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Simple-action single-key press with a force of 400 kN

  • Added: 13.03.2022
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Coursework with drawings

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Additional information



1. Literary review

1.1. Overview of Crank Forge Press Machines

1.2. Classification and types of crank presses

1.3. Selection of engine size and moment of inertia of crank press flywheel based on mathematical simulation

1.4. Types of wear resistant coatings and methods of their application on dies for cold deformation

2. Design Design Development

2.1. Design solution for calculation of crank machine sliders strength

3. Calculation of crank press by 0.4 MN force

3.1. Calculation of press bed

3.2. Calculation of eccentric press shaft

3.3. Calculation of slider mechanism

4. Development of the design of a single-crank press with a force of 400 kN

4.1. Appointment

4.2. Technical specifications

4.3 Design and operation of press components

5. Lubrication system development and basic operating rules of the press

5.1. Lubrication system

5.2. Safety precautions


List of used literature


The course design of the stamping crank press with nominal force of 0.4 MN includes the following sections:

- literary review;

- development of design solution;

- kinematic and strength calculation;

- machine design development;

- development of the machine lubrication system.

The literary review considers general information about crank forge-press machines, their classification by purpose, design features: bed types (open, closed), types of crank presses (vertical, horizontal, inclined), variations in the location of the main drive in the machines, press mechanisms.

As a design solution, a calculation of the strength of sliders of crank machines is proposed.

In the design part, the bed and eccentric shaft and slider were calculated for vertical, angular movement and fatigue resistance, respectively.

The design describes the design of the press of its main parts, an effective lubrication system and operating rules during operation.

The project is presented on sheets of graphic and illustrated material. The contents of the explanatory note are set out on 53 pages of typewritten text, contains 30 figures and 1 table. The list of literature used includes 12 names of references to information sources.


The course project on "Blacksmith stamping equipment" is the final stage of the study of this subject. The main purpose of the course project is: to study the theoretical foundations of the course and to develop the main press units, as well as to design automation equipment for the given equipment.

The crank-slider mechanism refers to a group of universal, actuators, the main advantage of which is compactness and simplicity.

In addition to the conventional engine assemblies for each machine, transmission mechanisms (drive) and actuator, the press has units for controlling, adjusting, monitoring and ensuring the safety of maintenance personnel, as well as auxiliary units.

The power source of the press is an asynchronous motor mounted on it. The need to install an asynchronous electric motor with a flywheel is determined by the uneven energy consumption in the press per cycle and high peak loads.

Drive from electric motor to actuator consists of V-belt (from engine to flywheel) transmission and gear transmission.

Clutch is provided in press to provide connection of actuator with drive. Locking of driven part of drive and actuator in specified position (extreme upper or rear non-operating position of slider) is performed by brake. Timely switching on and off of clutch and brake is performed by control system. Control unit consists of electric, mechanical, pneumatic mechanisms, which provide timely actuation of coupling or brake, as well as corresponding blocking.

Adjustment and control units include a mechanism for adjusting die height. overload protectors, force indicators, crank position indicators, die attachment mechanisms, die plate change unit, die space safety grids and other units. The presence of such units reduces the downtime of the press, increases the utilization of equipment.

Auxiliary assemblies include a lubricant assembly, slider counterbalancers, air cushions, which improve the operating conditions of parts of other press assemblies and thereby increase the reliability of the entire structure.


In the presented course project on the topic: "The design of the stamping crank press with a nominal force of 0.4 MN," the following sections were completed:

- literary review;

- development and justification of the design solution;

- kinematic and strength calculation;

- machine design development;

- development of the machine lubrication system.

The current state of crank presses and their classification by purpose, as well as different arrangement of the main motor of the drive, types of frames (open and closed) and presses (vertical, horizontal and inclined machines) are considered.

The course design describes the selection of the engine size and the moment of inertia of the crank press flywheel based on mathematical modeling, as well as Types of wear-resistant coatings and methods of their application on dies for cold deformation. The design solution of the course work is the calculation of the strength of the sliders of crank machines.

The design describes the calculation of one of the main press units: the bed, eccentric shaft and slider. When calculating the press bed, bending moments, transverse and normal forces, as well as vertical and angular movements are determined. In view of the fact that the main shaft is the basic part of the crank machine, its ability to resist fatigue was determined in the calculation. In this matter, a positive result was obtained. In the calculation of the slider, the forces and moments acting on it during the operation of the press were revealed, as well as the dependence of the amount of movement, speed and acceleration on the angle of rotation of the crank.

Described is the arrangement of components of the crank press with a force of 0.4 MN: bed, drive, electrical equipment of the press, slider, press controls, etc. A lubrication system has been developed, compliance with which increases the durability of the press. Compliance with operating rules avoids workplace injuries.

Drawings content

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