Speedometer type 3SL-2M

- Added: 03.02.2022
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In the course project presented below, the technological process of repairing the 3SL-2M speedometer, the process of its dismantling and disassembly, cleaning and washing of parts of the 3SL-2M speedometer are considered. The process of analysis of wear and damage of the speedometer 3SL-2M, as well as its run-in and testing is described.
Project's Content
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Additional information
1 Brief description of design and technological features of 3SL-2M speed meter
2 Removal and disassembly of 3SL-2M booster
3 Cleaning and washing of parts of 3SL-2M speed meter
4 Analysis of wear (damage) of parts and methods of their defection
5 Selecting how to restore parts
6 Assembly of 3SL-2M speed meter
7 3SL-2M speed meter test
8 Occupational safety measures
Bibliographic list
Appendix A Roadmap
Appendix B Punch List
Appendix B Sketch Map
Appendix D Repair Process Map
Demo Sheets
Assembly drawing of speed meter 3SL-2MList
Analysis of wear (damage) of parts and methods of their defection
During operation, various defects arise that must be detected and eliminated in a timely manner (most often by replacing parts of the speed meter). Bushing of drive shaft with retainer is inspected. The bushing with the retainer must rotate easily on the shaft counterclockwise, and when rotating back, the retainer must engage the bushing with the shaft. The axial clearance of the bushing on the shaft shall not exceed 0.8 mm. Jamming of lubricant element parts is not permitted. The drive shaft must rotate freely. At that axial clearance must be not more than 0.1 mm. Axial clearance and easy rotation of shaft are controlled by round nuts or ring at its end.
Lifting nut is installed in lower position by turning worm counterclockwise. Clearance between lower edge of lifting nut and collar of bushing must be 1.5 mm. Coincidence of hairline on lining with division corresponding to number 10 of drum is controlled. The clearance between the bottom plane of the lifting nut and the top plane of the lifting bracket shall be 1 mm. To form the required gap, the bracket is folded if necessary.
Device housing cover and front wall are inspected. The folding cover shall be easily, without clearances, pivoted relative to the front wall. The watch drum cover shall fit tightly into the drum body. Parts of extra stroke of clock, trunnions of balance bar axis are inspected and repaired. Quality of polishing of journals of balance axis and absence of corrosion traces on them are checked (through magnifying glass 2,53,5).
Broken hair, crushed or with rust marks, is not constrained. The hair bushing on the balance axis is compacted with a punch during weakening. All threads shall be equally spaced from each other (spacing (0.6 + 0.01) mm). The edges of the thread turns must lie in the same plane. Funnel-like hairs, hairs touching balance or balance bridge in assembly are not allowed. Axle trunnions, anchor tribe teeth and anchor wheel teeth are inspected. In case of fracture or bending of axle journals, fracture of anchor fungus teeth, wheel corrosion, the anchor wheel assembly is replaced with a new one.
Quality of polishing of anchor tribe trunnions and absence of corrosion traces are checked. Maximum permissible run-out is 0.015 mm. The belt wheel shall be free to rotate in the connecting rods and the lateral clearance shall be within 0.0150.025 mm. It is controlled by selection of connecting rods or anchor wheel. After processing of the new trunnion, the circle of the second wheel protrusions relative to the tribe trunnions is checked (the beat should not be more than 0.03 mm) and the circle of the second tribe protrusions relative to the tribe trunnions (should not exceed 0.02 mm).
The balance axis connecting rod must be pressed with a gap of 0.020.05 mm between the connecting rod and the plane of attachment of the bottom strap in the board. When the teeth of the disk wear or break, as well as when the cam angle is rounded, the disk is replaced. When the fit of the double cam on the axis of the minute tribe is weakened (checked before the minute tribe is removed from the front board), the conical pin is replaced. If corners are rounded, the cam is replaced. When inspecting the splined roller, special attention should be paid to the condition of the working surfaces of the roller and wear of the segment threads. Radial clearance between roller and segments is checked. If the gap is more than 0.1 mm, the roller with segments is replaced. In case of rolling sensation in places of landing, parts are strengthened. Support washer on roller is fixed by setting of new pin.
When loosening, the bevel gear is removed from the splined roller (previously, the support washer, segments and a carrier with a rack are removed from the roller), the seat is rolled on the end of the roller and the gear is again pressed. When teeth are broken or worn, the gear is replaced.
the axis of the sub-plant mechanism is seen. In case of sprocket hub whiskers fracture, as well as in case of shank fracture, axis of feed plant mechanism is replaced. The cut pins are replaced with new ones, the rest of the pin is pre-drilled, and the hole is checked by scanning. After pressing the pin, the surface is carefully cleaned. In case of wear, tears and breaths in the hole of the end face and on the shank of the axle, the axis of the sub-plant mechanism is replaced.
The spring is inspected. There should be no cracks, hairlines, corrosion traces on the spring surface and in places of bends. The edges of the free spring coils must lie in the same plane. Funnel-shaped is not allowed. Spring having listed defects is replaced. It is allowed to restore broken ends of spring.
The latch of the feed plant mechanism and its spring are inspected. Anchor fork is inspected. Attachment of inlet and outlet pallets in housing of anchor fork is checked with tweezers. Rocking of the plaque and the possibility of their displacement by the force of the fingers of the hand are not allowed. The funnel-shaped spiral is not allowed.
The unbalanced balance placed on the knives of the device, after several fluctuations, will stop in the position where its weighted part will be at the lower point. Nonbalance is eliminated by drilling holes in end face of weighted part of balance. The balance is considered balanced if after giving him a push he will stop in any position. Balance bearing is inspected. In case of loosening of strap fit in shackle, tearing or wear of thread threads, breakage of shackles of shackle, balance bearing is replaced .
They inspect digital drums, leading tribes, tribes of digital drums, tribe retainers. The accuracy of the springs pressing the retainers to the tribes, the operation of the counter (by resetting the readings of the flight group to zero), the presence and integrity of the stop washer pin are checked.
The operation of the self-recording brake pressure indicator is checked on the bench by stepwise changing the air pressure supplied to the indicator, both upwards and downwards. The operation of the indicator is considered normal if at air pressure equal to zero, the scribe is on the line of the tape diagrams by me corresponding to the speed of 50 km/h. At air pressure of 0.6 MPa (6 kgf/cm2) the scribe must rise by (25 + 0.5) mm above this line.
Select how to restore parts
Having inspected all parts of the drive shaft, loosened or cut pins are replaced. Special attention is paid to the condition of the tooth and retainer. In case of tooth or ledge wear to height less than 1.5 mm, bushing is replaced, in case of retainer wear - spring with retainer. The new spring must fit tightly to the bushing plane. Screws must not go inside the bushing. Protruding screws are sealed.
When installing a new drive shaft or replacing its parts with templates, the installation dimensions of the reverse bushings are checked: the distance from the upper edge of the housing to the lower edge of the upper bushing should be 40.30.35 mm; distance between bushings is 48.50.5 mm. The broken half axes of the hinged cover are replaced. Broken glass, broken glass clamping bars, jumpers or arc bars are replaced. At breakage of hinged cover in places of semi-axes installation, broken part of cover is restored by surfacing with subsequent drilling of holes for semi-axes. Built-up sections are processed to established sizes.
In case of failure or wear of tribe teeth, tearing down or wear of thread in its shank or hole of end face, winding trib is replaced. In case of detection of corrosion traces on the mounting surfaces, these places are ground and polished. When rounding the faces of the square for the wrench of the watch factory, tearing the thread for the wrench or rounding the faces of the shank, the factory trib is replaced with a new one. Parts of the clock drum are inspected and repaired. Drum body with bulges or broken teeth, rim, is replaced. Loosened rivets in the drum body are replaced. The height of the head of the new rivet after riveting and sawing shall not exceed 0.75 mm. In case of breakage or wear of teeth of transfer wheels, the wheel is replaced. In case of thread failure under the screw, it is cut into the following size and the corresponding screw is installed.
Plate spring with cracks is replaced. The deflection boom of the poppet spring in the free state must be 2.30.3 mm. If the deflection boom is smaller than this size, the spring is replaced with a new one. In case of breakage of clockwise spring hook, hook is replaced to provide press fit of new shaft hook. When end of hooking is worn, profile of hooking is restored by overfill.
The clockwork spring shall have no fractures, cracks, corrosion marks visible to the naked eye. The edges of the free spring coils must lie in the same plane. A spring having one of the above defects is replaced. It is allowed to restore broken ends of spring. In case of fracture of inner end, section of spring at length 80 mm from its end is annealed in flame of soldering lamp till appearance of dark cherry colour. The rest of the spring is protected from heat by massive tweezers. Oxides formed during annealing are removed from spring surface with thin sandpaper. After annealing, hole is sewn at the end of spring in size.
When the outer end is broken, the 30 mm length portion of the spring is annealed, then folded and sawn to the desired shape. Sharp edges of restored, spring ends blunt. You can bend a new external hook on the old spring and pierce the holes of the internal end of the spring no more than once. In case of fracture or bending of journals, axis of balance bar is replaced by pre-pressing double roller with extractor. Axle trunnions can be restored. For this purpose end of axle with broken or bent trunnion is annealed, bushing made of red copper is put on released part of axle.
Annealed part of axis is heated to purple-red colour. After annealing, the fracture site is sawn. or sawing off a bent trunnion. Then a hole is drilled at the end of the axis for a new trunnion with a diameter of 0.350.025 mm to a depth of 2 mm.
The hole for the trunnion is drilled with a short pen drill at low speeds without lubrication. A new trunnion made of U10A steel with a diameter of 0.35 mm is pressed into the axis by a punch. The radial clearance (run-out) of the axis in the bearings should be within 0.010.02 mm. Clearance is adjusted by fitting trunnions to connecting rod stones due to grinding and polishing of trunnions. When hairlines or balls appear on the working planes of the anchor wheel, when the tooth tip is actuated, the wheel is replaced.
If cracks, roughness are detected on the working part, the plaque 5 and 4 (Fig. 5.1) or fracture (painting) are replaced with new ones. The deposits weakened in the slots are fixed with shellac. Fork 2 is laid on metal tile and heated with soldering iron to 40 ° C or on alcohol until shellac softens, preventing its overheating and outflow from slots. Pallets are moved with a needle. When installing and moving pallets, it is necessary to ensure that shellac does not leave the slots on the side surfaces of the fork. It is recommended to add shellac by pre-stretching it into a thread with a diameter of 0.5 0.6 mm. Grabbing a segment of thread with tweezers, touch the horse segment to the place where shellac is added. Ingress of shellac on working planes of pallets, on trunnions of axle/fork 2, spear 3, horns and slot of fork is unacceptable.
During the analysis of wear (damage) of the parts, it was revealed that the 3SL2M speed meter under consideration is not suitable for further operation. The reason for his disrepair was that the parts and elements of which he consists fell into disrepair, namely:
Speed Meter Board
Sub-plant mechanisms
Winding spring
Bellow valve
Contact - recording device.
The reason was that during operation, all impacts from irregularities in the path in both the vertical and horizontal directions are transmitted via a rigid link of the speed meter drive. In addition, constant rotation and a large number of lapping parts leads to constant wear of the 3SL2M speed meter.
Examining the parts of the speed meter 3SL2M, it was revealed that there was wear of the thread of the segments of the speed meter board, wear of the sub-plant mechanism, the ends of the winding spring were broken, a crack of the bellows formed and the contact recording device underwent wear. Defects were eliminated by welding and turning. The observed malfunctions of the speed plate, the feed-plant mechanism and the contact-recording device reduce its measurement accuracy, the indication of the speed of movement, the traveled track and the daily time, which is unacceptable during the operation of the electric locomotive, therefore, these parts, since they cannot be restored, are subject to replacement.
Скоростемер типа 2СЛ-3М.cdw