety measures

9 Engineering and technical measures of civil defense. Emergency prevention activities

1.1 Purposes, purpose and areas of systems use

The purpose of the design is to create a structured cable system in the converted premises of the Schneider Electric office located at 37 Yeniseiskaya St., Moscow.

The designed system is designed for:

- automation of employees "production process;

- organization of a single information space of the building;

- providing employees with a wide range of services.

1.2 Compliance of design solutions with codes and regulations

This project has been developed in accordance with the current state, environmental, construction, sanitary and epidemiological and other norms, rules, instructions and standards, including those providing for electrical, explosion and fire safety during the operation of buildings and structures.

Technical solutions of the project in terms of compliance with safety requirements comply with GOST 12.1.01981, GOST 12.1.03081 and GOST 12.1.03880, as well as the current "Electrical Installation Rules."

Protection of maintenance personnel against electric shock in the presence of voltages above 42 V AC and 110 V DC is made in accordance with GOST R 50571.894.

Levels of vibration and noise loads on personnel occurring during operation of technical facilities comply with the requirements of GOST 12.1.01290 and GOST 12.1.03681.

1.3 Information on the used regulatory and technical documents

The following regulatory and technical documents were used during the work:

- GOST 2.10595. ESKD. General requirements for text documents;

- GOST 21.10197. SPDS. Basic requirements for design and detailed design documentation;

- GOST 2.10696. ESKD. Text documents;

- GOST R 50571.894. Electrical installations of buildings. Part 4. Safety requirements. General requirements for the application of safety measures. Requirements for application of measures against electric shock;

- GOST 12.1.01290. SSBT. Vibration safety. General requirements;

- GOST 12.1.01981. SSBT. Electrical safety. Nomenclature of types of protection;

- GOST 12.1.03081. SSBT. Electrical safety. Protective grounding. Zeroing;

- GOST 12.1.03681. SSBT. Noise. Permissible levels in residential and public buildings;

- GOST 12.1.03880. SSBT. Electrical safety. Maximum allowable values of contact voltages and currents;.

- Rules for the arrangement of electrical installations/Ministry of Energy of the USSR. - 6th ed., Redesign. and supplement - M.: Energoatomizdat, 1998. 640 s;

- Rules for operation of electric installations of consumers/State Energy Supervision of the Ministry of Energy RF.- 5th ed., processing. and supplement - M.: Energoatomizdat, 1992. - 288 s: il, approved by the head of the State Energy Inspectorate Varnavsky V.P. 31.03.92.

- SNiP 2.09.0487 (1994 c rev. 2,1995). Administrative and household buildings.

1.4 Information on R&D, best practices, inventions used in project development

The development of the project was carried out on the basis of technical documentation of manufacturers of applied software and hardware, within the framework of existing industrial and industry standards.

1.5 Abbreviations used

UPS Uninterruptible power supply

LAN Local Area Network

TF Phone

SCS Structured cable system

2 Basic Technical Solutions

Composition of designed systems

In accordance with the contract, the design is performed for the following system:

- structured cable system.

Floor Distributor

The floor distributor is located on the 2nd floor in room 30.

The floor distributor is made in the form of one locked metal 19-inch cabinet.

The following shall be installed in the telecommunication cabinet:

- patchpanels of category 5e for unshielded copper cable (24 ports capacity) for cutting copper cables of horizontal LAN subsystem;

- cable distributors;

- active LAN equipment.

Switching cords with "RJ45" connectors are used for switching between patch panel ports and active LAN equipment ports.

Classroom Distributor

The classroom distributor is housed in a wardrobe for clothing and documents on the 1st floor in room 25.

Distributor is made in the form of one 19-inch wall cabinet.

The following shall be installed in the telecommunication cabinet:

- patchpanels of category 5e for unshielded copper cable (capacity 24 ports) for cutting of copper cables of horizontal subsystem;

- cable distributors;

- active LAN equipment.

3 Operating modes and diagnostics of the system

The operating mode of the designed system is set as follows: around the clock, 365 days a year.

Scheduled operations

Scheduled maintenance is performed at least once a year. During scheduled maintenance, it is possible to reduce the productivity of the corresponding systems or stop them. During scheduled operations:

- check of cable connections;

- removal of dust from all equipment;

- cleaning of equipment exhaust fans filters;

- check of correct hardware and software settings.

Requirements for maintenance personnel

Maintenance personnel of the designed systems shall have:

- admission to work with electrical installations with voltage up to 1000 V and corresponding qualification group;

- theoretical and practical knowledge on setting up and operation of the used software and hardware;

- annual re-examination of knowledge of electrical safety rules, PTE and PUE.

The maintenance personnel shall be fluent in English to the extent sufficient to work with the technical and operational documentation of the manufacturers of the technical and software tools used.

Other personnel requirements shall be established by Owner.

4 Operation of systems

The requirements presented in this section shall be met by the Customer.

Server Space Requirements

Use of process room by other services

In the room where electronic computing, telecommunication and passive switching equipment are located, auxiliary services of the building (boiler rooms, terminals, sanitary units, storage rooms) must not be located, which can interfere with the operation of electronic systems. It is not possible to use the specified room for storage of auxiliary equipment (buckets, detergents, etc.), especially combustible and flammable materials.

Floor requirements

The rooms shall have dust protection measures. Clean floors shall be laid on a non-combustible base (cement, sand bracing, etc.). The floors shall be smooth, flawless, easy to clean and capable of wet cleaning.

To prevent the occurrence of static electricity, the floor cover must have antistatic properties.

Standard load on ceilings in process rooms is regulated in accordance with SNiP 2.01.0785 * and should be at least 300 kgf/m2. When installing process equipment in existing rooms, when there is no data on the load capacity of the floor, it is necessary to check the load capacity for its adequacy, depending on the location of the designed

Fire protection measures

Equipment of process rooms shall be provided with fire and security alarm systems.

To prevent equipment damage from water, "dry" fire extinguishing systems shall be provided.

Installed fire protection means shall be protected against accidental activation (actuation) by mesh screens.

Design and placement of ventilation equipment, actuators and articles, materials used shall correspond to categories and groups of moved gas-air mixtures according to PUE and categories of serviced rooms.

To prevent the spread of smoke and overflow of gas-air mixtures, ventilation systems are equipped with fire-retarding and check valves.

Places of passage of air ducts

through walls, partitions and floors are sealed with non-combustible materials, providing a normalized fire resistance limit of the crossed fence.

5 Grounding Requirements

The presence of UPS, i.e. equipment that operates when voltage is reduced, in accordance with the chapter 54 of part 5 of GOST R 50571.1597 (IEC 36455480) unambiguously implies the mandatory presence of an additional grounding conductor that is not electrically connected to other grounded metal parts.

The requirement to have an additional earthing conductor also does not contradict the requirements of the international IEC Standard 364554896.

By the beginning of the Contractor's work on the installation of the power distribution network in the building by the Customer, work should be carried out to create an additional grounding conductor in accordance with the requirements of the relevant GOST and taking into account local climatic conditions. The use of an additional grounding conductor for operation is possible if there are acceptance test reports (in accordance with RD 34.20.50195).

The grounding shall be carried out in accordance with the basic requirements and recommendations of TIA/EIA607 standard for grounding in cross and server rooms.

The telecommunication grounding circuit is connected to the main one in the immediate vicinity of the zero conductor and/or grounding electrode system into the building. The network equipment in the server should be connected to the power supply network through sockets with grounding contacts, the latter being connected to the main grounding circuit. Grounding contact-stroke of plug is galvanically connected to housing of network equipment. Due to this, the telecommunication grounding circuit can have additional connections to the main one and work in parallel with it.

The use of the telecommunication circuit guarantees reliable grounding of the network equipment regardless of the state of the main grounding circuit.

The telecommunication grounding circuit consists of:

several grounding plates, one of which is the main one;

main and inter-trunk grounding bars;

busbars for connection to the main grounding system.

All conductors and flexible buses used in the telecommunication grounding circuit shall be made of copper, shall have insulation and a section of not less than 6 AWG (diameter 4.12 mm, cross section area 13.3 mm2). The general rule applied to the section selection of these conductors is that the resistance between the ground points should not exceed 1 ohm. All connections of grounding plates with main busbars are made by welding.

The main ground plate is designed to connect the main ground bars, the main ground bus and the adjacent network equipment. In addition, all passing metal structures of cable channels - pipes, trays and so on - must be connected to it. Structurally, the main ground plate is a metal plate with a thickness of at least 6 mm and a minimum width of 100 mm. The length of the plate is determined by local conditions. It is equipped with holes for attachment to building structural elements and for connection of grounding conductors of network equipment (for example, using a screw clamp).

The choice of the location of the main ground plate is determined by the compromise between the desire to bring it closer to the place of entry into the building of external trunk telecommunication cables and minimizing the length of the bus connection to the main ground system.

If possible, the main ground plate is connected to the nearest and well-grounded metal structures of the building.

Earthing plates are located in the server room. They are connected to the main grounding buses and are designed for connection of grounding conductors of network equipment, installation cabinets, as well as metal structures of cable channels.

Structurally, the ground plate is similar to the main plate, only its minimum width should be at least 50 mm.

Desirably, one or more ground plates are connected to adjacent and well grounded metal structures of the building.

The grounding backbones connect the grounding plates in the server with the main grounding plate. Several ground plates located in different cross-country lines can be connected to one main bus.

The water pipe system of the building cannot be used as grounding lines.

The connection bus to the main grounding system connects the main grounding plate to the main grounding system of the building. Its cross section must be not less than that of the main grounding bars. The connection should be made directly to the conductor to the system of buried electrodes having good electrical contact with the ground and/or to the conductor with zero phase from the external power supply network of the building.

Standard EN 50173 requires that the potential difference between the two earthing connection points does not exceed 1V .

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