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Simbirkin V.N., Ananiev A.V. Modeling of a monolithic reinforced concrete frame of a multi-storey building in the Stark ES software package. Working with programs TouchAt, DXFModel, Poseidon


Simbirkin V.N., Ananiev A.V. Modeling of a monolithic reinforced concrete frame of a multi-storey building in the Stark ES software package. Working with programs TouchAt, DXFModel, Poseidon

Project's Content

icon Симбиркин В.Н., Ананьев А.В. Моделирование монолитного ж.б. каркаса многоэтажного здания в программном комплексе Stark ES.pdf
icon PlanTyp Типовой.dxf
icon PlanTyp Подвал и Сваи.dxf
icon PlanTyp Цоколь.dxf

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