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Stands for straightening wheel disks

  • Added: 20.01.2022
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In the academic discipline:"Design, operation and basics design of technological equipment»

Subject: Stands for straightening wheel disks


As a result of the work done, the following results have been achieved:

1. The analysis of functional and technological requirements for technological equipment is carried out.

2. An analysis of existing stands was presented. The main parameters of the stand have been determined. A stand was chosen for rolling wheel disks. The requirements for operation and maintenance are considered.

4. A technological map has been developed.

5. Measures on labor protection and environmental safety are proposed.

Project's Content

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Additional information




1. Rationale for rational selection of process equipment design

1.1 Setting of target and tasks of equipment design

1.2 Analysis of functional and process requirements for process equipment

2. Selection and description of proposed design

process equipment

3. Development of Job Instruction for Equipment Maintenance (Performance of Works on Equipment)

4. Occupational safety and environmental measures


List of literature used


Wheels play a significant role in the active safety of the car. It is through them that all the forces of interaction of the tread and the side of the tire with the road hub, and then the whole car, are transmitted. Also, torque is transmitted from the hub to the road through the disk. The wheels must be strong to withstand bumps to the curb stones and obstacles on the roads. But at the same time, to reduce unsprung masses, they must be as light as possible.

In the past, steel stamped discs were most widely used. They were simple and cheap to produce, but quite heavy. In addition, it was quite difficult for them to give an attractive design. Enthusiasts easily overcome this disadvantage by installing a variety of steel or plastic decorative caps. Sports cars were equipped, as a rule, with elegant spiced discs. The spokes were made of high strength steel with a strength of 100 kg/mm2. Their advantages include an attractive appearance and ensuring good air access to the brakes for cooling. But spiced discs are structurally complex and consist of more than 150 parts, which, of course, affects their cost.

Today, most cars are equipped with alloy disks directly at manufacturing plants. These disks may be forged or cast. As is clear from the names, their main difference is in production technology. In the first case, the metal bar is subjected to numerous forging and rolling. At the same time, the initial structure of the metal significantly changes, acquiring a fine-grained structure and high strength. In the second case, the disc is pressed into a pre-formed form. The disadvantages of cast discs include the fact that after casting they require additional processing and balancing. Usually, alloy discs are immediately coated with varnish during production. It not only gives discs a more elegant look, but also carries protective functions. The fact is that a variety of chemicals, which are abundantly processed during the winter period of the road, destroy the metal from which the disk is made. Therefore, before winter, it is necessary to carefully check the integrity of the protective varnish.

The purpose of this course project is to select and offer for use a stand for editing discs of cars

The task of the course project is to study technical literature on a given topic and obtain practical skills in solving engineering problems for the rational choice of technical means that ensure an increase in the quality of work during maintenance and maintenance of rolling stock.

Rationale for rational selection of process equipment design

1.1 Setting of target and tasks of equipment design

According to the theme of the project, it is necessary to select a stand for editing the wheels of the car. This product is used to restore the geometry of the wheel discs after their damage during the operation of the car.

Depending on the type of disk, one of two machines is used to restore the geometry of the wheel.

Proposed device comprises spindle to support wheel and rolling rollers. They, creating a high stress on the surface of the rim, force it to take its original shape.

Specific rolling of stamped discs

Stamped discs are welded from sheet steel, differ in high ductility. Due to this, it is possible to eliminate not only local defects, but also large deformations in area. The stamped discs are edited without preheating.

The process itself takes place in several stages. First, the rim is placed in the hatching stand, fixed, after which damage analysis is carried out. Straightening takes place using special rollers that roll out the surface until the defects are completely eliminated.

Cast disks have a fundamentally different editing process, which is distinguished by some features.

Firstly, their straightening takes much longer than the restoration of stamped products. This is due to the fact that during the restoration of geometry, the load is gradually supplied so as not to cause cracks.

Second, the molded articles are preheated. Local heating is performed to increase the ductility of the metal so that it does not resist deformation.

Third, cast disks are edited locally only. Special nozzles act directly on the defect, which are pulled out, the rim is straightened.

These features impose their requirements on machines. In such machines, hydraulic cylinders and nozzles are working elements. The cylinder, after being installed directly in the deformed place, pulls out the material, returning the rim to its original appearance. Very often, such equipment includes lathe elements for restoring "application" surfaces.

This course project will consider stands for editing stamped wheel discs.

The bench shall meet all conditions for editing discs. Editing shall be carried out automatically with the participation of the operator only in fixing the disk and starting the bench.

Selection and description of proposed design

Process equipment

When comparing stands, a decision was made in favor of the Sibek-Premier stand

Distinctive features:

High versatility - wide range of disk diameters to be repaired

Highest torque

Not high cost of equipment

Russian production

Bench Description:

The stand is designed to correct defects in the geometry of passenger car discs with a landing diameter of 10 to 24 inches, as well as restore the shelf and side flanges of stamped passenger car discs with a landing diameter of 13 to 16 inches, including Gazelle family discs.

The use of the stand will increase the profit of the tire installation workshop by adding disks to the list of services provided for repair. Such repairs are quite in demand, since potholes and irregularities are still found on the roads.

The machine is simple and easy to use, especially consumers will like the connection and disconnection of the shaft drive using an air clutch.

Combining the two methods of editing disks in one machine significantly saves space in the area of ​ ​ disk repair, which is especially convenient for small-area tire assembly workshops. Instead of two different machines, it will now be possible to use one.

Bench operation principle:

To attach the disk on the bench there is a universal flange. A feature of the flange is that it allows you to attach various disks, both in the number of fastening holes and in the distance between them. Installation of special plan washers compensates for displacement of the mounting plane of the disk from the plane of symmetry of the disk rim (value of ET). Thus, the plane of symmetry of the rim of the disk on the machine is located at a strictly specified place and the need to move the roller block in the transverse direction is eliminated.

To straighten disk flanges, bench is equipped with rolling roller unit. The rollers are replaceable, since the shape of the edges is of various types.

Stand feature is that outer rollers move independently in transverse direction, and movement in longitudinal direction is performed jointly by means of movable unit.

Rollers for straightening the inner part of the disc are installed on the central rod.

After the disc is fixed, the drive shaft is actuated. After that force action of rollers on damaged disk is performed.


In accordance with the assignment for course design, a set of questions was considered, including the selection of a stand for editing disks

As a result, the following results have been achieved:

1. Analysis of functional and technological requirements for process equipment was carried out.

2. An analysis of the existing stands was presented. The basic parameters of the bench are defined. A stand for rolling wheel discs was chosen. Requirements during operation and maintenance are considered.

4. A routing has been developed.

5. Proposed measures for labor protection and environmental safety.

A comparative analysis of the design of stands for editing wheel discs was carried out, their advantages and disadvantages were revealed.

Proposed stand for wheel discs straightening restores geometrical parameters of discs, thus eliminating vibration problems and increasing vehicle controllability. Suitable for wheels of cars, minibuses, light trucks.

The introduction of this stand will increase the handling, comfort of the car. And will also have a positive effect on the durability of the undercarriage of the car.

The objectives and objectives of the course project have been fully fulfilled

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