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  • icon Waiting For Moderation: 6

Sports and entertainment complex with a built-up area of ​ ​ 510 m2


Course design-6 sheets with drawings + explanatory note

Project's Content

icon 8-спортивно-развлекательный комплекс.dwg
icon Доклад Перепелица.doc
icon Отзыв.doc
icon пояснительная запмска 6-7 нов.doc
icon раздел 1-2 нов.doc
icon раздел 1-2.doc
icon раздел 5,1 нов.doc
icon раздел 5,1.doc
icon Содержани1 нов.doc
icon Содержани1.doc
icon 8-спортивно-развлекательный комплекс.bak

Additional information


Contents of the __________________________________________________

Introduction of ____________________________________________________

1. Architectural and construction section _________________________

1.1 Master Plan __________________________________________

1.2 Technical - Economic Indicators _________________________

1.3 Volumetric - planning solutions ___________________________

1.4 Constructive solution ____________________________________

1.5 Heat engineering calculation of enclosing structures ___________

2. Division of technology and organization of construction production _____

2.1 Comparison of work execution options _________________________

2.2 Calculation of the composition of the integrated brigade _____________________________

2.3 Calculation of building plan elements _________________________________

2.3.1 Calculation of domestic premises ___________________________________

2.3.2 Calculation of warehouse area ___________________________________

2.3.3 Calculation of water supply ______________________________________

2.3.4 Calculation of temporary power supply requirements ____________

2.3.5 Technical and economic indicators of the construction plan _______________

2.4 Job Instruction for masonry _______________________

2.5 Job Instruction for Parquet Floor Device ______________

3. Occupational Safety Section ________________________________________

3.1 Calculation of crane and slope for stability ___________________________

List of literature used ________________________________


The social and scientific and technical development of society, the constant improvement of all forms of life activities of people stimulates the development of the public service sector. The variety of types and forms of the service system, which contribute to the comfortable exercise by the population of all multifaceted functions, largely determines the level of civilization of society.

A good location of public buildings is the zones of maximum concentration of population flows - on transport highways and streets, at their intersection, on the main pedestrian paths.

The theme of this diploma project is "Sports and entertainment complex with a building area of ​ ​ 510 m2, Novovoronezha." The entertainment center is designed for 300 visits .

1.1.General Plan

The construction site of the designed sports and entertainment complex with a building area of ​ ​ 510 m2, Novovoronezha. The climate of the region is temperate continental with a predominance of westerly winds in January and northern in June.

The relief of the site is calm .

The master plan was developed taking into account SNiP 2.07.0189 "Urban planning. Planning and development of urban and rural settlements "and SNiP 2.08.0189" Public buildings, "as well as fire and sanitary standards.

On the territory of the sports complex, the location of the following buildings and structures is provided:

- leisure club;

- heat;

- site for classes of biological zoological circles;

- part of ornamental plants;

-voleyball platform;

- table tennis tables;

- children's platform;

- splash pool;

-plod garden.

1.2. Technical and economic indicators of the master plan

Area Fy = 14662.5 m2.

Building area Fz = 1180 m2.

Building density z = Fz/Fu * 100 = (1180/14662.5) = 0.08

Greening area Fzel = 10728.5 m2.

Greening coefficient Kzel = Fzel/Fy = 10728.5/14662.5 = 0.73.

The area of ​ ​ the site is per unit of measure kr. = 14662.5/300 = 48.88 m2/person.

Territory utilization factor Kisp. = (Fz + Fzel + Ftv.pok. )/Fy = (1180 + 10728.5 + 2758 )/14662.5 = 1.0.

1.3. Volume - planning solution

The entertainment center is a three-story building, complex in plan, measuring 42x33m. In the building, two parts that are different in functional purpose are clearly distinguished. The left wing of the center is a club part for the work of circles, individual classes and rest of visitors, this includes administrative premises, a doctor's office, pantries and technical rooms. The right part consists of the rooms of the visual and demonstration group. The visual part of the building includes a foyer, a living room, a library, a cafe, as well as rooms directly related to the maintenance of the auditorium. The auditorium has the form of a rectangle, a transverse and longitudinal passage, as well as an exit directly to the outside, provides for the movement of human flow through the hall and its exit.

The rooms of the visual and club parts are arranged in such a way that the operation of the rooms of one part does not depend on the operation of the rooms of the other part. Both parts of the center are connected in a single architectural composition by an entrance node, in which the vestibule, lobby and foyer are located.

The height of the floor is 3.3 m.

According to SNiP 2.08.0189 "Residential and public buildings"

When designing, two staircases are provided, external metal stairs are provided for evacuation from the second floor.

The building has four spare and one main entrances and exits.

The basement of the building is occupied by technical premises and has an entrance from the courtyard.

Development of the work execution project.

The Work Execution Project (PWP) is developed by the contracting organization or on its instructions by the technological design organization. The cost of developing the PDP is paid at the expense of overhead costs, except for the construction of especially complex facilities, the payment of which is made at the expense of the estimate for design work.

The PWP consists of three main types of process documents: schedules (scheduling plans), construction plans and routings. Depending on the impact, purpose, and complexity of an object, a project may not contain the same combination of these documents with different degrees of detail.

The objects of work in the PPM are determined according to specifications and estimates, all types of resources are calculated according to production standards.

In the construction of the complex of buildings, consolidated flow schedules for the entire volume of construction and a number of documents are being developed that solve the issues of making apartment works.

The following main technical and economic indicators are given in the PDP: scope, duration and labor intensity of construction and construction works, as well as other indicators characterizing the decisions made in the project (the share of manual labor costs, the level of mechanization of the main construction and installation works, labor costs for 1m3, 1m2 buildings, or another indicator adopted to determine labor productivity.

2.4.2 Instructions on MSAR

Brick walls are laid in tiers 1m high. The working zone of the mason is 700mm. The storage area shall correspond to the width of the brick pallets and mortar boxes. Distance between pallets with brick and mortar boxes is not less than 400 mm. The total width of the working space is 2700mm.

The brick skid at the workplace is assumed based on the two-hour demand. Solution boxes at the workplace are filled with solution 1015 minutes before the start of masonry, during masonry the stock of materials is replenished.

Solution is supplied to the masons workplace using a dispenser hopper directly into solution boxes with a capacity of 0.5m3.

To maintain the straightness of the walls and the thickness of the rows in the process of brickwork, a mooring twisted cord is used. Vertical masonry of wall corners is checked using plumb, horizontal masonry rows are checked by rule and level. With the arrangement of exposed masonry, first, the problem of reliable connection of brickwork to each other should be solved, and second, the uniformity of distribution of heat-insulating material along the height and the elimination of its subsidence during the operation of the building should be ensured. The seams of the outer walls are expanded. Lightweight masonry must be protected from overwetting, during heavy rain they are covered with improvised materials.

2.5 Job Instruction for Parquet Floor Device

2.5.1 Scope of application

The parquet floor is designed for use in all areas of residential and public buildings, except for toilets, baths and saunas. They are distinguished by their beautiful appearance, low heat and sound conductivity; meet the requirements of strength and resistance to wear.

2.5.2 Instructions on MSAR

Flooring from piece parquet is performed after completion of all construction and finishing works. The parquet is laid in the direction of light, and in the corridors - in the direction of movement of people.

Floors made of piece parquet on cold mastic are recommended to be laid in a "Christmas tree" without friezes. Before the parquet decking, the coating rows are divided, then a lighthouse tree is laid near one of the longitudinal steppes of the room. The flooring of the parquet begins from the wall opposite the entrance. The lighthouse tree is previously assembled dry and, after appropriate separation and casting, it is carefully transferred and laid on the mastic, departing from the wall by 1520 mm and led strictly along the cord. Into these gaps every 7080cm. wooden inserts are inserted for temporary fixation of the wall floor (before mastic hardening).

Subsequent rows continue to be laid from the laid first row.

2.5.5 Work quality control measures

Work on the parquet floor shall be carried out in accordance with the technical documents:

- compliance with specified thicknesses, elevations, planes;

- compliance with the required quality (type, grade, etc.) of materials and products;

- compaction of each layer and density of adjoining overlying floor elements to the underlying ones;

- rules for adjoining floors to other structures (walls, columns, etc.).

Drawings content

icon 8-спортивно-развлекательный комплекс.dwg

8-спортивно-развлекательный комплекс.dwg