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Special Tool Design


3 cutter drawing sheets, 1 draw drawing, 2 mill drawings. As well as the design

Project's Content

icon Soderzhanie.doc
icon Введение.docx
icon ЗАКЛЮЧЕНИЕ.docx
icon Записка.doc
icon Protyazhka.docx
icon Деталь.m3d
icon Чертеж(протяжка).cdw
icon Чертеж(протяжка).cdw.bak
icon Чертеж(протяжка)2.cdw
icon Чертеж(протяжка)2.cdw.bak
icon poyasnyak_rezets.docx
icon Резец (profil).cdw
icon Резец (profil).cdw.bak
icon Резец переделаный(2).cdw
icon Резец переделаный(2).cdw.bak
icon Резец переделаный(2)2.jpg
icon резец(шаблон21) — копия — копия.cdw
icon резец(шаблон21) — копия — копия.cdw.bak
icon Титульник.doc
icon Книга.xls
icon Книга4.xlsx
icon Поясняк по Фрезе.doc
icon Графическое построение vjz.cdw
icon Графическое построение vjz.cdw.bak
icon Поясняк по Фрезе.doc
icon Фреза vjz — копия.cdw
icon Фреза vjz — копия.cdw.bak
icon Фреза vjz — копия.jpg
icon Фреза vjz.cdw
icon ФРЕЗА.M3D
icon ФРЕЗА1.m3d
icon ФРЕЗА1.m3d.bak
icon ФРЕЗА разрез.m3d
icon ФРЕЗА.M3D
icon Чертеж.cdw

Additional information




1. Design and calculation of shaped prismatic cutter

2. Design and Calculation of Shaped Drawing

3. Worm mill design and calculation




Shaped cutter

Shaped cutter is used for processing parts with different shape of generatrix. Compared to conventional cutters, there are a number of advantages:

Ensure shape identity, dimensional accuracy of the part, which depends mainly on the precision of the cutter;

Shaped cutters have high productivity due to simultaneous processing of all sections of the shaped profile of the part;

They have a large saving of machine time;

Shaped cutters are easy to use due to the ease of flipping on the front surface

Shaped cutters are used on turning and revolving machines, automatic machines and semi-automatic machines. Cutters are designed for processing a specific part, and their use is economically justified in large-scale and mass production. In shape, rod cutters are rod prismatic and round.

Circular shaped cutters are used for treatment of both external and internal shaped surfaces. They are more technological than prismatic, since they are bodies of revolution, and allow a larger number of overspots and are stuck to a residual value according to the condition of strength.


Pulling is a multi-blade tool with a number of blades successively protruding one above the other in a direction perpendicular to the direction of the main movement speed, designed for processing during translational or rotational main movement of the blade and absence of feed movement.

Stretching - high-performance machining process, provides high accuracy (up to 6 square meters) and high surface quality (Ra up to 0.32 mm)

The main features of the sweep process are:

The presence of only one main movement, the supply movement compensates for the lift on the tooth;

Small thickness and large width of the cut layer;

Simultaneous participation in the process of cutting a large number of teeth;

Combination of rough, finishing and finishing treatments;

Accuracy of processing is determined by accuracy of tool manufacturing;

The allowance during stretching is limited to a long stretch;

The rails have high resistance, both between individual crossings and total;

Hauling is a highly specialized tool, their profitability is ensured only in large-scale and mass production.

Worm cutter

Worm mills are used for rough and finishing cylindrical gear wheels of external engagement with a straight, screw and chevron tooth, splined shafts, worm wheels and internal engagement wheels.

Worm cutters are referred to a group of wrapping multi-blade tools with structural movement of the rim, since cutting edges of their teeth are located on the screw surface. Compared to the shank and comb, the worm cutter has a significantly higher performance, since the cutting process occurs continuously.

Similar to a shank and comb, one worm cutter can process wheels with any number of teeth of this module.

The main drawback of the worm cutter is the fairly high roughness of the machined surfaces, since the required profile is formed by a limited number of teeth. In a worm cutter, unlike a fucking cutter, it is impossible to regulate the number of double moves, and therefore the quality of processing.


In this course project, we studied the basis of the metal cutting tool design and its elements. The design of cutting tools is one of the main directions in mechanical engineering. The quality and reliability, the operability of cutting tools used in mechanical engineering largely depend on the quality and accuracy of the obtained parts, the productivity of the processing process. When designing cutting tools, you need knowledge of the theoretical foundations of tool design and calculation, you need to be able to correctly determine the best structural elements of tools for these processing conditions and create their optimal design, taking into account operating conditions, know the main directions of their improvement, ways to improve reliability and efficiency, and imagine possible directions and prospects for the development of the cutting tool.

Drawings content

icon Деталь.m3d


icon Чертеж(протяжка).cdw


icon Чертеж(протяжка)2.cdw


icon Резец (profil).cdw

Резец (profil).cdw

icon Резец переделаный(2).cdw

Резец переделаный(2).cdw

icon резец(шаблон21) — копия — копия.cdw

резец(шаблон21) — копия — копия.cdw

icon Графическое построение vjz.cdw

Графическое построение vjz.cdw

icon Фреза vjz — копия.cdw

Фреза vjz — копия.cdw

icon Фреза vjz.cdw

Фреза vjz.cdw

icon ФРЕЗА.M3D


icon ФРЕЗА1.m3d


icon ФРЕЗА разрез.m3d

ФРЕЗА разрез.m3d

icon ФРЕЗА.M3D


icon Чертеж.cdw
